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MainSpecialty Bars – Star of Light at Patpong Soi 2 All Topics

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I am not a fan of SoL (see my previous comments). I've been a couple of times but have never really felt welcome.

But I have to defent it here: I never did notice the smell, and I was there late afternoon (both times).

Maybe I missed out on the SoL experience?!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:35 am on Jan. 21, 2007
Mel Gibson
There where 3 people visiting the bar at the time and all commented on the stench,, I rest my case,,, maybe perfume / bleach / hydrochloric acid gets sprayed in early afternoon ?


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:55 pm on Jan. 21, 2007

, maybe perfume / bleach / hydrochloric acid gets sprayed in early afternoon ?

Went round there recently and they were doing that very thing... well, mopping about with bleach. [For anyone that's not seen the place, it's white ceramic tiled throughout & not much bigger than some BKK hotel bathrooms.]

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:04 pm on Jan. 21, 2007
I know many of the ladies at SOL are aware of, or are made aware of comments on this forum by their customers. They probably heard about the "stench" complaint and were trying to correct the problem.

I have been to SOL many times over the years, and yes, relatively recently. Ff you check my meager posts, you would see that I am neither a proponent nor a detractor. I have enjoyed my times there and to date I have never experienced a disagreeable stench.

If the problem was so bad that it made you leave, you probably should have complained. I have found that the management there has been quite accomodating over the years (but maybe the attention now is not the same as during Kuhn Vichai tenure). Anyway, if one of the posters saw the ladies in a cleaning frenzy, with acid, etc, they were trying to alleviate the problem that was made known to them through the board. Accomodation has always been the forte at the SOL.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:04 pm on Jan. 21, 2007
Maybe they were just cleaning the Pud that the Previous Client left on the Floor? LOL

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:19 pm on Jan. 21, 2007
Joe Wood
Well, Mel, thanks for being honest with regard to how you found the Star of Light, although I refrain from saying a Star of Light experience, since your initial reaction to the place in the first minute or two prevented you from going the whole hog of staying and partaking of what was on offer there.

What one has to keep in mind is that it is a “sucking bar” or a ‘blow-job bar’ and in no way is related to the sort of venue that the Champagne bar pretends to be. Keeping in mind that it is a blow-job bar, that is what you will come across when you go in there, have no doubt about it. So, if you are shocked by that sort of thing, anyone’s advice for you would be to stay away from such places. They have a way of doing things in there, like any other blow-job bar, that does not have a place in the high-end of the market for tourists, however seasoned.

I think everyone would agree that what is on offer in the Star of Light, would not appeal to everyone, and so therefore is not for everyone, just the same as the Champagne bar is not to everyone’s taste, certainly not mine.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say the Champagne bar or anywhere else for that matter is disgusting, nor that the people who go there or to any particular place are crazy or mentally unstable. It is a matter of personal choice and I respect that. Just because I do not care for a particular place, doesn’t mean that I would want to rule it out for the rest of humanity.

Just the same as my impression of a place is merely mine and not representative of 99% of the population, unlike yours apparently.

That being so, it might be evident to the majority of brothers who read these pages, that what is written about a particular place, whether it be the Star of Light or the Grand Palace, Toxic Bar, Tours of Bangkok Nightlife or Chatuchak Market, informs the reader a lot more about the writer and the way they think and view the world, than about the actual place. ( Take Dr.Love’s invaluable contributions, for instance, if you will.) These entries do not mean that you will find what another has found there.

The other thing that most brothers will have noticed is that most of the contributions to this particular thread have been about the experiences that they have had with the Star of Light ladies and about the ladies themselves as wonderful, loving and unique people who, in the midst of years doing such a job, have not lost the sensitivity and humanity and freshness that some of their visitors seem to lack. And I might add here, not particularly in their defense or mine, that I have always found any lady in the Star of Light with whom I have had the pleasure, to be scrupulously clean and most careful about their own personal hygiene. I cannot say this of many other places in the city, and if I can, not to the same degree nor to such a high standard.

The entries have not been about cleaning agents or odours or hydrochloric acid or whether such and such a place is disgusting or not, or the state of the upholstery, or the tiling. The entries have been about people and their interactions and what they have taken away with them from those enriching experiences.

If you can’t see the wood for the trees, maybe you are absolutely right in that it is not the place for you, especially if you’ve just spent the previous hour or two mingling in the Champagne bar.

But as for a break-down of hygienic or unhygienic aspects of night-life venues, maybe there is a place to start a new thread in another section. And I would not be surprised if the Star of Light doesn’t reach the top of that list.
It doesn’t pretend to be a high-end place of entertainment. And as, at least two brothers pointed out, any secretion or uncleanliness found in the bar has all been brought in to the bar by people visiting the bar.

And I’m sure on the newly-created thread that might appeal to lavatorially challenged, secretion focused individuals, a lot of venues would surface all over Bangkok and not only in NEP or Cowboy but hotels where farang stay, which would prove to be far more worthy of a perverted sniff than the Star of Light. You just have to make an inspection of any of the Go-Go venue toilets to realize that their little boys’ room is not the main attraction.

I have been in the Star of Light countless times over the years, in the early morning, the afternoon, late at night and in the early hours of the morning and I have never known it to be disgusting, nor unclean nor to smell. I’ve seen a few visitors in there who haven’t seen shower-water in days and others who have forgotten since last week to change their clothes. But their presence has been no reflection on the Star of Light nor upon the delightful ladies who populate the bar. I just put these visitors’ appearances, much in the minority, down to being an overflow from such places as the Champagne Bar and the like.

I agree that no one wants a slanging match, but to use such emotive terms such as ‘disgusting’ and ‘stench’ are not conducive to being truly objective.

I also agree that, being a veteran tourist of South-East Asia, you will have done a few things on a dirt floor with cats and dogs whilst drinking snake-blood, but that does not make your comments or observations as facts. They are merely comments and observations, just like anyone else’s entry to this or any other thread. Only comments and observations from their and your points of view.

I accept them readily, for what they are. We all think and feel differently. And I agree with you again about this forum being about expressing yourself truthfully, for the benefit of its members. It is invaluable, just as a person’s right to reflect the view that they do not wish to extend the common courtesy of using a day-to day term of social address to anyone immediately associated with providing P4P. Presumably they feel the need to dehumanise
the provider in order to heighten their feelings of being in complete control. No problem. Different strokes for different folks.

It reminds me of people going to a place to listen to some music or to view a great painting or a piece of architecture or a view from a mountain top. Some people are truly knocked out by it. Others wouldn’t give it the time of day. Neither are wrong. It is just that they come to the place from different journeys and different lives and are standing on the other side of a fence to those around them. That’s O.K. But just because they come to the experience differently from you, and cannot see what it holds for you, doesn’t make them any more mentally unstable or crazy than you might be.

It might be that they know that.
Do you ?
Have a good day.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:07 pm on Jan. 21, 2007
Mel Gibson
Some valid points Joe,, it holds some wonder for you but not so for me.
Simply put you see white when you enter and I see black, reality is some shade of grey.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:11 pm on Jan. 21, 2007
Though I prefer a shade of pink myself...

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:49 pm on Jan. 21, 2007

I have to say, Mel.....that those are some the FUNNIEST posts that I have read in a long time.

One of the girls spit out a mouthful of "come" in a wastebasket? Oh my God! I am dying over here. Seriously.

Maybe I am just a sick bastard, really made me laugh.

Thanks for that.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:27 pm on Jan. 23, 2007

So,on going into the Star of Light, if I understand this correctly, Joe, according to Mel, sees white ( ?),
Mel himself sees black (?), reality is grey (?), Dr.Love sees red, and seajohn wants to see pink.

As for myself, I prefer to look forward each time to enjoying the whole rainbow of colourful experiences as provided by the stars of the Star of Light.

But, as they say, to each, his own.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:29 pm on Jan. 23, 2007

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