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DAMN ma9!!!

I was going to write and suggest you start some kind of fan club, then I realized that would be redundant since you, Seajohn, Joe Wood, Sirtitus... ect have already done that in the form of this forum.

So I guess I'll just say "carry on"

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:39 am on Dec. 21, 2006

Quote: from jayh on 4:03 pm on Dec. 21, 2006
I was going to write and suggest you start some kind of fan club,

Well, you can count me out.

I was there 10 minutes ago (just before 23:00) and I shall not be going back. It was my second visit.

I was the only customer in the bar, and the (few) girls were having a party outside. Fair enough, it is New Year's Eve.

The three girls who were in the bar did not appeal to me, so I looked outside. One caught my eye, and I said that I liked her. So what, she continued dancing. And then some little dragon with a frown on her face made me feel very unwelcome and basically made me understand that they were not interested. Dunno - I was spoiling their party maybe.

So I paid for my coke, did not bother finishing it and walked out.

Gentlemen, stick to Eden Club. Customers are valued and the reputation is merited.

Star of Light? Overrated and very disappointing.

Maybe the regulars will correct me?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:33 am on Dec. 31, 2006
Plan another bomb... that'll teach them. And tell them all New Years Eve activities are cancelled by the local administration. So actually their party was illegal.

File a complaint at the policebox (if it's still there by now)...

Wait for Joe Woodhead to show up...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:47 am on Dec. 31, 2006
I think miss t-k has retired from the sol.. she has a british boyfriend the past 2-3 years, he's.. retiring her from the bar scean--we will see how this works out..
She's reall y quite a wonderful person, I had a nonrelated sol issue I was working on (without any luck), she solved the problem for me.. one hell of a girl and a great 69er.. I will truely miss her..
If she's is gone who the next girl in line???

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:40 pm on Dec. 31, 2006

I can confirm the retirement of the lovely Miss T*k.

She is done.

I have explored with her whether occasional extracurricular "sanuk for old time's sake" is a possibility, and the lovely girl demurred. She told me, "can go out for drinks, or even dinner, but cannot go to the bed."

This bloke, whomever he is, is apparently a pretty good man.

He is also a lucky bastard, because T* a lovely, lovely person, inside and out.

I wish them both all future happiness and success.

As for who can replace her? Impossible. Her retirement leaves a massive hole in the lineup at the bar.

On the one hand...I am sad to lose one of my regulars. T*k was one of my favorites. She brought a very rare combination of personality, integrity and expertise to the job. No other girl in that joint understood how to make a man happy better than she. She also looked great naked.

On the other hand....I am beyond happy for her. I truly do wish her the best.

She will be missed!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:59 am on Jan. 1, 2007
Joe Wood

Quote from mansaturday ( 10:57 p.m. 31:142:06 )

“Maybe the regulars will correct me?”

Hopefully the regulars wont correct you and you will be rightly left with your impression of the Star of Light bar on the one night in the year when both males and females, customers and service providers pause for a while and set aside work to briefly celebrate and enjoy the festivities that lead up to the striking of the midnight hour that marks the welcoming in of the New Year.

It was unfortunate that you happened to visit just when the ladies were warming up to the occasion and allowing themselves a short while just to enjoy the moment, uninterrupted, and for once, didn’t really want to be taken away from it and their friends for work and which to you, seemed like a normal and reasonable request for attention, which it was.

If you don’t go back, I think that you might be making a mistake. I would just ask you to give it another go, but this time choose an ordinary night when hopefully all the ladies will be present. I would think that if you did that, then you will be pleasantly surprised.


Quote from Dr.Love ( 11:11 p.m. 31:12:06 )

Plan another bomb... that'll teach them. And tell them all New Years Eve activities are cancelled by the local administration. So actually their party was illegal.

File a complaint at the policebox (if it's still there by now)...

Wait for Joe Woodhead to show up...

Night Tours


Happy New Year, Dr.Love.
I don’t know who told you my surname, nor do I know how you felt that you had the right to publish it on the internet. But, no matter. The attempted slur presumably is to imply that I am ‘thick’. Well, thick-skinned, I may be, for your sophisticated and highly intelligent quip means nothing to me and you are welcome to use it. A term of endearment, no doubt.

What I do take exception to, is your remark about bombing. At another time, it might have been read as simply puerile, but at this time, when Bangkok is suffering from such outrages and people are feeling real fear, it might just, if you are lucky, not be seen by the boys in brown as encouraging and supporting terrorism, but it does show a complete and utter lack of compassion. I would make so bold as to suggest that in your vast years of experience, you have never had to pick your way through the bloody entrails of remains that were, at one time, breathing, smiling, laughing, ordinary people, nor had to witness the carnage of torn limbs and the horror of burnt human flesh.

Yes, lucky you.

And a Happy New Year to you, in which I hope, for you, you will begin to display the attributes that your user name carries for most readers and that you will not feel compelled to change it to Dr.Hate. That would be too true.


Quote from Khundavid ( 1st.January 2007 )

“I think miss t-k has retired from the sol…………… I will truly miss her.”

Yes, word from the ladies is that this is sadly, for us and for them, so. Rumours abounded for weeks and apparently, according to Khun R****t, Khun J*y and Khun R*t last night, it suddenly happened and she left just before Christmas. They tell me that she is now back in her village.......with or without the guy, I do not know.

And yes, she really is a wonderful person and will be greatly missed by many of her customers and I would think by all of the ladies there. I know that I will certainly miss her at the bar. But, for the memories of exquisite pleasure that she provided for me over the five years that she was there, I wish her all the luck and best wishes in the world both for her personal and occupational life. I only hope that the guy she’s chosen doesn’t turn out to be a bastard for her. It is wonderful to know that some of these ladies can be so determined as to climb out of the industry and that I, for one, would not wish to see her having to return to work in the bar. That would be horrific.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:39 am on Jan. 1, 2007
Happy New Year all. Too bad it's more of a tense beginning than those of us who live in BKK would have liked to see. Take care. And let us hope we have seen the end of this kind of activity in BKK. Lame jokes, too.

Star of Light:

RE: Mansaturday's complaint. Too bad, dude. Well, obviously many people have gotten good treatment there or they wouldn't keep going on about it; I'm sure you realize that. On the other hand, I know Thai women and assuming that the few girls still hanging around the premises New Year's Eve at that hour had been drinking, partying and gossiping and carrying on with their friends there, why on earth would they want to stop that to give a stranger a blowjob? Have a heart. Holidays don't come often enough, but they come less than I do. But, on yet another hand, if you do never go back, no problem for me... I'll just have to get more BJ's there to pick up the slack... if there was any 555...... Happy New Year and hope you had a better time elsewhere.

RE: Txk. Yes the girls all tell me she's gone. Has a boyfriend. Best wishes to her. A warm funny gentle girl who will be missed.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:46 am on Jan. 1, 2007
I can only say I got similar treatment like mansaturday, and it was just an ordinary day.

Twice I came in an empty bar, ordered a beer and got totally ignored except for 2 girls saying hello but making clear they were not interested in taking care of me.

I cant even imagine why I was ignored like this, you guys can well think it is my own fault, you dont know me after all, but really the few time I went to this bar I was more than nice to everyone and cant say I was treated back fairly...

I have no hard feeling against this bar but wont be back anytime soon unless maybe the girls there decide in 2007 to let say take care of the customers who bother to come to their not -so-nice-and-not-so-clean-and-not-so-friendly bar instead of just eating/sleeping and waiting for money to fall from the sky...

Last thing : This is by NO mean an attack against any of the regular customers who go there and enjoy the place, I wish you all to have a great time there in 2007. Just you know now there is one less punter around to "steal" you your favorite girls.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:14 pm on Jan. 1, 2007
Could it be your 'kee nok' appearance? 555!

We have been there numerous times (without getting a blowjob) but the girls just stick on you like glue... especially those you don't want to be associated with...

Mr. Woodhead, lighten up...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:53 pm on Jan. 1, 2007
Well, if the girls stick to YOU like glue Dr Love, then I cant see how I can look een more "Kee Nok" than you...
So it cant be this...


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:01 pm on Jan. 1, 2007

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