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lucky you, often chlamydia displays no symptoms and only testing can reveal it. In fact in a study in the US, they found that 6 out of 10 women had it and didnt know. (ok, I need to double-check that figure but I know it was somewhere in that vicinity).

Tee Hee how does it smell if something is wrong?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:53 pm on Jan. 7, 2004
Sometimes a Strong Fishy odor.
As a general rule, NORMAL vaginal secretions and discharge:
do not cause itching or pain
do not burn or cause skin irritation
do not have a foul or unpleasant odor
are not gray, yellow or green in color
are not thick or cheese-like in texture
are not excessive in amount
If they have symptoms such as these, they should be reported to a doctor or other qualified health professional.

When In Doubt DON'T!!!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:50 pm on Jan. 7, 2004
On my return from Bangkok I was pissing razor blades, I had only barebacked a regular, and she told me that she never boom boom other falang

I know I know, I should have known better.
This is the second time I have got Chlamydia from her, but as you say, the girl probably doesn't know.
Anyway, living in the Uk the treatment is free, 4 Zithro taken at once.

It is just the inconvenience of visiting GUM, I have improved my habits with the TGs and very rarely bareback, but of course the one time that you do gives you the NSUs.

I am going to take the easy way out and buy a couple of packs of Zithro when I return to Bangkok, then if I later start pissing razor blades I can take 4 zithro.

There is no way I am going to get into the habit of taking the Zithro as I know anti-biotics become less effective the more you take, this is merely an emergency standby.
Not too bad if only about 600 for 4.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:54 am on Jan. 12, 2007
Hmmm, I was eating cottage cheese with walnuts when I read TEE HEE's symptoms description. Made it a little tough to finish the bowl.

- Balls

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:17 am on Jan. 12, 2007
Mel Gibson
Perhaps those with premature ejaculation problems could have a printed copy of those symptoms taped to the ceiling mirror


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:23 am on Jan. 12, 2007
yuck, I was eating a home-made lamington when I read this thread, I'm not sure which of the two is more disgusting

but hey, wouldn't wrap the rascal up before dipping in, avoid the need of taking Zithromax in the 1st place? just a thought.....


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:45 pm on Jan. 12, 2007
I substitute all the hotel soap bars with bars of Dettol antiseptic soap, often insist on negotiating 'ab nam duey' before leaving the bar. That way I get to give them, or at least see that they give themselves, a good clean with antiseptic. It won't kill everything, and it won't reach way up inside, but it's an easy precaution and will reduce some risks as well as odour.

I've noticed some especially horny girls play games, while kissing and on top, of sliding their juiced-up pussy against my unclad dick which is probably as bad as BB penetration. The trouble is that as soon as you put a condom on that is taken as a signal that they should jump on top of you and 'get things over with'.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:14 am on Jan. 13, 2007
Does any one know if the test that jnr mentions is available?

shark 68

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:55 am on Jan. 16, 2007
Any Doc can do the blood is used more to confirm that the chlamydia has cleared up in the male than to "detect" it - the puss-like secretion and the pissing razor blades feeling when you urinate will tell any GP what you have and have him issuing the Zithromax.

In OZ, chlamydia is a "reportable" disease which means some difficult questions and an entry on your medical file and a report to the Federal Govt Health Department.

Since in BKK the medication (Zithromax) is available over the counter its worth getting (1200 baht (?) and keeping on hand if you have doubts.

Oh, and get your regular TG to take the Zithro also if she
is your likely source of infection. I know of one BG that had it and was cleared at her monthly BG health check (not sure they even check for chlamydia anyway).

Okay, back to your breakfasts now. Enjoy.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:50 pm on Jan. 16, 2007
Zithromax (actual name of the medicine is Azithromycin) works great for treating NGU (non-gonoccocal urethritis). A 1 gram dose and it'll be gone in a few days. I found that out personally a couple weeks ago, heheh...

Ciprofloxin treats only the gonoccocal version, however; Zithromax slams 'em both.

To tell the truth, I'd think twice about taking Cipro for anything anymore in Thailand; people here eat it like it's candy, before long every bacteria around will be resistant to it and simply laugh at you when it sees Cipro coming down the pipe...


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:07 pm on Jan. 20, 2007

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