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MainHealth Matters – Getting off the piss (alcohol) isn't so uncool anymore All Topics

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China Sailor

Quote: from expatchuck on 10:33 am on April 12, 2013

I drink a beer maybe once every 6-8 weeks.

I did get weaned off alcohol while in Saudi so that does help, although if you really want to drink, Saudi is not the place to be.

Many folks there make white lightening (moonhine) called "Siddique" which will rip out your lungs. Not good stuff for somebody with a drinking problem.
Sounds like Everclear...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:20 pm on April 11, 2013

Quote: from bkkz on 12:15 am on April 12, 2013
... but have you ever had any alcohol in your life?

s a sheikh

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:19 am on April 12, 2013

Quote: from China Sailor on 11:20 am on April 12, 2013

Quote: from expatchuck on 10:33 am on April 12, 2013

I drink a beer maybe once every 6-8 weeks.

I did get weaned off alcohol while in Saudi so that does help, although if you really want to drink, Saudi is not the place to be.

Many folks there make white lightening (moonhine) called "Siddique" which will rip out your lungs. Not good stuff for somebody with a drinking problem.

Sounds like Everclear...
Same, same.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:33 am on April 12, 2013
A high percentage of domestic violence cases involve alcohol, and usually it is the male that is drunk when the violence takes place against the female. This is a worldwide problem, with alcohol being one of the main keys leading to the violence.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:12 am on April 12, 2013

Quote: from koolbreez on 3:12 pm on April 12, 2013
A high percentage of domestic violence cases involve alcohol, and usually it is the male that is drunk when the violence takes place against the female. This is a worldwide problem, with alcohol being one of the main keys leading to the violence.

I agree that alcohol is a major key for and involved in all sorts of every day violence... may it be domestic or public...
On the other hand: alcohol is just the drug of choice for a majority of people in many countries. It is not the source or reason for aggression and violence... Nevertheless I would aggree to the equation "less alcohol = less violence"...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:05 am on April 12, 2013
Friend of mine worked for years in a compound in Saudi and was proud of his stil to make moonshine. He smuggled out pictures of it one time shit scared.

I was brought up on alcohol and still drink on fridays after work. But have never ever been agressive on it not towards women or in bars unless someone starts which is rare. Anyone who is violent like that should not drink as someone with mental problems should not smoke cannabis its basically the same and no excuse.

Spent a lot of time in bars when I was younger picking up women old habits die hard and in LOS it soon takes over and your part of the fixtures and fittings until sunrise and beyond.

Alcohol is not my drug of choice they tried hard but I checked out some of the others and it takes a while
until you find what you like but chocolate brownies are my favorite. When I do drink though find I cannot stop
but its not healthy anyone who says that is kidding themselves.

Alcohol is a drug a stimulant and a hard drug so take the propoganda what they say about hard drugs and your close. One thing though beer is more easy to handle I stayed away from spirits for years but its gas and you pee a lot.

Unfortunately im married women drive men to drink thats why pubs were invented.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:36 am on April 12, 2013
I drink wine for the pleasure of it. Countless studies suggest however that drinking 1-2 glasses of red wine per day is more healthy than drinking no wine at all. I take this kind of heart medicine with food, often tomato based Italian dishes. I like those strong southern Italian grapes such as the Nero. Sometimes it will be 3 glasses, but that is really too much. Addiction from increased tolerance is a real danger.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:21 pm on April 13, 2013

Quote: from Dopey on 11:21 am on April 14, 2013
Countless studies suggest however that drinking 1-2 glasses of red wine per day is more healthy than drinking no wine at all.

These studies are all french...

Give me a few thousand US$ and I prove the opposite for you...

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:31 am on April 14, 2013
dirty guru
Actually American and Australian studies and dozens of others confirm in small amounts it does more good than harm...unfortunately I didn't stop at one or two drinks


Over 100 prospective studies (studies conducted over a long period of time) show a 40% lower risk of cardiovascular disease, peripheral artery disease, stroke and sudden heart attack by moderate consumption of red wine
. The American Heart Association calculates the reduced risk at 30 – 50% for those who consume 1 – 2 drinks of red wine

Scientists believe the antioxidants, called flavonoids, reduce the risk of coronary heart disease in three ways:

  by reducing production of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (also know as the "bad" cholesterol)
  by boosting high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the good cholesterol)
  by reducing blood clotting. Furthermore, consuming a glass of wine along with a meal may favorably influence your lipid profiles following that meal
Recently, researchers have found that moderate red wine consumption may be beneficial to more than just your heart. One study found that the antioxidant resveratrol, which is prevalent in the skin of red grapes, may inhibit tumor development in some cancers. Another study indicated that resveratrol aided in the formation of nerve cells, which experts believe may be helpful in the treatment of neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

The bottom line is alcohol is harmful in amounts more than 2 units...

So I quit

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:24 pm on April 14, 2013
These studies are all french... >>>If not french they are paid by some wine maker or another, like the study showing that chocolate was good for the skin that was paid by Nestlé!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:45 am on April 15, 2013

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