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MainSingapore – The Russkie p4p scene in Singapore, part 3 All Topics

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Sometimes changes in life can be classified into three kinds: minor, medium and major. In what I considered a medium life-change - where p4p in Singapore is concerned - I recently signed up for the local Sammyboy sex forum ( I didn't want to post, as much as I wanted to get contacts and discounts (being a forum member) to the services offered by pimps through this forum.

My first and only time (so far) that I've contacted one of those guys, I came out short-changed.

I'll start from the beginning.

I signed up for services with a few different pimps through the forum. I had to give my contact no. (mobile) to them, so that was a first - giving my S'pore no. to local pimps. This I considered a medium life change, because now I'll be effectively exposed to "shitting in my own backyard" and all.

To cut a potentially long story short, I contacted this particular guy who was one of those offering 'European' gals through the forum. He told me he could get me all the Euros in the Singapore, and I caught on to the fact that the 2 or 3 supposedly different pimps on Sammyboy who exclusively offered Euros were part of the same operation, plus one that offered Euros + Koreans, and also another that offered 'exclusively' Koreans, as well. This last turned out to be the guy, more or less, whom I got the first Russkie from, as I wrote in part 1. So it's a monopoly, and they are all connected.

I booked this blonde (again) called Kelly. I liked her look based on her photo on the forum, and was willing to give a blonde a try, even though I would've loved to do someone different. That would have been Katrine, a supposed 'Croatian' who was damn hot too, judging by the photos.

(By the way, Katrine's nationality should be described as a 'Croat', or 'from Croatia'. 'Croatian' usually describes things like culture, food etc. The language is called 'Serbo-Croat' - right up until the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia - because it's essentially the same as the Serbs'. But anyway, moving along.) I was to regret not taking Katrine instead. But I decided on Kelly, because I was in the mood for a taller, bigger-boned woman.

The arrangements took me to a hotel on the edge of the Orchard Road area (different from the first one) and when I knocked on the door, someone said 'wait a minute' or something - couldn't hear properly. And I just said 'Da', just for the heck of it. I bet Kelly was surprised when she heard that coming from the other side of the door!

Anyway, when she opened the door, there was another girl inside. That would be one of the Koreans, I confirmed later (see how the Russkie & Korean operations are all part of the same group?). They were just hanging out, and the Korean left very soon after I came in and introduced myself, in totally crappy Russian

She was surprised that I speak Russian; I told her, no, just a very little bit, heheh.

I should have seen the signs from the beginning though - the other working girl in the room, the way Kelly was dressed (in tank top, denim shorts - too casually), no make-up at all, and generally no effort to act like a "professional" and get herself and the room all prepared. Contrast this to my first experience, where the room and girls were ready (including the bed), and all I had to do was choose which girl to take.

After we made some small talk, I handed her the fee and went to the bathroom to shower, without her prompting. At that time I thought it was just her professional expectation of a client, but now I realise that she didn't quite care if I wasted time or not talking to her first. She didn't even hand me a towel until I finished my shower and had to ask for one. She then went into the shower after I left, to wash herself up.

Kelly did not look very much like her photo in real life - there's some facial resemblance, and that was it. Other than the heavily-photoshopped pictures, she was chubbier in real life and had bad complexion and skin. Here I was, looking forward to someone tall and big-boned; I wanted to f*** a 'statuesque' blonde. But I got this cigarette-smoking - I let her smoke when we were chatting before my shower - tubby who didn't even bother to wash her mouth with Listerine or eat a mint, in between taking a fag and me shagging her.

When we finally did it, she seemed to be accommodating at first and did the usual - suck my nipples, lick me all the way down to my balls. No BBBJ. It was still nice, but standard, really. And then when she got me aroused, was quite mechanical in getting me into her. I had to change positions a few times because the mood was being spoilt by her constantly asking me, "You finished? You finished?"

(No you stupid biatch, I haven't finished. I've just barely started..)

It did wonders for my libido, being with her that night.

I'm sure all of you got my sarcasm in the statement above. It's a pity she didn't seem to get the idea of being a professional working gal.

And let's just say before I had properly finished, she told me that the time was up and the 'boss' was wondering why we were taking so long. All I got as 'proof' was an SMS she showed me from someone (whose name I didn't recognise) that said 'Ready'. What the f*** was that supposed to mean?

Deciding to call it quits and not make a fuss, I took a very quick shower (while I saw that Kelly had put her clothes back on without any much cleaning up, yeeech). After that I looked at my watch and saw that it was just 30 mins after I had first knocked on her door.

I was disappointed, to say the least, although I tried not to show it to her. I had read good things about the other girls in their stable, bearing in mind that all of the European women were part of the same large operation.I had just picked the wrong gal, probably on the wrong night too.

Then the doorbell rang...
And before I could fully walk out first, I saw this heavenly creature outside the door.

"Hello!" She said brightly, smiling. It took me something like 2 seconds before I realised it was the Katrine, the Croat. Attached are her photos from the forum. Believe you me, she looks even better in real life than in her pics. Unlike Kelly.

While I said "hi" back and strode past her, Katrine playfully reached out and tweaked the front of my shirt. I turned sideways to look at her, and I couldn't seem to have enough time to take in the sight of her. So much so that I started to walk the wrong way, and the two girls said "Hey!" and pointed in the opposite direction to the exit and lifts. All the while, Katrine was still smiling. Kelly, I didn't even bother looking back at her.

I bet they were amused.
But I wasn't. Not after the experience in the room with Kelly.

Man, I read quite a few good things about Katrine from the clients in the forum, and I should've just gone for her instead of the other one.

Well, we live and learn. But at $150 a pop for lousy service, I didn't maximise my encounter and it was a pretty expensive lesson to learn.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:39 am on Oct. 18, 2011
Pushing boundaries a little too far when you expect trafficked sex workers to perform as if they like it.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:06 pm on Oct. 18, 2011
So, did you manage to try out Katrine?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:52 pm on Oct. 18, 2011
The Machine
There were plenty of Ruskies in the Top 5 bar in Orchard Towers on Saturday night.

No need to use pimps IMHO just paying more really without seeiing what u r getting.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:44 am on Oct. 21, 2011
Thanks all for your comments. Btw please note that this series of FRs were from a few years back.

BK - no, didn't try Katrine. Would have needed another infusion of time and cash around then, and neither were forthcoming.

meatwsg - I don't disagree that they would/might have been trafficked according to the UN definition, which countries like the US subscribe to but S'pore does not, incidentally.

But the issue is more basic and mundane than that.
I've been with my fair share of these p4p women in Singers, and unless things were really, really bad for them being here, you'd expect some 'minimum' standard of service from them. I've had average to really good experiences, but this was way below par.

That said, I don't know the inner workings of the trafficking industry here, but I've spoken properly to a few Ruskies/central Asians who've been here for this work, and they come from a range of backgrounds and motivations. And some have more freedom of movement than others, for example, for whatever reasons. I've even hung out with a Uzbekistan-born Korean for a while, after I first became her customer.

Machine - hey mate, I think we'd met way back then in Bkk. I'll drop you a PM soon. If you're settled into Singapore, we should meet up for a drink..

Hmm the Ruskies in Top 5 in OT are 'pole' dancers, no? Not for take-out. Same deal as at Naughty Girl bar. They're a different kettle of fish from the ones that come here specifically for p4p of the horizontal kind.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:00 am on Nov. 7, 2011
Jafa, you have to realize that she's only human, and she will have one of those non-performing days. Of the numerous great reports you may hear from me or the others there are always duds which we won't bother mentioning. It's a numbers game. It's just a matter of moving to the next one, which means spending more, unfortunately.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:24 am on Nov. 7, 2011
best to try a good escort for good service
i try many time very trustfull

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:46 pm on Dec. 1, 2011

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