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On the subject of tips I thought I would resurrect this old thread and post the view from the other side of the fence, as it were.
I have become good friends with a beautiful young girl who works in one of the mid range day spas. This is a place where you can get a great massage but where a HJ and possibly BJ are available if you go about it in the right way, have good vibes with the girl etc.
Anyway, Nok (not her real name, I am keeping her to myself) tells me the most hilarious stories of the encounters she has with customers almost every day.
She gives around three to four massages a day on average, but it can be more and on a quiet day, less than this.
She likes to tell me about her customers, which can be really funny, but the most surprising thing to me is how absolutely cheap many people can be!
Today she has just finished telling me about a Frenchman who came in for a 1.5hr oil massage.
Apparently this guy had the biggest dick she had ever seen! Absolutely enormous. He insisted on not having any towel over him right from the start and she could not take her eyes off this huge schlong. When he turned over onto his back it was semi hard and pointing down his leg towards his feet, but as she massaged his stomach it started to become fully hard, but it was so heavy, she said, that it could not bring itself upright, but kept waving around, rising and falling back again!
Then this big dick started to leak clear gel, (to use her words), I assume pre cum, which stuck to his leg! Gross!
Anyway, the inevitable question came from him 'Will you give me a HJ?'
'How much you pay', says Nok.
'100bt' replies our tight wad Frenchman
'I cannot do for that price' she says
'OK' says he 'If you undress and let me play with your breasts, and make me cum, I pay more'
'How much' she says
'130bt' comes the reply!!!
This guy was serious too, so much so that when she refused he lost his cool and complained to the receptionist and demanded his money back, causing quite a scene. Needless to say he was told where to go, but WTF!
Although it is hilarious when she tells me these things, there is a more serious side.
The number of guys, and women for that matter, who will tip 30bt after a 1.5 hr or 2.0 hr massage is amazing. I would never have believed it if I had not been told first hand. And in case you are wondering, it is not because the massage is poor. On the contrary, the staff there are all fully trained and give a very high standard of oil or Thai massage in nice surroundings.
It's given me a whole new perspective on the work these girls do. Can you imagine having to put up with people like that on a regular basis and yet be expected to be all smiles and happiness for each new customer.
I don’t know how they do it.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:20 pm on Nov. 22, 2007
It is when you hear things like this - it is no wonder why many thais think very low of foreigners. And I completely side with them! It is absolutely amazing how some fat, old, half drunk, non-showered guys travel to LOS to get service they never can find at home, for a fraction of a price - and still moan about price.

To guys moaning about 2000 baht - 60 usd - why do you go over here at all? Stay home! Buy p...y at the streetcorner in your home town! I am also a punter - but I behave and realise I am a guest, act accordingly, never hassle about prices and tip generously. Why? Because some of us more mature people realise why this scene exist in the first place. These girls dont do it because they love to encounter fat middleage white f***s.. they do it to support their family. And even if I am part of this - I somewhat clean my sometimes bad feeling by at least not start a debate about - the VERY low - prices they ask! Perhaps it would be good if prices went up significantly? Meaning we would loose the lowest lifes coming in - that are disturbing the place not only for the brave little brown workers - but also for me and bro´s of the same distinction.

And if someone still dont understand why they go to the big town to wank 5 guys a day in a sleezy brothel - well then take a long good tour up north and go to the small villages and see for yourself the background they come from! Please tell me after that that you could endure even a week in that poorly built wooden shack on stilts she was born and raised in. Dad making maybe at best 100 baht a day working the fields...... wanna change life with him??

I am no angel - I love LOS and I have fun with some ladies. But at least I treat them with the respect they so truly deserve. Sit down at any bar at any time and just chat and get a little friendly with some lady - and she can soon tell you other horrific stories of western, indian and other men behaving like real scumbags!

However I am hopeful that ALL guys on this forum of course are kind and caring gentlemen to the young ladies that so many times makes us happy! We should all stand up for them and try to be good visitors they can at least accept - if not respect.....

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:57 pm on Nov. 22, 2007

Quote: from Jojje on 8:12 am on Nov. 23, 2007
And if someone still dont understand why they go to the big town to wank 5 guys a day in a sleezy brothel - well then take a long good tour up north and go to the small villages and see for yourself the background they come from! Please tell me after that that you could endure even a week in that poorly built wooden shack on stilts she was born and raised in. Dad making maybe at best 100 baht a day working the fields...... wanna change life with him??

Whilst I agree with the overall sentiment of your post, (strangely I posted somthing similar on another forum yesterday) I don't agree with the above paragraph as a reinforcer.
You are asking us if we would exchange places with them, of course we would not, we have the luxury of knowing there is more than what they have, but take a closer look at them. These people have very little, as you say, a wood shack on stilts, not all have running water, my wifes village still drink rain water drained off the roof into huge clay tanks. There may be the odd TV in the village, but what you do so is a sense of normality, this is very normal to them, they even appear happy and content, they are used to it, they have grown up with with it from generation to generation. I agree, there are a number of girls who are in this profession for their families, but there are a heck of a lot who are not, but like to use the same stories to get sponsors and more money !
I think some people like the thought of them being poor lost souls forced into something they really didn't want, and then along they come as heroes to rescue them from the depths, it's as big a fantasy as her orgasm she reached 3 minutes into you pumping away in missionary, at the exact moment you shot your load.
There are some very nice TG's in the scene with some terrible backgrounds, and like wise there are some nice TG's with normal backgrounds, but there are also some pretty hardened ones with little or no intentions of protecting the family who are in it for the money.
Laziness springs to mind to be honest with you. 14hr days in a paddy field for next to nothing, or a party lifestyle with big cash potential for opening your legs.
It is what it is, and it's not the big ugly picture the western world like to keep painting to make us embarrassed of bieng here.
JMHO, absolutely nothing whatsoever aginst you Jojje.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:15 pm on Nov. 22, 2007

Quote: from Jojje on 8:12 am on Nov. 23, 2007
Dad making maybe at best 100 baht a day working the fields

Hey, sounds to me like the Frenchman was offering a pretty big tip. Her Dad pulls in 100 baht per day. So he was offering to match her Dad’s daily income for a simple wank.

But seriously, in a negotiation either party is free to make any offer they want. In this case the lad made an offer the lady felt unacceptable and so she declined service. It’s not like she was going to be forced to provide the service at what ever price the guy offered up.

Some folks might be on the cheap side in regard to tips or wanting to pay for extras, but the real crime in Thailand are the low wages the legit companies are able to get by paying their workers, and the generally low level of employee protection/rights that are available to the average Thai.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:44 pm on Nov. 22, 2007

Quote: from paulo100 on 5:35 am on Nov. 23, 2007
Today she has just finished telling me about a Frenchman who came in for a 1.5hr oil massage....

Let me clear something out: it wasn't me! (my schlong is just average size) LOL

I agree with IBFarang on this subject. While I like to tip generously, this is a personal choice and Tipping is always at the punter's discretion.
In the case of "Special" service, this can hardly be called a Tip since the lady provides an extra service at a fixed price. In the above Frenchman's story, I would put more the blame on the girl rather than the customer.
By asking him "how much you pay?" she was most probably trying to see if the ignorant guy would fork more than the standard 500. She tried and lost. The scheme did not work.
All she had to say was that the "extra" HJ was at 500 and that would be the final price. Then it's up to our Frog Leg to decide and at the Very end of it all, if the Massage and the HJ were very satisfactory, then he can leave a tip.

Of course, that's only my opinion on the issue.

Paulo100, thanks for the story, I hope you have more like that, it's actually very enjoyable to read them

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:41 pm on Nov. 22, 2007
In some ways, I think this is a case of misnomer. I would not really think of the fee for the HJ as a tip. I would call it a fee for extra services above and beyond the fee for the massage. Two separate services given by the provider for two separate prices. The price for either one of them may or may not be fixed or negotiable, depending on the actual circumstances.

The customer is free to tip how much he likes for either one as well. If the handjob is 500, he could tip a 100 more, or 20, or whatever, or not tip. Up to him. If the massage is 500, he could tip whatever (it is common to tip 20 - 100 for a massage tip; 20 or 30 not being uncommon at all) for that service. Up to him. A tip is a tip.

I don't think the issues are related other than being done by the same provider.

So this guy in paulo100's story (who was not NF) was negotiating for the basic price of a special service, not offering a tip (how do you offer a tip, when it comes down to it?). He chose to play low ball. She declined. I consider it an offensive confusion in his mind, however, that he should complain about it at the desk--it was simple business--no matter how much he offered and she declined, but especially because he bid so very low compared to market price.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:47 am on Nov. 23, 2007
First of all I am pleased to see that this has opened up the debate, because as I said, although it's really amusing to hear these stories from 'my girl,' there is a serious side to this which you have all touched on in various ways in your posts.
Jojje, I have some sympathy with what you say but (only my opinion) I do think that the 'forced labour' argument is somewhat overdone by some girls and as Meatyswg says, can and often is used as a means to extract sympathy, and as a result more Baht.
IBFarang and Nic, it's important to understand that this place is not a regular massage joint where HJ, BJ and full service are an expected part of each massage.
I told her the other day what the 'normal' expected rates are for these extras, i.e. 500, 1000, and 1500. She was surprised and assured me that she had not known that. (I believe her anyway)
My point is not so much the level of tip offered/given but more the really piss poor attitude towards the girls that many people seem to take with them into these places.
As Seajohn said, the real issue with this particular guy was that he felt it was acceptable to start ranting about her service to reception because she had refused to strip and allow him to paw her body while she gave him a hj, all for 130bt! Rather than feeling embarrassment he felt justified in demanding his money back!
While she was telling me the first part of the story I was laughing my head off, and so was she to be fair, but when I heard about the complaint and scene in reception I felt angry that anyone can act like that. It's the total lack of respect that gets to me.
Apart from basic human decency, these guys just don't seem to understand that they would get so much more if they would only treat the girls with respect.
In this particular case I know for a fact that 'Nok' gives a fantastic massage followed (if she chooses to do so) by a very erotic hj, or, as on my second visit the very next day (it was that good) a wonderful BJ. On both occasions she never mentioned payment but left it to me if I tipped her, or not. Of course I did, using the standard formula.
When I asked why she had done that for me without confirming payment beforehand she said because she could tell that I was a 'gentle' person who would be fair. OK, BS! I hear you all saying, but I have lost count of the number of times girls have given me freebees or trusted me to do the right thing with them, just because I smile, I am polite, and I don’t grab their tits as soon as the door is shut! (Again, remember this is not Tulips, or somewhere similar, where you might go straight into a wrestling match with the girl if you choose to do so with no massage preamble)
Our guy with the huge dick could have had a wonderful time, instead of the shit time that he obviously did have, if only he had been decent and used his other head for just a few seconds.
Nic, I will post more stories from the other side, as and when I have time. There have been many but this one stood out for obvious reasons.
She was really pissed off last week when she was doing a foot massage for a Hong Kong lady. A regular client of hers arrived at reception and asked for a 1.5hr massage session with Nok, but it had to be now. When told Nok was busy doing a foot massage he reluctantly left saying he had no time and would have to go somewhere else. Turns out, somewhere else was a couple of doors along to one of Noks friends. The guy gave the friend a 3000bt tip for a hj and Noks foot massage lady gave her 30bt!! It took me over 20 minutes to calm her down!
I will write the story of the rich guy from Dubai who paid Nok 8000bt for a massage in his hotel room (5000bt for the massage and 3000bt for taxi!) and asked for nothing in the way of extras.
The next day he booked her again on the same terms, but this time tried to rape her in the bathroom! She got away by throwing oil into his eyes and running screaming for help!
Do we wonder why some girls have a hardened attitude towards Falang?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:06 am on Nov. 23, 2007

Quote: from paulo100 on 8:21 pm on Nov. 23, 2007
She was really pissed off last week when she was doing a foot massage for a Hong Kong lady. A regular client of hers arrived at reception and asked for a 1.5hr massage session with Nok, but it had to be now. When told Nok was busy doing a foot massage he reluctantly left saying he had no time and would have to go somewhere else. Turns out, somewhere else was a couple of doors along to one of Noks friends. The guy gave the friend a 3000bt tip for a hj and Noks foot massage lady gave her 30bt!!

Thanks for your posting.

But again, the situation in this paragraph is apples and oranges. A 'tip' for a foot massage is not the same thing as a (market price) 'fee' for the extra service of HJ, nor is it the same for the market price of a foot massage (fixed by the venue). Whatever anyone wants to pay or give for either, and whatever is accepted by the provider, is up to the two parties involved. Although I can understand her disappointment and her envy in that situation, and perhaps pity her for her missed chance and the guy's impatience, that's just the vicissitudes of business.

As for the Dubai guy, regardless of the amount of his payment, his attempted rape is completely inexcusable and despicable.

But, nota bene, if he was a Dubai national, he may not really be considered a 'farang', though I'm sure her pain and fear would probably be extended to all foreign customers somewhat.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:16 am on Nov. 23, 2007
I promised to keep updating on new stories from Nok, my friendly massage girl.
Last night we were talking again and she told me of a friend of hers who works in a club in Patpong. She won't tell me which one, says she cannot remember the name but I know the real reason is because she does not want me to go in there to meet her friend (seems like friendship only extends so far)
Well, after hearing about her exploits I don't think I would want to meet her anyway!
Seems that this girl, who is very pretty, (I have seen a picture of her with Nok), regularly makes a habit of stealing from customers from the club, when they have bar fined her.
On at least one occasion she has persuaded the customer to pay first and then done a runner with his money while he is in the shower!
Actually, this caused the first argument I have had with Nok, because when she told me this story she obviously expected me to find this amusing. When she finished I told her just how disgusting I thought her friends actions were. Nok told me that this was common practice amongst bar girls and that I should understand this and trust nobody. 'It normal night life' she says.
This actually goes against every experience I have had in Thailand where I have never had money or valuables stolen over the many years I have been visiting the country.
Maybe I have been lucky or perhaps it's because I am not a great one for bars, I don't know, but according to Nok, almost all girls in the bars do it to some degree or another.
Apparently, many customers are very careless with their money and just leave it on the side while taking a shower. It's considered normal to take a few hundred baht from this money if presented with the opportunity.
I told her that if it happened to me I would be back to the bar to find her. 'Oh, that happen sometimes but nothing happen, no proof, customer cannot do anything, nobody cares.'
I don't know about the rest of you but I find this very depressing if it really goes on so routinely.
As for taking the money up front and running, I assume this is fairly rare and only with first time visitors because only a newbee would pay upfront.
I told Nok that this 'friend' was one of the reasons why Falang sometimes treated bar girls and massage girls badly, although not right, her friends actions and the actions of others like her created an impression that all Thai girls were crooks and should be treated accordingly. Not my view at all, but others may think like that.
The PatPong girls is called Yui by the way, better watch out for her if you frequent PatPong bars!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:43 am on Nov. 27, 2007

Great Story, Thanks for sharing!
I completely agree with you, what thefriend did was very bad.

I am surprised that people still agree to pay in advance for services not performed yet and leave it to the girl to be true to her word and give the agree services. But then on the other hand, I wonder how many guys cheated the girls out of their money by not paying the full amount at the end of the deed even though the girl performed the agreed services.

It is not as easy as walking into a store and buying something right?
There has to be a certain amount of trust involved (of course, trusting does not mean being foolish). Can you imagine if all punters assumed that all Working girls were complete lying broads that try to f*** him out of his money (well, that's what they do actually, but you get the point) ? Not a very good recipe for a GFE experience now is it?

Fortunately, I never encountered this problem myself, yes, I prefer the environment of Massage parlors, but when I go to a bar and barfine a girl (sometimes she stays in my condo for the night) I am careful and never had anything stolen.

Very interesting Topic

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:34 pm on Nov. 27, 2007

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