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Yes trust is interesting when it comes to BGs. Like Nic, I am careful and have never lost anything (I didn't want to lose)
Big question comes when you have known one a while, say two or three trips, and you want to be able to let your guard down.
While, I don't think its fair to leave an obsene amount of money around them, since they have so little & can be tempted I guess, I do test them after a while with a few K in small notes here & there.
Maybe I am crazy, but another character test I apply is to try to borrow a little taxi money etc from them. This is because I don't think much of a girl (if you have just paid her full freight, wined, dined & maybe clothed her) knocking you back for a 40 baht cab fare. It's also interesting to see how forthcoming they are with your change etc.
Anyway, they're a couple of simple tests, that once passed make me feel comfortable with a girl.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:31 pm on Nov. 27, 2007
Joe Wood

Nic Frenchy seems to have his big and little head screwed on alright concerning being careful. One must. As the girl must also. It is a two-way thing. And a lot of visitors to these shores for whatever reasons do try to scam the girls and get away with not paying for anything. ( That's where someone should feed their bollocks to the soi dogs, not only for stealing from the girls but also for ruining our reputation which some of us like to uphold.)

But again, like him, in all my years here, I have never had a girl try to steal from me.
None of them have conned me or tried to.
And it isn't because I'm young and handsome and a good catch for permanency.
Anyone who has had the good fortune (?) of meeting me will vouch for the fact that I am an old over-the-hill geriatric barely able to straddle one set of thighs, let alone three sets. (in my dreams !).

Paulo wrote :
"Nok told me that this was common practice amongst bar girls and that I should understand this and trust nobody. 'It normal night life' she says. "

Well as I said, it has never happened to me.
I've known and know many ladies of the night employed in bars and I've met many a farang both visiting and living here and they have no stories of this at all,except two in all my time here, told to me from a primary source.

So, I am not saying that it does not happen once in a while. But as you know if it does happen once a year or once a month, to the ears of an outsider it appears and is related as if it's happening every minute.

I doubt either.
If any boss got wind of an employee ruining his or his bar's reputation, there'd be hell to pay.

The two instances that I know of involve only the one and the same girl.
She was newly employed from the country in an established bar.
She was bar-fined on her first night.
She stole a mobile phone from the customer.
The bar made her give it back the following day, half accepting her story that she thought that the guy had given it to her.
She doesn't speak English.

The second time was soon after when she stole 10 k from another customer who had bar-fined her. ( pretty face, lovely slim body and enormous breasts each weighing in at one and a half kilo).

The bar heard about this...... ( the loss of the10 K. They already knew about the incredible knockers ) and extracted the money from her for the customer over the next five days, gave him to understand that he had free reign in the bar for three days, that he had free reign over her for one day and sacked her to take effect at the end of the week and spread the word to other bars about her.

Most hotels insist on collecting the I.D. cards of the girls as do condo and apartment blocks with any security and only return the said I.D. cards upon checking with the customer. So I doubt it happens often at all.

What I would like our brother Paulo100 to ask himself maybe, is "why did Nok decide to let you know this ?"

Might she possibly have had an ulterior motive to tell you a story about someone else, unverifiable of course, in order for you to appreciate her more and more and to count yourself a lucky chappy to have her and at the same time to warn you off other potential poachers by trying to make you apprehensive about any move outside of her sphere ?

Just a thought.

As I've written before, I've had girls from bars chasing after me with my wallet full of money and cards in their hand and returning it to me with nothing missing.

I've have girls over a week or two or more saving me money at every turn and knowing the amounts wouldn't be going to them. Just trying to make me more savvy, which at my age is impossible, not because I know so much but because I know so little and have a resilience to absorbing further clutter.

But then, that's just me.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:01 pm on Nov. 27, 2007

Quote: from Joe Wood on 2:16 pm on Nov. 28, 2007
As I've written before, I've had girls from bars chasing after me with my wallet full of money and cards in their hand and returning it to me with nothing missing.

I concur.

I (very often) forget my cellphone in Gogo bars, and not once did a bar girl or waitress not chase me to give it back to me (and we're talking about an expensive phone).
A reward isn't what they're looking for in handing you back your valuables, Most thais are very honest and always happy to help someone (as far as I can tell anyways).

Don't be paranoid, but don't be foolish either, and.... have a good time

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 am on Nov. 28, 2007
I think a lot of it is to do with whether you live here or are a frequent visitor who knows the score. Only an idiot would steal from someone who regularly goes into their bar, speaks Thai etc, but it may be tempting if you knew the guy was on holiday and leaving Bangkok the next day.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:04 am on Nov. 28, 2007

Quote: from Joe Wood on 7:16 am on Nov. 28, 2007

What I would like our brother Paulo100 to ask himself maybe, is "why did Nok decide to let you know this ?"

Might she possibly have had an ulterior motive to tell you a story about someone else, unverifiable of course, in order for you to appreciate her more and more and to count yourself a lucky chappy to have her and at the same time to warn you off other potential poachers by trying to make you apprehensive about any move outside of her sphere ?
To be honest I tend not to analyze these things too much but to answer your question, no I don’t think that was her reasoning in telling me because of the circumstances in which she told me. We were just chatting and she showed me a picture of her with this friend, who is very pretty. She said that the girl was funny. I asked in what way she was funny, and it was then that she told me that she was a funny girl because she made a customer who had a big dick (too big for her) pay up front and then ran with his money when he was in the shower!
I agree with all of you that girls stealing from customers is not normal practice, not in my experience anyway, but I don’t tend to use bars, but prefer massage places and I have never had any problems there or back in my hotel room.
Has to be said though, why would anyone risk 10,000Baht like the guy in Joe's post? I just would not have that kind of cash in my pocket anyway, that really is asking for problems.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:58 am on Nov. 28, 2007

Quote: from paulo100 on 8:13 pm on Nov. 28, 2007
To be honest I tend not to analyze these things too much...

Please don't take this as if I am meaning to be facetious, but it might be a good time to start. This Nok has told you a couple bizarre things, in my opinion, and whether her ulterior motive is that she is she just trying to manipulate into pitying her or staying away from nightlife, or whether she is really hanging around with the wrong crowd, she probably does have an ulterior motive. I tell you this, because women being what they are, almost always have what is referred to as an 'ulterior motive'. That's just how they handle the world: passively. So it could be a good time to start analyzing what they say.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:57 am on Nov. 28, 2007
Put it this way, I don't really care if there is an ulterior motive, in this particular instance (and that's what I was referrring to in the quote you have taken from my post).
she is telling me bizzare things? I dont think so, like what? You have to remember that I am, by neccessity, only relaying perhaps 5% of the long conversations that I am having with her.
Think of these talks like two people having a chat over coffee in a comfortable and relaxed way lasting a couple of hours each time we talk. In other words, she is not urgently spilling out more and more salacious stories to impress me or shock me, or whatever.
On the contrary, I am the one gently prodding for more information and details (I am good at that, should have been a dectective .
No, Nok is genuine and what I am hearing is the truth, as far as she is concerned. When she says I should be careful because many bar girls steal from their customers, she is telling it as she sees it, based on what she hears from girls who she knows who work in the bars. Now, it may be that these girls are exagerating, who knows, they almost cetainly are. There is probably an element of bravado involved here.
Hey Seajohn, we dont know eachother other than on this forum, but you need to give me a bit more credit for good sense.
Take it from me, I am not being fed a pile of bizaare rubbish, just nice after hours chats with a girl who feels comfortable enough with me to let her hair down and tell me about her life and the lives of her friends.
If you choose not to beleive me, so be it.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:46 am on Nov. 28, 2007
I, for one, appreciate your posts about these conversations. Of course I believe you. They are very interesting too. As you point out, I only know what you have told us here, and that's all I know about her or you. So perhaps I responded to a part of your post in a way that doesn't interest you. Sorry about that.

In fact, her ulterior motives are something that interest me very much. Not coming from her particularly, but as a phenomenon in general. Because I find the motivations of women so interesting when they are taking to men (and the different styles they assume), perhaps I should have expressed my post differently. I certainly did not mean to offend you, to patronize you, or to insinuate that you were being naive; I am in fact nothing more than more grateful for your continued posts.

I am just reacting to the tiny bits of information that you reveal and giving responses, trying to analyze these bits, since they're all I have to go on, which are in themselves limited; trying to put together some kind of picture. Your post above illustrates the situation more clearly; I didn't realize before that these bits were just a particle of hours' long conversations. That's why I was concerned about their value to you. I hope that concern hasn't offended you too much. Thank you for the clarification.

Please go on.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:22 pm on Nov. 28, 2007

To Quote Paulo100 from above :

"If you choose not to beleive me, so be it. "

I don't think anyone was indicating disbelief in you Paulo100, merely rassing the point of questioning the motivation behind your lady saying these things to you whether in a hurried and sudden, off-loading sort of way, which in this case it was clearly not, or within the context of a long, unpressured and relaxing conversation of intimacy.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:58 pm on Nov. 28, 2007
Hi guys
On re reading my response to SeaJohn I think I probably did overreact, and I apologize.
The reason why I responded in the way I did is probably because it seems to me that in the past (not so much recently) there has been a tendency on this board for posts, or should I say posters, to have their thoughts and comments torpedoed with a few short sharp words, often when it is clear that the original post has not been read properly in the first place.
I am not aiming that at you Seajohn, really, not at all, but it is annoying when one takes time to put together what I hope is a mildly interesting and thoughtful and thought provoking post only to have someone effectively tell you that you are having the wool pulled over your eyes, and that you shouldn't believe everything they tell you, you are being naive etc.
That is not what you did Seajohn, but perhaps I initially perceived it that way. Sorry again for the reaction.

Now back to Nok and her motives. Well, she wants to build a relationship, I think that's a given and I am happy with that situation too.
We have reached a level of comfort that she is happy to tell me about her life, work and experiences but not in a sensationalist way or in a way designed to provoke sympathy from me.
That's one reason why I like her because she has a take it or leave it kind of attitude in the sense that she tells me these things in response to my questions in a very low key, this is the way it is kind of way.
If she is exaggerating the theft issues, for example, I am totally convinced it is not because she is lying or even enhancing things, but merely telling me what she has been told by friends in the bar business.
Remember Nok is not in the bar business herself, she works in an upmarket Spa, so it is quite possible that her friends are exaggerating in the telling of stories of what they have done to clients.
Anyway, I will post more when I can and hope that it is of interest.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:58 am on Nov. 29, 2007

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