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Just got back from Bumrungrad Hospital for an emergency piece-of-mind checkup and will post a report.

I had a few clusters of small red dots in my pubes north of my member and a few on my inner thighs. Some real small and a couple about the size of a pinhead. Nothing else unusual, looked like a bunch of pimples at my hair follicle base in my never region. My member was totally fine. Normally I would ignore this and hope the pimples went away, but since I had sex with about a dozen pretty Thai girls in the past week, most BBBJ, alarm bells were going off.

So I considered option two, go to Boots and get some medicated talc, apply liberally, buy thicker condoms, and hope it goes away. Bad idea.

Option three, get over to Bumrungrad and have a professional take a look. Now I hate hospitals, but figured this was absolutely the best option, so off to 33 Sukhumvit Soi 3 after researching the forums. The hospital is world-class and clean. Went in to the iformation desk and was directed to the skin clinic. After stopping for a Starbucks latte I found the skin clinic. Grabbed a clip board and filled out one page of information. You need your passport! Planned to pay cash. Staff was polite, some hot, and efficient. I sat down and before I took my first sip of coffee I was called in the see the doc. Perfect English, I said I had a rash, she had me lower my drawers, she came over to look and diagnosed it as simply infected hair follicles. She said this is very common among foreigners in Bangkok and related to the air and pollution. I'd been walking the city and sweating my nuts off lately. She also said too much soap aggrivates it and I'd had at least 6 soapies in hot water, plus hot baths at my hotel (Swissotel Le Concorde--Executive floor).

She ordered meds for me and I went out to the waiting area. Had blood pressure, height and weight check and sat back down. Five minutes later I was called to the cashier to pay up. In the states I would have spent a grand by now. Cost breakdown...Doctor's fee 600 baht, Facility fee 100 baht, Medicine fee 253 baht for 953 baht total.

Two Perscription Medicines...Doxycycline 100mg (Siadocin) antibiotics, and Fucidin, Fisidic acid 20 mg antibiotic in a cream base. Doc gave me her card and said to call if it doesn't go away in about a week.

Note: Do not try to pop an infected hair follicle like you would a pimple beacuse it will become twice as large and twice as infected (yes I did)...

Excellent visit, in and out in less than 45 minutes. I have nothing but positive things to say about Bumrungrad.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:15 am on Mar. 7, 2005
Excellent report on the facilities and staff of this hospital. During my Sept/Oct stay last year I took a rather nasty fall in the shower of my Landmark room.
Went to bumrungrad for blood work (a safety concern over a sexual encounter) and xrays on the arm injury from the fall. Including registration, xrays, blood work and two visits with the doctor I spent about $78 U.S. and 2 hours at the hospital. Impressive.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:36 am on Mar. 7, 2005
Broken Leg
You have nothing but positive things to say because they told you what you had was not serious and it was cheap compared to the US, what they did hardly counts as world class medicine though. Short waiting times do not neccessarily count as great medical care.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:38 am on Mar. 7, 2005
Well, our buddy Broken leg's poo-poo attitude towards pretty much everything posted (maybe he should be renamed 'broken record') does not distract from the fact that Bumrumgrad is not only generally regarded as one of the best hospitals in Asia, but I can corroborate the impressions from personal experience.

- Excellent staff, knowledgeable and well-trained.
- fast service. Invariably, hardly any wait.
- inexpensive by western standards.
- clean and modern equipment.
- most doctor's US educated.

I have had moles removed (US price would have been around $400 per removal, while I paid $160 for a total of 6 of them) ; check up for folliculitis (Hi, Shelver!) ; a friend had a nasty skin growth removed; and I lately had their full checkup.

There are many other threads on excellent service (and large scale surgeries) performed at Bumrumgrad, that it should be easy to dismiss broken record's rants.

It might also be worth mentioning that other hospitals (as well as Dentists) provided similarly excellent service in BKK and the surrounding regions...

Dr. von Quack!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:54 am on Mar. 7, 2005
Broken Leg,

My guess is you have never been to the hospital. When I first went there it almost looked like a hotel or something. I went there before and was very impressed. My doc spoke great English and was trained in the US at a very well known University (forgot what one). It is well known that the medical service you receive at this hospital is very good.

I went twice and was very impressed both times. They also have some really hot nurses.

There is also a very good eye hospital in Bangkok near Soi Cowboy. Had to go there after Bumrungrad as I had an eye infection. Note even if you are pissed do not wipe your hands on those dirty towels in the washrooms in the bars or you might end up with an eye infections if you touch your eye after. Once again top quality service and very cheap. Three weeks of hell but it did clear up just as the doc said it would.

I even have a Bumrungrad hospital card

I would have no problem going back if I had any problem in the future. I would say this hospital is world class considering the country it is located in


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:06 am on Mar. 7, 2005
Broken Leg
I'm sorry I upset you by calling you stupid Daffy, but from some of the stuff you post it is easy to come to that conclusion.

Bimher I have had 5 operations in Asia including Thailand

I'm just offering a word of caution. Many westeners get blown away by medical care at the big hospitals in Thailand and the reason normally centers around the fact that they are treated very quickly, they have fantastic rooms (like a 5 star hotel) and (in the case of Americans) it is also very cheap.

I am certainly not trying to say that there are not fantastic doctors and Nurses in Thailand but the idea that a quick inspection and leaving with the standard dose of antibiotics is world class does not sound good to me.

Obviously in this case the problem is relatively minor but I would suggest from my own experience to anyone who has more serious problems with their health to get to a first world country as the first opportunity.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:14 am on Mar. 7, 2005
Loung Steeb
I believe brothr Bimmher is referring to Rutuine (sp) Eye Hospital not far from soi cowboy. Had several experiences there and have been pleased with service and results.

I know it's been posted before but it doesn't hurt to see it again:
+never wipe your eyes with BG provided towels, unless they are the ones pre-wrapped in foil.
+never touch, use, or even look at the cloth towels in the restrooms.
+nothing can prevent eye strain at the fishbowls or GG's.

Even when precautions like above are taken, there is always the chance of getting eye infections from the pollution in and around the BKK area. It comes with the territory. LS

sorry for getting off topic.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:19 am on Mar. 7, 2005
Yes Loung Steeb think that was it. Not really off topic and very, very good advice. I had 21 days of hell because of it, no fun.

Broken Leg must agree was in Chaing Mai and was given antibiotics for the eye prob, did f***ing nothing. Found out it was a virus so just had to wait it out. That was after getting back to BKK and getting a second opinion.

Agree they can be a bit quick to give out the antibiotics and send you on your way.

If I had a major prob I would still rather be home at a first world country as you say. They are still very good considering the other countries surrounding Thailand. Rather be in a hospital in Thailand then Cambodia or Burma. Yes did go to one in Burma, lets just say rather not go there again.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:38 am on Mar. 7, 2005

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 3:48 pm on Mar. 7, 2005

- Excellent staff, knowledgeable and well-trained.
- fast service. Invariably, hardly any wait.
- inexpensive by western standards.
- clean and modern equipment.
- most doctor's US educated.

Not that I think that Bumrungrad is bad. I think it is a good hospital. But why do I think that? Just because most people say it. I think Broken leg has a point.

Those of us that are not doctors may be easily impresed by (from the list above) :

- fast service. Invariably, hardly any wait.
- inexpensive by western standards.

and by

- clean and modern equipment.

Though "modern" to the uneducated in medicine may seem a matter of how new the equipment looks (which may be irrelevant when it matters most -the looks that is).

As to:

- most doctor's US educated.

Well, there is US educated and there is US educated. Everywhere there are people who end up coming at the bottom of their classes. All I am trying to say is that because the doctor you are seeing went to Kalamazoo University (made up) in the USA for basic med school, that he is a good one. More relevant is where exactly he got his specialization and if he keeps up to date going to medical congresses. This will difficult to assess unless one were to quiz the doctor. Some doctors though plaster their walls with all kind of diplomas -which understandably would give impress and give comfort to some of us.

Lastly from the list is:

- Excellent staff, knowledgeable and well-trained.

Can you really say this Daffy? This I would say that unless you are actually a "good and well trained" doctor, and if most likely if you are like those of us, then there is really no way to tell.

All we can do is repeat what we hear. Yes, Bumrungrad is the best in Thailand (so I heard). Excellent service. But as said, one thing is service and another one is the doctor and the actual training of the staff -the most critical staff (those assiting the doctor in surgery) you would not be able to even notice them while sedated.

In the west, we often do not choose the hospital, but we choose the doctor. And we are stuck with wherever that doctor practises. You may end up with an excellent doctor, the best in his field in your region, performing surgery at a University affiliated hospital -just because besides his private practice that is where he operates. And that hospital would hardly rival the facilities of a place like Bumrungrad

In Bumrungrad not all the doctors are the same. I am sure that among them, they know who are the great ones. But most of us from the forum, not knowing any better, have to rely on showing up there and being assigned to one.

Now, anyone in need to go see a doctor here and not knowing about any, cannot be blamed for choosing what is considered the best hospital in Thailand. Now, is it really the best? Or it is marketing? I have heard that BHN Or is it BNH) is as good as Bumrungrad... but until I hear more people saying that on this matter I may continue being another follower and go to Bumrungrad. The statistics games should favor Bumrungrad -besides that is where rich Thais seem to go "more often."

I doubt that most of us can with any authority say that it is GREAT as to the quality of medical care that is provided there. Though we can REPEAT what most people say -now, are they also all repeating what they have heard from others?

Don't get me wrong, I will continue going there but mostly because I feel more comfortable doing so as I would count on playing the statistics game. Besides a hospital that has more money, should be able to afford being more selective and have the latest equipment. And the service is great and this I can notice and tell the difference.

But f*** if I really know about the actual quality of the medical advice when compared to others.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:05 am on Mar. 7, 2005
Mr Alan
The problem with many Asian doctors is "face". They don't like to ask for help from others because they might loose face.

This might even apply if two doctors are working on you at one time. If a doctor is assisting a more senior doctor in surgery, the younger doctor will not likely say anything that might be perceived as critical, even if he knows that the senior doctor has made a mistake. That is also why a doctor may keep trying to fix the problem himself with multiple surgeries, instead of asking for help from another doctor.

So it is not just a matter of intelligence, education, and experience. There are cultural issues to deal with.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:32 am on Mar. 7, 2005

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