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>Not a very good idea to mention full names at this shop where a happy ending is the norm.

oooooh, yes, indeed...with intimate details like saying that you were pleasured by "nok" "noi" or "joy," sureless the boss will know just who you're talking about, not to mention the men in brown when they track her down by the detailed information you've let slip...

get real! there are only about 10 names shared by 80% of all thai bar girls, haha!


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:23 pm on July 30, 2006
Harold44- Sorry if you are not happy about my report, but I just told it like it happened.

As I'm sure everybody on here knows, we don't need to make stuff up about what happens in LOS as everything is possible given the right conditions. But perhaps you make up stories on here so expect others to do the same...

I think you are just jealous that I could get f***ed there and you can't......

To the "don't mention names" guys, get over yourselves. This board is insignificant in the big picture of things in LOS.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:57 am on July 31, 2006
The issue with "names"? Is it bad to list names if they give good service? What about their percentages listed next to their pictures? I had an amazing time there recently.

Percentages next to the two girls who are obviously top of the list was 40% and 38%, which was a rise of over 24% since 6 months prior for each. Love the powder! The owner is always cool with me.

Sanzanka has a full page add in G-Diary Magazine. Japanese language mag, but by far the BEST maps anyone can provide in there. It lists everything with a fine tooth comb.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:06 am on July 31, 2006
Went to this place for the first time on my most recent visit last month. Many thanks to the bro who hooked up the directions with all those numbers. It made it really easy to find.

Walked in (around 4ish) and was seated at a little couch next to the front desk. They brought me the menu and I immediately chose the 1380 Baht package that so many of you have recommended. The papasan then brought over about 6 pictures of available girls to choose from. I chose a girl named Mia or Mika (can't remember).

I was then shown my locker, which is located right there in the lobby near the reception desk. The papasan carefully watched as I put my contents in the locker. That was a bit awkward.

Then I was I greeted by my pick and led upstairs to the massage room. I was told to get out of my clothes so I could go get my shower and salt scrubbing.

Back downstairs to the shower / salt scrubbing room. It is a room with about 6 cubicles separated by shower curtains. They have these shower beds right there in the middle of each cubicle for you to lay down on. They had me lay down and soaped me up and shampooed my hair.

After I was thoroughly washed, my lady then got out this rough pad and began scrubbing me down. She scrubbed good and hard and actually broke my skin on my chest, causing me to bleed a little bit. I wonder how many other people this has happened to?

After I was scrubbed down, she then got the salt and lathered me down with her hands. The salt burned a bit on a few mosquito bites and the new cut on my chest. I don't know if I liked it or not.

She then hosed me off and soaped me up again to make sure I had all the salt off of my body. I felt extremely clean when it was over. So for me, I didn't like the actual salt scrub, but the feeling afterward was really refreshing and worth it in the end.

We then proceeded upstairs back to the massage room. She first put baby powder all over me and massaged me a bit, which felt great. Then she began the oil massage, which was also nice. When I was told to roll over she then began this very light touching routine getting me fully aroused. Then came the "part of the package " handjob which was fantastic. I have to say it was the best handjob I have ever received. The build up to it was key. And two handed, which is always nice...

You would think it was over, but oh no, they have to wash you again. We went to another shower room on the same floor, where she soaped me up once again and showered me off, making sure I was clean in all the right places.

I would definitely go back again, but next time, ask them to go easy on that scrubbing pad.
Two thumbs up from me.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:50 am on Aug. 21, 2006
I think we are all taking the same lady (Mika). The thing is--as I have gotten older I find it is better to take the lady who has been at a place the longest. My experience has shown that these ladies generally perform consistently well enough to keep the boss happy--and they know a lot for the old customers like me.

I had not been here in a while, but I really felt the need to go here when I first got to BKK. As the earlier post went into considerable detail on the experience I will not repeat. It is just as described and frankly a comfortable routine for this lady.

I really enjoy those hot towels sometimes, and that is why I picked this place.

A great experience and truly a hand job like none I have ever received.

I also have to add this one comment that shows a woman who goes the extra mile for service.

My provider at Sazanka saw that I had been walking a lot and was very sweaty. So, while I was being served by her--she had all my clothes dried. When I left, she brought me dry and nice clothes to put back on. There is nothing worse than finishing the visit and putting sweaty old clothes back on.

I gave an extra tip for this--especially because I would have never thought to ask for the service. From now on, I will ask for it at this place if the woman does not offer it of her own free will--as the lovely M*** did.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:39 pm on Aug. 28, 2006

Quote: from ely1959 on 8:47 am on Aug. 29, 2006

I think we are all taking the same lady (Mika). The thing is--as I have gotten older I find it is better to take the lady who has been at a place the longest. My experience has shown that these ladies generally perform consistently well enough to keep the boss happy--and they know a lot for the old customers like me.

I have certainly allowed the young lady Mika to use her incredible talent on me in the past. However, I personally enjoy tyring out different ladies. They all have a little bit different way of doing things. That is the attraction of LOS to me is variety.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:56 pm on Aug. 28, 2006
I have not stepped into LOS for the past 8 months and will be making a trip there next week. Sanzanka is one of the must visit stop. Needs update on the names there - so far only mentioned Mai and Mika... need to know the rest and if they are good or not so good.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:30 pm on Aug. 30, 2006
There are a lot of new ladies there by my account. One thing that is great about this place is that they post statistics on the girls--such as how often they are booked and whether their bookings are down month over month.

You can try many new girls. As I said, please forgive me that I like the experience over the newer gals.

But we all have our own tastes, and that is what makes the land of smiles so great.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:25 am on Sep. 1, 2006
Stupidly I visit here just one time on last trip!
Can't remember her name but she was number 44 on the statistic card!sure.
Well cared shower,relaxing massage skills and very erotic happy ending but english nid noi.
after 2 weeks I were walking back from soi 22 after a foot massage so I lighted a cigarette and smoked it all the way across Washington Sq,the middle aged papasan with shaved head sitted on his stool outside San Zanka,bowed at me with a smile! in another past visit he started explain the service in japanese to me (what ?) and I still wonder why...
Going OT : what's going on at Mykonos? what kind of bar is it?well hidden behind all those tour buses...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:07 pm on Sep. 1, 2006
It's easier for the the "middle aged papasan with shaved head" to speak in Japanese. LOL! Maybe he thought you understood the language? He speaks in Japanese all the time to me, which I return by speaking Japanese back to him. But I don't look Japanese. The girls speak better Japanese than English, especially the that is a huge advantage if you know the language.

I always ask the papasan as a joke, "Kono mise no homepeeji ha arimasen ne? Doushite?" Which says, "This establishment doesn't have a website, right? Why?". He will giggle at that one and say he just doesn't have the time to do it, Business is good.

He does have a full page ad in in G-Diary mag, however, which caters to the Japanese. The same ad pushes a soba shop in Pattaya. Now if only that was Sanzanka II.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:38 pm on Sep. 2, 2006

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