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Tried it this afternoon. I went with Puk and I have to say she definitely knows what she is doing.

The place is spotlessly clean although very basic. Overall apart from the lack of choice of girls at the moment I think it has lolitas well and truely beat.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:16 am on July 21, 2011
… this sounds way too familiar … think of how the infamous Tulips was launched … the Baron’s super stars were reportedly poorly treated by the Baron’s owner, who had built a very good little massage business … having had enough, the oppressed prai commited their lives, fortunes and sacred honors (I'm taking a bit of literary liberty with Thomas Jefferson here, but their story warrants it) to a coup.

… the magnificent Saeng and two co-conspirators, all Baron’s super stars, departed and launched Tulips … leaving behind a few embeds to quietly make sure customers all knew where they had escaped, they soonafter poached a number of Baron’s pleasure consultants, who were glad to bag the Baron’s owner, emptying Baron’s stable, and dragging with them their customers … Baron’s never recovered and closed before the year was out … they attempted a comeback, but failed.

… the Baron’s/Tulips coup could be a great case study from which Thais in the business could learn... (okay, okay, that's just a theory).

… fast forward to 2011 … same story with Lolita’s… super stars treated poorly … depart to launch their own business … poach former colleagues … drag with them their customers … coup succeeds.

… if Som does this right, she might well duplicate the Baron’s/Tulips case study … Lolita’s provides a service (a fungible asset), of which the 'fixed' asset component is of questionable real value... except, of course, to the sick f***s in this forum who actually enjoy that old couch, who's upholstry is generously covered with old, nasty, dried-out, crusty ‘corn flakes’... eee-yuck!... (shudder).

… Lolita’s enjoys great name recognition, but does it have sufficient brand value to hold their customers? … Som could well gut Lolita’s, as the magnificent Saeng did Baron’s.

… any of you committed Lolita’s fans giving odds on whether Lolita’s will hold your allegiance?. should be interesting to watch the thread count on this and other forums under Lollipop, versus Lolita's thread count.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:30 am on July 22, 2011

Quote: from Marty Bost on 10:07 pm on July 20, 2011

Yes, I tried 4 of the five who were there.

In one day? That's good going, my man!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:47 am on July 22, 2011

Quote: from magnum on 6:30 pm on July 22, 2011

… fast forward to 2011 … same story with Lolita’s… super stars treated poorly … depart to launch their own business … poach former colleagues … drag with them their customers … coup succeeds.

Yeah, it's going to be interesting to see what happens when the Lolita's girls hear about the other bar. Will the Lolita's boss start being a lot nicer to them all of a sudden? And what about the many girls who've left Lolita's already? I'd guess they'd be keeping their ears open for how well the new place is doing and thinking of going back to work there rather than back to Lolita's.

I'm actually surprised it's taken so long for someone to open a rival bj bar on Sukhumvit. The Lolita's girls have been complaining privately for years about their treatment but the owner and manager could do what they wanted because there was no direct rival employer.

By the way, I saw on another forum that Som's got a fresh lot of new girls. Marty... just when you thought you were out, THEY PULL YOU BACK IN!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:59 am on July 22, 2011
Nice to see a new BJ bar open in bangkok
A clean one for a change...


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:01 am on July 22, 2011

The one thing that Lllipops does not have is location.

Soi 10 is some distance from NEP and the otehrs centres of entertainment (Soi 7). The patrons will have to make a conscious decision to trek the extra 200 or 300 m to get to Lollipops. Whereas Lolitas is just round the corner.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd bet on Lollipops more heavily if it were situated on a lower Soi, and in a place that sees a lot of through traffic.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:05 pm on July 22, 2011
Man, how unfit are you that you can't walk an extra 200m?! 200m is a 'trek'? People can run that in 19 seconds, you know!

I walked past it the other day and I thought that it was actually in a really good location because it's between Soi Cowboy and NEP and very near Lolita's too. I used to live near Robinson's and walk to Lolita's and from that side, of course, it's nearer. It's also not as far into the soi as Lolita's. You only have to walk a few steps into the soi and you're there.

They used to say the same thing about location when Lolita's moved to Soi 8. But lots of guys travel Sukhumvit between Cowboy to Nana. Also, I reckon that its proximity to Lolita's is a good thing. If you don't see something you like at one, you walk 200m to the other. (Or, if you're mansaturday, you take a taxi )

Btw, you made my day, mansaturday! 'Trek' Star 'Trek' - to boldly go 200m! As far as... the next soi! If customers can't be bothered to make the short walk to the next soi (whether they're going from Soi 8 to Soi 10 or vice-versa), how are they going to get the energy to climb the stairs at either place?! Better off at Star of Light, no stairs!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:28 am on July 23, 2011
dirty guru
I got caught walking out of Lolitas In that shallow soi exit by my wife-

The girls sitting around would have rung alarm bells in most other wifes heads- but she thought they were so ugly from the distance she was at and watched a Fat one standing and performing a joke while smoking, that she believed me when I said they were promoting beer-

""not sell many if look like that"

"They give you beer?""..she went on-

I was immediately charged with drinking in Bangkok(prior to noon) the sess pit of all things bad she thought-..but suspected I did so upcountry likewise-

But now ordering 3 kilos of mangos from a Cart and altering her train of thought - not the much more serious charge of BJ (had she walked down to check it out)

I have never minded Lolitas much- Some girls were great-

The mammasan there (who many here tell me is a bitch)

Was very friendly with me as I bar fined her and dined her in 2002 back when it was on the other location and she was swallowing gulps for extra-

She even got me a real student one morning using her mobile (it was my birthday)

Times change this new place sounds way nicer-

I await reports

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:45 am on July 23, 2011

Quote: from mansaturday on 4:05 am on July 23, 2011

... as others above, I believe their location is not a problem.

... all of retail is divided into two categories:

(i) impulse shopping; and,
(ii) destination shopping.

... most shopping mall stores rely on impulse shoppers, wandering through the mall, who stop in on impulse and end up buying something they did not intend to buy when they left their home that day... the success of stores as this is significantly driven by huge pedestrian traffic passing within eyesight of their front door and they play the odds that they will convert a passer-by to a sale.

... destination shoppers are looking for specialized purchases or services and have to make a deliberate effort to hunt down that buy... someone buying an expensive couch, a wedding dress, a root canal, a can of bluepoint oysters smoked over alder wood... impulse buyers for these businesses are few.

... my guess is that blowjobs fall into the latter category (for me it does), so a blowjob bar needs only to be reasonably accessible... a few minutes from Nana BTS Station works... most sex tourists are staying in the area, and will hunt them down (not a stretch).

... if they run even an okay business, my bet is that Lollipops will do a great business on Soi 10... looking forward to seeing this thread fill-in, just as Tulip' and Mango's when they were new entries to the market.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:33 am on July 23, 2011

Quote: from jibblies on 2:28 pm on July 23, 2011

Man, how unfit are you that you can't walk an extra 200m?! 200m is a 'trek'? People can run that in 19 seconds, you know!


I am very fit (I run twice a week) and I fly 8000 km to visit Eden Club and Lolitas. I'll even trk down to Pattaya to visit the cultures of Pattaya.

So there.

But if I'm in NEP and feel like a little company, I'll probably check out Lolitas, and if something catches my eye, I'll probably not bother wandering any further.

And I quite like the old sofas and the tatty curtains.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:26 am on July 23, 2011

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