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Somkid, I think you're forgetting that this is a human interaction with so many factors involved, one cannot expect perfect every time, sometimes there will be (for a million different potential reasons) a bad experience.

Personally, you had sex, you penetrated her, at that point the 1,500 became owed, so you were right to pay, and I would have considered non payment to be wrong.

Chalk it up to experience, you did the right thing, moved on to another place and had your fun, and posted to warn others.

As for management, well what do they care ? they've had their money, they can hardly berate someone for not being a pornstar or faking it better.

Move on.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:07 am on July 31, 2012
I totally agree anybody can have a bad day and maybe I wasn't her cup of tea. However there are minimum standards of service below which no shop worth it's salt should have girls that not willing to comply with. It is obvious to me because of previous posts complaining of the same problem that EZ do not give a fiddlers f**k for what happens to the customer. It may also explain (unlike nost oilies) why they try to get you to pay upfront knowing this happens a lot and the girl may not get paid. There mantra is why worry there will another sucker along soon

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:43 am on July 31, 2012
I see your points, but i'm not convinced any oily would work like this.

I think we often forget that whilst we surf forums and dig out info that puts us in the know, how many others simply wander loose, come across an MP and think, I just fancy a massage, without really knowing what lies ahead ?

EZ if anything have proven some of the hardcore members of this forum completely wrong.
By not offering Tulip or Mango style service (and never claiming too) they were torn to shreds and treated as a scam oily on this and other forums, they were told how they would be out of business in a few short months.

Yet here they are, a second shop also open, there is a wide spectrum of demand out there, they clearly have their target market, hardcore sex session seekers are clearly not amongst them, no scam, simply targeting an easier ride for the girls.

To be honest, IMHO there are far too many punters quick to pull the, 'i'm not paying because it didn't meet my expectations' I see the full upfront payment as protection to the girls, therefore a positive from the management in looking after their girls who have undoubtedly given a lack luster performance on occasion and no doubt been verbally abused and left unpaid.

We are not buying a cupboard, or a cup of coffee, we are buying fake intimacy, it cannot always do what it says on the tin.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:45 am on July 31, 2012
IMHO If we accept to pay again and again for lame "when you come" session, soon it will become the norm, the girls willing to please their customers being treated like idiots by the other girls who make the same money doing...nothing... or at least as little as possible to justify asking for their money..."you put your dick inside me you pay now you farang!"

Complaining about lame service and refusing to pay full salry to someone who did not do its job properly is just normal in any other job, why should it be different in P4P

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:49 am on July 31, 2012
@MF because P4P is not a normal job ! I'm not saying repeat service with poor providers, or tip them, cough up and walk away. Geez, we can all part with 1,500 B without worrying.
But that 1,500 B to the lady who allowed you to penetrate her, but didn't live up to the screaming and moaning, porn star you wished for, means a lot more.
To my knowledge, in Thailand we're constantly paying for crap service, in P4P or otherwise.
Stars shine and earn more from repeat business, I don't think we hurt the good ones, by paying the flat rate and walking away.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:20 am on July 31, 2012
@MF I concur with you 100%. There are way to many customers paying way too much for way too little and we are seeing the result; bad service from many providers. I for one will not go to a "pay up front" place as it is an invitation for disaster.
The last 5 years have seen a real decline in the level of service provided at most places, the exceptions being Tulip, Mango, and Snow White, and even there you have some mediocre sessions.
@Meaty Agree that if you penetrate a girl you owe her something, and at oilies the cost is fixed, but again, if the money is paid up front there is no incentive to perform.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:01 am on July 31, 2012
Meatywsg. nobody is talking about not getting a PSE. I've been to the hard core shops and to be honest It's not my cup of tea. I'm talking about a basic shag, no need for gymastics or audio just a reasonably enjoyable experience. As for intimacy feigned or otherwise anybody expecting or looking for this at an oily or any P4P venue is either delusional or severed mentally challenged. I lived here for over 10 years and frequent oilies at least twice a week. I know the difficulties girls have in always having to show interest in what they are doing and I'm sure a lot of girls maybe the majority at Ez are nice girls who in return for taking the customer's money give a decent experience whatever their mood. The point I was trying to make was that this girl who had been recommended by the receptionist had an attitude that of having no interest whether I was having a good time or not. It was almost as if she was trying to put me off going to oilies for the rest of my life.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:01 am on July 31, 2012
The Machine
Paying up front almost always ends up badly.

Once they have your money they dont care.

I never pay up front and if I went somewhere that asked I would go elsewhere.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:37 am on July 31, 2012
Quote from Meaty
Yet here they are, a second shop also open, there is a wide spectrum of demand out there, they clearly have their target market, hardcore sex session seekers are clearly not amongst them, no scam, simply targeting an easier ride for the girls.

Sorry Meaty to disagree with you but there is a scam of sorts.

1) Oilies are a success on soi 24 and 24/1 whatever their business model. I may be wrong but I cannot recall any that have closed in the past decade. This does not follow that it is because they all offer good service to different target groups.
2) Most if not all have web sites with photoshopped images of the girls. While misleading and a scam of sorts that's the way it is. My point is Ez are way way ahead in this deceit. Visit either of their sites EZ 1 or EZ 2 and you would think both shops have a huge selection of the most beautiful girls in Bangkok. What is the reality? When you actual visit you find that with the exception of some periods during the weekend there will be three or four not too terrific looking providers available at either venue. In fact most of the shops along soi 24/1 will have a better line up than EZ.

I'm not sure what you mean by "their target market" unless you mean gullible idiots like myself.

Incidently while they tried to get payment upfront I insisted on paying the girl direct which I did despite her appalling attitude.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:22 pm on July 31, 2012
Somkid,this post is not specifically directed at you.There are ways available to punters that minimise the chances of an unsatisfactory performance by an oily massage provider.

There is no requirement that every punter who engages the services of an oily massage girl has to have extras be they a BBBJ,or FS,at least where the oily massage parlour does not insist on a full up front payment.

I always ask the girl if she likes to kiss knowing that probably half the Thai girls in oily massage parlours do not.If there is any sign of reluctance I simply decline any extras.If the girl says she likes to kiss I ask for a sample,and if this is satisfactory I agree to extras because in my experience any massage girl who likes to kiss will provide good sex.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:37 pm on July 31, 2012

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