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visitingbkk, that was a great report and you have really done us a service with your perseverance, as EPC mentioned. The little oily that you went into and had to follow the girl down to the one in the alley is the one I discussed too. You had better, though more frustrating luck. I will be sending you a PM.

When I went into the 177, I actually saw one or two older Thai or Chinese Thai men taking some of the less attractive women from the Black Alley in...! Guess there's a market...

PS ZieZie is real. Wherever she is...

Thanks again !!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:01 am on Mar. 1, 2008
This post has no reason, other than for me to log in. It seems I have to do that when I get knocked off the forum when I am at home.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:02 am on Mar. 1, 2008
EPC, no reason? I seem to sense a certain nihilistic futility in your post. Look on the bright side. Somewhere out there, someone could be gratified.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:17 am on Mar. 1, 2008
SJ...after re-read ur post I was thinking it might be the same place. It appears we traverse many similar paths. Tuk at Tulips...the prc conquest....Who knows..maybe ur my twin separated at birth.

Edit: Sorry for the typos...i wrote this while at SOL. They have a sign up: "Due to erections, no sale no alcohol"

No worries....drinks and erections remain available.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:02 am on Mar. 1, 2008
Sounds like you wound up with the bigger genitalia chromosomes though.

But I've often noticed how odd it is that in a big city like this I run into guys I know at a rate that seems improbable. It's probably just that there are certain routes foreigners are more likely to travel.

Again, thanks for your efforts, and I am curious about the identity of your girl from Numphon.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:19 am on Mar. 1, 2008
Joe Wood

Good contributions here.
Thanks seajohn and vsitingbkk. Great posts.

Quote from visitingbkk above :

Is karma unloading on me with both barrels today?

I liked that.
And yes, we all do sometimes have those days when nothing seems to be working out for us.

I'm sure it has to do with the hunter/prey, target focused legacy from a pre-Neanderthal period most of the time which is also linked to a guy's need for precision and exactitude. The right tool for the right job and all that, which can so often lead to frustration and great disappointment even if you are only shopping for a shirt or a pair of shoes and you are being guided by specific target criteria.

Searching for a lady with specification criteria, heightens the focus, tightens up the tension gauge a few notches and puts the nerves if not the loins on tenderhooks.

Enduring this for hours on a hot day here in Bangkok saps the energy and draws heavily on your reserves. No wonder you felt drained and tired. I''ve seen dozens of guys carrying water bottles to stave off dehydration in their quest.

What hunter, having gone out for a nimble doe deer in the morning,will chose to bag a rabbit rather than return home in the evening empty-handed ?

How many lesser nimble deer and better rabbits did he let by in the morning, before he knew that the day was not his ?

You went to Yaowarat with a particularly well-defined focus on what you were looking for.

A prescription for disappointment ?

What did some guy back in the distant past go through in order to get the Golden Fleece ?

You can't go out in Bangkok without seeing beauties every few minutes. Back in the days when I was living in London, and that is a cosmopolitan city, I considered myself lucky if I caught a glimpse of one stunner in the day. Here in Bangkok at times you find yourself optically impregnating them every few minutes.

Sometimes it's better just to go out with no prescribed agenda or criteria and see what falls into view. Maybe just an etched-in Saturday entry of "Afternoon Tea in Yaowarat" every week might do it.

These are not words from the wise.
I too have tramped the sois of China Town on a Saturady or Sunday looking for that beautiful stranger who will give me heaven and ending the day running back to Sukhumvit with blue balls and an eye out for at least a rabbit or a March Hare not too out of her mind to give me some release.

Maybe the weekends are not the time to find what you are looking for ? March will give me the opportunity to go in the week when hopefully there are lesser crowds.

As for guys converging on you, urging you to leave the area, you did the right thing. Some situations off the beaten track can arise quite quickly and you have to make a fast exit.

As for stopping every umbrella-holder, that is not something I would be inclined to do. I'd rather seek a vantage point from which to survey the world as it passes, but China Town seems devoid of such venues in the areas where you might wish to spend a little time waiting for candy to come by.

Back in the days when the Clinton Plaza was in full swing and Hollywood had a bar there ( East ? ) a lot of the girls were Uni from the Ramkamheng campus. There was a beautiful Chinese girl working there for most of its existence but when it folded, she disappeared. Can't rmember her name, but her face and body are heavily imprinted on my memory. I wanted to introduce myself biblicaly to her but was caught up for the duration with another beauty who worked at the same bar.

Such is life.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:24 am on Mar. 2, 2008

Quote: from Joe Wood on 8:39 pm on Mar. 2, 2008
I'm sure it has to do with the hunter/prey, target focused legacy from a pre-Neanderthal period... Enduring this for hours on a hot day...I''ve seen dozens of guys carrying water bottles to stave off dehydration in their quest... etc

This picture you paint of thousands of Australopithecii scouring the city, many clutching water bottles, another tool in other hands... Great, it's very inspiring. The Leakey's would be fascinated too.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:45 am on Mar. 2, 2008
I believe I know the temple you went to, in fact its not a real temple, its a cover for some local criminal organisation.

Let me explain.
I went there about 4 years ago while visiting Chinatown, I was interested in taking pictures of the two fountains at the entrance, there was nobody there but I noticed some people entering the Temple, not stoppong and then going to the back of the temple throught a small door...i was curious and followed...well, behind the small door was a large room with what looked like a 19th western style bank!
People queuing to give some money to some counters with metal bars....everyone watching at me, NOT happy to see me there, then 2 Thai guys came to me and made sure I left the place fast....

Dont know if it was an illegal lottery or shop owners paying for their protection, but the whole place was sure not a touristic attraction LOL


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:54 am on Mar. 4, 2008

Quote: from madfrog on 4:09 pm on Mar. 4, 2008

I fact its not a real temple, its a cover for some local criminal organisation.

That was pretty much what I expected. While I did not even get close to any doors due to my run in with the concierge, it would add up.

Nonetheless, I will not be traveling down that road again

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:21 am on Mar. 4, 2008
seajohn and visitingbkk
your posts are much informative and remarkable on the topic

s a sheikh

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:39 am on Mar. 6, 2008

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