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Well, I know those girls fairly well (they also know my wife, in the biblical sense) and when I take them in my appartment we chat before/after f***ing (they tend to stay a few hours instead of only two, in fact they arrived at 9pm and left at 5am)
They asked me to see some pictures of my home and of the snow this winter, and then one asked me if I could look for them what their customers wrote about them on the net (one of them mentioned WSG)...


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:27 am on May 17, 2010
david 85260
Well that was an interesting little exchange between Froggy and PostK.
The question that came to my mind is for Madfrog and is why were you wasting time showing the girls stuff on the internet when you could have been f*cking them?
When I go see these lovely ladies the one thing I really enjoy is that they do not talk too much; other wise I would just stay home and f*** the old lady who is every bit as pretty as any of the lot that I enjoy in the Oily's. I usually go for the two hour session and I am very physical with the wonderful women who work at these places. When I say physical I do not mean in a bad way but I do not go there to discuss current events, Thai culture, or other members traits or show them anything on my computer. It just may be me; but after two hours I am just too exhausted to engage them in any meaningful conversation and to be quite honest; as happy as I was to see them when I first entered the establishment...I am also never so happy to leave them after the two hour session is's time to lick my wounds and get a meal deserving of the hunger that I have developed.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:14 pm on May 17, 2010
Tyler Durdin

Quote: from AdventureDude on 5:21 pm on May 8, 2010
... I tried a newer girl - Oil. I'll take her again....

I had a sweaty session with her recently, awesome girl and great service. She has the straightest, most softest hair I have ever seen/felt/smelt. She had it tied up but it naturally came loose during our session and whenever she would wipe it out of the way, it would instantly fall right back into place perfectly (like in those hair conditioner commercials) It still haunts me....

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:24 pm on May 17, 2010
I have never done an Oil massage.

This thread has grown. 30 pages in less than a year!

What makes this place so good?

I am just wondering... someone please I don't have to read through 30 pages...


thailien's post on page one summed it up for me.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:07 pm on May 17, 2010

Quote: from oreally on 2:07 am on May 18, 2010

What makes this place so good?

QoS Quality of Service

[ Note; Those in telecommunication know that QoS is a key performance parameter in the industry. Same same Oilies in Bangkok ]

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:51 am on May 18, 2010
I went to on nut bts just now, meet apple she was working alone, ask her why she not work in mango. She said she finding some new place to work, she prefer a place more Farang, anybody can intro?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:46 am on May 26, 2010
Damn you guys! I am slightly over a year now from my last visit to LOS and I just spent the better part of the day reading over all the postings on Mango. While I have only been to one oily in all my visits I find I can hardly wait to try out Mango Massage. It will be one of my first stops.

Also, several pages back there was a posting about a guy who got his kicks from being a little rough with the girls. I'm with all of you on this one that I don't like it very much but I imagine the girl can call it off anytime she likes. Also quite funny that the same guys who are sticking their little brothers where the sun don't shine and having the girl taste their hershey highway are calling this guy a sicko. Everyone has their own tastes and I don't think many of us can call him a sicko for getting his kicks a certain way. Sorry, not defending his actions. Just find it funny that he gets a sicko label.

Madfrog, you and I have never met and maybe one day soon that will change. I for one do not think it was wise to let the girls read the reports of other members. Whether intentional or not you know some of us and don't think it is wise to "walk" them around the forum. Sure, they can find it on their own but a member guiding others to reports written by "brothers" just bothers me a little bit. IMHO.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:32 pm on May 26, 2010
David, gotta agree with that bro.
LS. Everyone has their own way.
I just go for the easy fun of it. Girls everywhere in Thailand, yes, all of Thailand. The oliy set up gives me the chance to sample my mood of the day. Sometimes I fancy a big rack, sometimes a skinny minny, sometimes a whiter Chiang Mai type, sometimes a good 3 holer. That's the joy of the oily places. It's gonna be there in one or the other and it is quick and cheap.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:56 pm on May 26, 2010

Quote: from LastSurvivor on 7:32 am on May 27, 2010
Madfrog, you and I have never met and maybe one day soon that will change. I for one do not think it was wise to let the girls read the reports of other members. Whether intentional or not you know some of us and don't think it is wise to "walk" them around the forum.
Not wise? it's completely stupid!
Doesn't this violate some kind of unspoken rule? What if the lady reads a review and can remember the customer? she had done something special for him and now ALL the future customers who read the review will request the same... you think she will go out of her way again?

I remember having posted a detailed report (in another forum) and one day received a very insulting PM from another member, who said he printed my review and when the girl would not want to do the same, he showed her the paper. I mean, how f***ing ignorant can one be?

It surely motivated me to write more reviews..... NOT

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:01 am on May 27, 2010
Tyler Durdin
I'm gonna side with NicFrenchy on this one. I can see both sides of the arguement but his rings truer. I say stuff about the girls on this forum, am I trying to be sadistic and unrespectful? Absolutely not. Would I say the same things to their face? No. Does that make me a coward? Maybe. For example, I have a session with Ice and then graphically describe it afterwards and call her a "filthy pornstar whore ". Now she is on the site and sees my comment and puts 2 & 2 together, "hey I remember doing this with a guy last week, and his name was Tyler too!", so now she knows I said xxx about her. She reads more and sees my play-by-play report about Ann and Bow and Game and feels humiliated. Next time I meet her, she is going to be creeped out and not want to deal with me (I suffer). Should I have to stand behind everything I write 100%? Yes but at the same time, that doesn't mean I want an in-your-face announcement on everything I write either. We enjoy this information exchange but we also like some anonymity, that's why we use nicknames here, otherwise we should all use our real names and real pictures as avatars.

Can the girls get on the site themselves and read for themselves? Of course, and if they have that capability, then all's fair and you stand by what you write. Do we need a step by step guided tour to the website? I think we can do without. And this would be if I wrote a "positive" report, what if I wrote a negative report on her? What if what I wrote was just the way I saw things, now we are talking confrontation! And it could escalate from there...Knight in shining armor sees her getting emotional and takes matters into own hands and first launches a verbal battle and then later physical one on me...I would say there is more chance of something bad coming out of this practice than good. Am I being overdramatic? Definitely!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:13 am on May 27, 2010

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