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There are so many scammers, and ripoffs, that it's a breath of fresh air to have the good, and bad identified on a closed board like this. Getting what you pay for, and identifying those that offer good service is just as important as identifying the ripoffs, and is paramount to what this forum is about.

The one thing you seem to conveniently overlook is the fact that this is a closed forum, not open to the public view.

The girls that are the ripoffs would be more concerned about the attention than the ones that provide good service, and very well appreciate the publicity.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:52 pm on May 30, 2009
>>Yes, details about easily identifiable persons who cannot do much about it, as you say, bother me.
If the person doesn't care, as you presume this girl doesn't, then fine with me (and, more importantly, with her).
But many postings here are very indiscreet, to the point of being graphical about real life personas.
And as you know, in a very conservative country like Thailand (on the surface and that is what counts here) "phuut maak" about identifyable peoples' sexual life is never a good idea, whatever westerners believe about the benefits of information sharing.

Doesn't Thailand still have this much critized criminal - yes criminal - law about defamation, which often is interpreted in a very strict sense?<<<<<

Oh please.........If everybody just " recommended " or 'not recommended' a particular girl, the board would dissolve. People have to elaborate and people like to provide details, thus the question of 'how much juicy details should be allowed" comes into play. Everybody wants details. Believe it or not, we are all cheap charlies on this board. We pay for sex. We work hard (well, i'm retired) and we want the best possible session for the least amount of money. Providing a certain amount of details about NAT or any other girl assists us in making a decision. But how does ' she has a nice ass, nice tits, she's a 3 holer and she's a very nice girl that provides excellent service " harm her or any girl in anyway? I'm really not sure what 'open' part of my posting upset you or violated the forum rules, you're going to have to enlighten me.
I'm going to guess and say the anal part bothered you. Some like it, some hate it. I don't like it but i'm certain that some enjoy it and identifying a girl that allows this is just helping the brotherhood. Other girls in this section have been identified as also providing this service, so how is it wrong I said it?

People talk about Lucky's tits quite a bit at Thong Lor, does that bother you?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:20 am on May 31, 2009
a breath of fresh air to have the good, and bad identified on a closed board like this. Getting what you pay for, and identifying those that offer good service is just as important as identifying the ripoffs, and is paramount to what this forum is about.
The one thing you seem to conveniently overlook is the fact that this is a closed forum, not open to the public view.<<<<

Koolbreeze..although i've never written anything 'bad' about any girl here, I completely agree

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:27 am on May 31, 2009
>>>Addendum: should a male customer of a working girl be treated with the same respect or disrespect as the working girl?<<<

wouldn't bother me, i'd probably get laid more often

>>>If, so, would it be OK to post real name and photo of the customer plus descriptions about the nature of his acts on the internet? Isn't the internet here for "sharing informatiion", and if you don't like it, go to another web site, some social activist might say about such indiscretion...?<<<

hmmmm....interesting, wouldn't bother me except that I'm fat and ugly so the picture would have to be re worked in photoshop......... but the girls aren't the ones paying us are they?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:41 am on May 31, 2009

Well, as I said, if in this case the lady doesn't care (as you presume) then there is no issue.

I am trying to talk about principles of integrity here, but as usual on this board the debate boils down to my personal likes or dislikes. Generally speaking I just recommend posters to be a little bit more cautious when describing the activities and attributes of identifyable working girls, that's all.

Just a footnote: rules about integrity are independant of whether the poster earns his money by hard work or not.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:06 am on May 31, 2009
"The one thing you seem to conveniently overlook is the fact that this is a closed forum, not open to the public view. "

This is a modifying factor, I agree, how much though, depending upon how closed it really is. I am afraid that ultimately most internet sites are public. A vigilant anti-prosititution feminist would have no problem accessing the site and might find the criminal - not civil but criminal - defamation law useful for her or his purposes. A collegue of a part time working girl or a governmental official like-wise.

Please don't overreact to my post, just be a little bit cautious and sensitive and show some respect for the integrity of those lovely ladies.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:34 am on May 31, 2009
bluber, you are indeed consistent in your protestations on behalf of the girls who are being "exposed" on the internet. But why is it up to us mongers to censor ourselves on this, and other forums, to avoid... what?.. damage to the lady's reputation?

Then please explain to us why so many ladies' photos, albeit photo-shopped to enhance their loveliness, are posted on so many massage parlor websites, names and vital statistics included. Does not this (presumably willing) internet exposure expose these ladies to the world as (dare I write this?) prostitutes?

Why do they not seem to be as ashamed of what they do as you seem to be for them?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:39 pm on May 31, 2009
Also let us not forget that this biz in LOS is what it is a biz. I agree that TGP4P should be treated with respect if she so deserves, but protecting her values is kind of contradiction in terms.
If she want to be portrayed as a saint, then this is not the biz for her.
Believe me when I say that no matter how good a working girl treats you, you are just part of a business transaction. Plenty before you, plenty after you.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:00 pm on May 31, 2009

Yes they are exposed and most people UNDERSTAND what they are doing. But in most, if not all cases the very word prostitution is not expliciltly written and it is not described in direct graphical terms what they are doing. By just this rather ridiculous degree of discretion the all important face is being saved. I once jokingly called a bar girl whom I know well for more than a year "puuyin soopheenee" and to judge from her reaction I shouldn't have done that, despite it being all too obvious what she was doing.

We Westerners have some difficulties in understanding that surface is everything here in Thailand and direct talk should be avoided most of the time.

Guys, what I mean is that you are too honest and straightforward about these things, you "phuut maak"! This is a very conservative and hypocritical society where you can break almost all the norms but only if you don't talk about it too directly.

But I might exaggerate the whole thing.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:30 pm on May 31, 2009
yes u exxagerate!

it just a job! we customers, thats all

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:54 pm on May 31, 2009

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