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A number of bros have mentioned having bare-back BJs. As an anal retentive safe sex practioner, I've never had a BJ from a BG w/o a rain coat (on my cock not on her).
Any thoughts on the possible STD implications on not using a condoms. Doubt AIDS is a factor but there are a lot of other nasties.

Similar question on pussy pleasures. Find it difficult to go-down on a BG for perceived health issues. what's the consenus?

Arriving for another visit next week & would like some feed-back from the LOS pros so if I'm tempted, I have some form guide to make a value judgement, as you do after a squillion beers!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:02 pm on Dec. 8, 2003
I got an idea...check the search engine. You might just see something on this issue since it has only been discussed ad nauseum.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:30 pm on Dec. 8, 2003
Check out the CDC website for accurate up to date info on STD, HIV etc. Talk to your family MD. Don't listen to a bunch of assholes (myself included) on a pussy forum on something that can kill you or you can transfer to your partner.

If you want to find out something about hotels, bars, MP, eden club this is the place. Go someplace else for medical advice.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:43 pm on Dec. 8, 2003
Taipan..."Similar question on pussy pleasures. Find it difficult to go-down on a BG for perceived health issues. what's the consenus?"

My thoughts are if your going to worry about it while you are doing it, why do it? Zero pleasure, tons of stress.

Medical information will be full of cautions and possibilities.
Your not going to find any doctor say "Hey no problem..suck all the pussy you want."

But crossing the road in BKK is dangerous also.

Bet you still do it.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:14 pm on Dec. 8, 2003
The girls at the Eden Club go down on everybody including their partner and they seem to survive!

I notice they use the same technique BigDUSA suggested in another post - gargle with listerine before and after.

Just an observation on my part - not a medical fact!


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:23 pm on Dec. 8, 2003
Not boasting, but adding personal experiences. I've been here several years, and in the earlier part of my arrival probably averaged 5 girls a week for a year. (when you add it up thats only 50 minutes a week!!)
i do not partake as exceesively as that now, but during my time I frequently went ABB, PBB, BBBJ, monched the burger, and (I'm sitting on a stack load of logs I hid in a lake right now) I have NEVER caught a thing, not even a dose. I have myself tested for the big one regulary and never had a problem. One thing I will say, of the 100's or possibly 1000's of TG's i've experienced, 95% have been non go-go girls, so Bar Beers, freelancers, MP's and streetwalkers.
I will say this - WITHOUT ANY SHADOW OF A DOUBT - I have been lucky - but if your going to worry about it, you ain't gonna enjoy it.
Just my tuppence worth

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:06 am on Dec. 9, 2003
Several weeks after my last trip to SEA, I started to notice strange stains in underwear. I did not think it was an STD because I did not have any pain when urinating. I went to the doctor and had a swab. It turned out to be Chlamydia (sp). I always used a condom during intercourse but had some BBBJ. One girl in paticular, I kept in contact with and she told me in email that she was suffering from a really bad cold after I left????????? LOL. I am seriously rethinking about having BBBJ's but I could never give up dining at the Y.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:32 am on Dec. 9, 2003
Last year I ended up with epidimitus. My right testicle was swollen to about 5 times its normal size and extremely tender. Dr. said it was an infection, but did not go into the cause of it. It took nearly 9 months to get rid of it with antibiotics. It was not fun. Still do not know how I got it, but best guess was I got it in Cambodia. BTW always had covered sex, but did not pass on the BBBJ's

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:42 am on Dec. 9, 2003
of course you can get it.

french kissing
muff diving
intercourse, even protected

no doubt about it. I know people (including myself) who got it more or less seriously.

but as previously mentionned, crossing sukhumvit is more dangerous.

you decide.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:02 am on Dec. 9, 2003
Thks for the comments. I agree that if medial advice is followed; we wouldn't do anything that was fun. I always go to LOS with the best intentions (get pissed, have a good time, no BGs). However, gGetting pissed and teaming up with BGs seems to be mutually inclusive so my "good" intentions never survive. Can't imagine my trip next week will be any different! Lets hope that whatever we do, we do it well and enjoy it to the full without harm to anyone!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:22 am on Dec. 10, 2003

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