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haam sup

You left out PB, and OB, over which I have air supremacy.

haam sup

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:39 pm on April 15, 2003
I think I stated this elsewhere in a distant, past thread, but my former Korean partner said that when she and her family emigrated to the U.S., the first thing they noticed when then got off the plane was everyone here smelled heavily of cheese and butter. At first that odor was objectionable to them (though I think her gaseuos emmanations from "processed" kim chee where nothing short of heroic), but now she doesn't really smell it (that was 20 years ago). She said it was harder to get beef (and hence certain dairy) back in the "old days" simply because the war trashed just about everything.

- Balls

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:07 pm on April 15, 2003
Interesting topic. Reminds me of a old friend of mine who would always try to get, in his own words, 'disgustingly dirty' before visiting the MP. He would be all sweaty and smelly. Not sure what his motivation was, I guess he liked the idea of a very clean young girl taking care of a smelly bastard like him.  

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:48 am on April 16, 2003
Americans smelly???  WTF  You know this world is screwed when the best rapper is white, the best golfer is black, The tallest basketball player is Chinese, the French are accusing the US of arrogance, and the Germans don't want to go to war!!!  

C'mon get real.  I've traveled this world extensively and there is no doubt Americans are by far the best groomed and well kept per capita.  If they have a problem with farang odor then deny the service... selective enforcement is a sad thing even from thai's although I bet the wallet has never been discriminated against!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:58 am on April 20, 2003
Deleted Member
Americans the most well groomed?

Why is it that the obligatoric shower before love-making is legendary with the thais and the obligatoric shower after love-making is legeldary with the americans?

It's got to be more than only in the sequencing.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:56 pm on April 20, 2003
I partially agree with gook. But only partially. I would not say that USAns are the best groomed in the world.

However, I would say that in general they are the most (and continuously increasing) obssesed and scrupulous in the west when it comes to dealing with odors and organic matter in any way shape or form. And as a result they strive for sterile environments (ie clean and free of any unpleasant odor or sight). And the influence of such tastes transcend to all of us. An example is the new fashion (last 25 years or so) of the preference for the lack of pubic hair. Our grandmas never shaved or trimmed their Venus mount -what started as a bikini wax, has now gone full steam.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:27 pm on April 20, 2003
haam sup
Since this thread seems to have taken on a national/racial stereotypical flavor, let me first say that I don't think much of anyone who posts on a public forum with a name like 'gooklvr'. ÝPlease feel free to call some Thai a gook to his face, you lowlife prick...

Last I looked, there were clean Americans and others, not so clean. ÝThere are also those with an ounce or two of class, and then there's gooklvr51.

Et tu, Smegma? ÝWhy the need to promote such crap?

haam sup
(BTW, my Granny had HERS shaved into a shamrock, and dyed green! And she was Jewish! I never actually SAW it, mind you...)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:57 pm on April 20, 2003
Unfortunately it looks as though were not allowed to have a little fun and debate due to haam sup's political correctness.  Hmmm thats too bad.  Sounds like Hamm's a sweet fellow I would just love to hang out with on my trip to Los... As for myself being a low-life prick as Hamm states it for using  my name as it is so beautifully and eloquently put 'gooklover', I won't even waste my time on him as nobody else should either.  Did I strike a nerve?  I call it how I see it and if you don't like it ... blow me like the last ladyboy of yours did hamm!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:57 pm on April 20, 2003
haam sup

Quote: from gooklvr51 on 7:57 am on April 21, 2003
... I won't even waste my time on him as nobody else should either...

Too late, asshole.

Oh, yep, that's me, Mr. PC.

'Gook' is a racial slur, very offensive toward Asians, and in case you haven't figured it out yet, this place has Asian posters, who have been here a LOT longer than you. ÝNot to mention that we're talking about visiting and living in a country that is part of....Asia! ÝGreat idea displaying contempt and disrespect for your hosts, as though you've ever been to Thailand.

So, whether the best part of your intellect is the part that ran down the crack of your mama's ass, or you lost your last few brain cells smoking crack, you need to shut your pie-hole.

haam sup

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:16 pm on April 20, 2003
How predictable can you be you frickin moron?  Just because your a loser and live a pathetic life don't take it out on others.  In actuality I relish in you critizing myself, it not only shows your character but gives me great pleasure knowing I'm under your skin from simply having the board name GOOKLVR! What I gather is that I'm doing this in true sport & fun with a smile on my face as I always do while your patiently waiting by your screen for my response so you can divulge into your dictionary for those big words you never can think of and respond with your unintelligable and misguided response looking so miserable.
Is it a length issue??  Maybe that's why your so offended by the word GOOK because you have similar length and your taking it out on me?
I got news for ya moron... Life ain't fair!  Also, not everyone has to agree with you.  If you were'nt so damn sensitive and stopped hanging out with the Dell computer dude you might learn something.
I don't even want to ask you where your from???!!!!  Although I'm sure it would describe your moronic behaviour.  Hey have a nice day, seriously though if your going to waste your time responding to this can it be something worth reading and not so damn predictable and sensitive!  Thanks buddy

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:26 am on April 21, 2003

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