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Quote: from breathless on 5:53 am on Feb. 20, 2004
The smartest people are those who never smoked.

I never smoked, but I don't think it has to do with smarts (hey, after all, it's me).

I personally believe it's a combination of genetics, and luck.

I was lucky that none of my parents ever smoked since I was born, hence I was never exposed to 2nd hand smoke, or had any environmental motivations to smoke (my Dad smoked during the war, but quit cold turkey during that time... kinda supporting leading into reason #1.

Genetics - there are individuals whose genetics predicate them more towards certain addictive products, while other genetics don't. While some parts are environmenmtal in nature, I believe that addictiveness has a strong genetic component (theorizing that's why my Dad was capable of quitting cold turkey).

So, I'm lucky to have good genetics, and lucky to have grown up in an environment conducive to non-smoking. My niece and nephew were not so lucky - my sister and her husband smoke like chimney stacks (always complaining how they need to stop), and despite never smoking in front of the kids (what a piece of bull!), both kids now smoke.

The Marlboro Man thanks their parents for it, I'm sure :- (

Dr. von Quack!

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Posted on: 9:11 pm on May 18, 2005

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