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I will add my two baht.

There is nothing wrong with talking tip to a girl ahead of the game two. When a girl says, "up to you," I always make her name a price--or I use that as the time to set my rate for her.

The SOL ladies are so good that I think they also accept it is a numbers game. I have never seen them wince or complain when I am tipping. And I would not be surprise if I tip on the low side. But I think they appreciate my kindness, and they know that karma works. So if they are nice to a cheap charlie like me--the next guy might over throw the tip.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:52 am on Nov. 19, 2006

Quote: from seajohn on 8:50 pm on Nov. 19, 2006
Btw I haven't seen Eklae for ages. Anybody have any word on her?


I heard that she quit and is currently quite happy with some lucky bastard. Good on her and I wish her all the happiness in the world.

We'll all miss her at the bar though.

Sir Titus

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:02 pm on Nov. 19, 2006
No way!!!

Thanks for the update, sirtitus. Wow, she will be missed. But I too wish her the best of luck and futures. Someone out there is a lucky guy.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:51 pm on Nov. 19, 2006
Joe Wood

Yes, Eklae managed to successfully fly off out of the coup about, let me see, it must be at least two or nearly three months ago, by now.

Stung and clipped at the time of leaving, though not tagged, unsurprisingly by the bar although it astounds me every time.

I heard that she was happily living with some young North American stud who has her measure and keeps her amply satisfied.

This was confirmed to me in person when, recently, on, I think a Wednesday or Thursday early morning, I happened to be waiting for the cleaning and the mopping and the stocking of the bar and the offerings to be made to the Diety before I was attended to by the on-duty lady of the day, but who should drop in for a chat with one of her friends but Eklae herself, looking, I might add, radiantly happy.

And yes, she has definitely given up working there or anywhere else for that matter in the P4P line. I didn't want to be too inquisitive, so I didn't ask any of the more personal or pertinently erotic questions that bubbled up to the surface of my SOL-thinking mind, for when a lady leaves that line of work, she leaves it.

Mixture of feelings here. Regret that I would not be seeing them there again, but superceded by the happiness to see that they have the ability, strength, courage and determination to crawl out of that employment and go for something far, far better.

So, yes, I too join you, seajohn and sirtitus in wishing her well and hope that she has found deserved happiness and contentment. A very nice person and a wonderful lady.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:50 pm on Nov. 19, 2006

Hmmmm....I seem to recall Mr. Wood mentioning that Eklae has been gone for the past two months. Not sure. As I recall, there were two of them. One is still working, and has been in the bar each time that I dropped by recently. The other....I am not sure that I was intimate with her.

Which chocolates? I buy them from the Dusitani, as it is on my way there. Sometimes I will buy cookies. The not eat a lot of junk food....they are, like girls anywhere, conscious of their figures....but they seem to have a hard time declining chocolates. Hell, sometimes I buy food for them. If they have not eaten, I send them to the cart upstairs to order whatever they like, or I take them out to eat at Fuji, or wherever. I like to walk in bearing gifts. Again, I am just silly that way.

You sound a lot like me, SJ. I have not pulled a girl from a go-go in a long, long while. In fact, the only time that I even patronize SC or NEP is when out-of-towners are here, and need to be squired around. Otherwise, I avoid those places, and those girls. Just not my scene.

I was at my favorite restaurant tonight when a girl from Tilac came in with a customer. I have known this girl for a while, including in the biblical sense, so we talked a bit. She was ripped, and probably on yaba. Not drunk. I have seen her drunk. This was something else. Broke my heart. What she has been doing has taken a toll on her looks...and other telltale physical indicators were present.

Interestingly enough, I have had other conversations about this topic with other girls, and they have uniformly noted that the price and availability of yaba has changed since the coup. Apparently, yaba is half the price that was common under the Thaksin regime, and twice as readily sourced.

Anyway, I really am not into go-go girls. Just a different scene, and fine for tourists, but we live here: we can enjoy Bangkok's finest at all times. We all know where to go for great head. Excellent value for the money, very convenient, very fast. We know where to go for virtually everything else that our wicked hearts may desire, and the address books in our mobile phones are among our most jealously guarded possessions.

Latest gossip from the girls: B***y has been home for a few days, seeing to her grandmother, who had a cut on her arm that got infected. It seems that the old girl hurt herself on the farm, and like poor Thai folks anywhere, would not go to the hospital (not sure how the 30 baht scheme or the new zero-baht scheme plays into this). Let's see...what else....Khun N*e has allegedly lost a lot of weight. She went home to her family, and drove all the way on a freakin' motorbike. To put this in perspective for you, it is possible to take a plane to that distant province. When I asked what possessed Khun N*e to drive a moto so far, my informant simply said "she young."

There is a new girl in the bar....I forgot her name already....she looks relatively attractive. It was her first day last week when I was there....I forget which day. I know nothing about her, but will make it a point to learn.

As always, see you guys in the vicinity of the huge cock idol.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:42 pm on Nov. 19, 2006
Concur with Joe Wood here.

When we see a SOL girl leave, it just goes to show that these ladies are not machines or soulless whores. They are women of beauty, heart, generosity, and spirit.

Sure work is work for them and they keep it all that level.

But they are people and they have feelings. They can, and do, love. When the right man shows up in their lives, they are gone from SOL forever. And rightfully so.

They deserve a better life and I, for one, am very happy to see someone like Eklae leave SOL behind and find happiness and a new life.

May it happen to all the SOL angels in time.

Sir Titus

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:22 am on Nov. 20, 2006

Quote: from sirtitus on 10:46 am on Nov. 20, 2006

They deserve a better life and I, for one, am very happy to see someone like Eklae leave SOL behind and find happiness and a new life.

Hear, hear!

And so do we!


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:00 am on Nov. 20, 2006

Quote: from mansaturday on 7:24 pm on Nov. 20, 2006
And so do we!

Yes. But the difference is I don't wanna leave SOL!!! 555

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:20 am on Nov. 20, 2006

Well, gentlemen, I was in the bar this evening, and while it was not exactly dead....there sure was a lot of A-list talent sleeping on the couches and hanging out at the table outside.

Note to self: Monday night is a good night to drop by.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:31 pm on Nov. 20, 2006


The name of the new girl is G*i, or "chicken." She comes from Sukothai, and is a friend of Khun N*m, and worked with her in the same bag factory here in Bangkok. The back story on this is that Khun N*m worked in the bag factory for ten years, making 180 baht a day, six days a week, allegedly from 8AM until 10PM (which sounds a little extreme to me, but my Thai might have faltered there). The story goes that she started working there at age 16. After ten years, (she is now 26, so the timeline fits), she had managed to save up 100,000 baht, which was promptly stolen by her brother from her bank account, who went out and bought a motorcycle.

How factual any of this is, is of course, an open question. I have not failed to notice that the story is tailor made to tug at farang heartstrings.


So, anyway, Khun G*i worked with Khun N*m. No idea how well she ministers to customers, but I can confirm that Khun N*m is back from her convalesence with a vengeance. Her technique has never been better. I remember when she first started working at SoL a few months ago. She was willing, but....had poor skills. Now....she is much, much better, and frankly.....she might be the best in the house, if you prefer a girl who emphasizes artistry rather than blunt throating.

N*m is pretty much recovered from her operation, though she has to sort of take it easy, which means that she works much more slowly, at a more relaxed pace. Nothing better than a long, slow, relaxed blowjob. She has the shaft-stroke, head swirl maneuver down cold. Supposedly, Khun N*m is not engaging in intercourse, per doctor's orders. She was bored at home, I was told, so she came back to work. If you guys have not been in the bar for a while, she needs your business.

I share this with you guys, because you know the girls in question, and are in a position to help. And to enjoy.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:44 pm on Nov. 20, 2006

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