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MainSpecialty Bars – Star of Light at Patpong Soi 2 All Topics

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Hey Marc, no problem whatsoever. As I said originally, it's all my fault for not doing adequate research on the board before leaving my house. I certainly respect the girls' religious beliefs and wouldn't want to take any of their precious holidays from them. Buddha knows, they work damn hard.

Anyway, I went to SoL yesterday, and Eh was in attendance, much to my delight. After a very brief chat, we headed for the bathroom. All was going well (in fact, it was the best ever) until the buzzer inthe main room sounded. Now, this is fine and dandy; I happen to have even developed sort of Pavlovian love for that grating sound. However, the buzzer sounded for much longer than usual, which caused poor Eh to stand out fast as lightning and point at my clothes, whispering "Fast, FAST!"

I was freaking out and it took me a little while to get everything on as it should be, meanwhile Miss Canada was pleading with me to get dressed, as soon as I had my sandals on, she shoved my into the little area where the squat toilet is, and left, sutting the lights off before she did.

I stood there, unable to hear what was going on, for about 5 minutes before Eh came back in and brought me out of the bathroom, where my beer was still waiting. She was visibly distraught, and she kept patting her heart and saying "Glua. Glua mak!" After a short while, lovely Nok came over and calmed Eh down, saying that the police just have a tendency toward unannounced visits from time to time (gotta love Nok's moxy; whole lotta moxy there).

Anyway, Eh calmed down after a few colas, and we went back into the bathroom and finished the deed in record time. I think the interruptus even made the end result more intense, although I don't want to go through the ordeal again.

Has anyone ever been 'caught' in SoL? If it were to happen to you, how do you think you'd react? I suppose bribery is the order of the day, but what would be an appropriate opening figure? I must say, the whole thing spooked me pretty good.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:40 am on Aug. 4, 2007
I suppose bribery is the order of the day, but what would be an appropriate opening figure?

hi BrianD

not your problem
can be in any place, it is always to the owner to take care of any problem arising in his place

see you

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:59 am on Aug. 4, 2007
Joe Wood
Yes, bribery or in these instances let us call it robbery, is the order of the day.

BrianD, no worries.
The visitations are aimed at getting more out of the bar and intimidating the girls.

If a girl is caught, then she and the bar will be paying more for some time, in one way or another.

This is the daily risk that these girls take, but luckily they look out for one another as do other bars along the strip.

You may have noticed some of the girls usuually sitting outside at the table, looking up and down Patpong 2.

This is all part of their training.
They know how to spot a customer already. This is not a difficult thing to do. In fact, it can be quite fun at times and sometimes boring.


The training of the girls sitting at the table is more to do with spotting a blood-sucking, thieving bastard in brown (or plainclothes) from three hundred yards and timing as to how long in milliseconds it takes for them to warn others engaged in work in the bar.

But you were right, BrianD to get yourself in order as soon as possible. It's quite soothing to know that the girls can be so comforting afterwards. But yes, one can do without the visitation experience. Luckily, it doesn't happen that often, and when it does, a warning is given.
Usually the purpose is to just collect the unofficial licence money and under the counter payment to keep everyone 'happy'.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:50 pm on Aug. 5, 2007

Very clearly explained! thanks for the insight.

Quick Question, what if, for some reason, you as a customer get caught.... indulging? (BJ Bar, Soapy, Oily...)
what can the Brownies do to you?

By the way.... had the pleasure of Trying Miss Canada, and I must say she is the best I have had @ SOL since Miss Tuk left the Biz.
Next time I'll bring more Pancakes to go with the Maple Syrup

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:02 pm on Aug. 5, 2007
The BiB may try it on with you if they catch you in the act, but theres not much they can do. They will be more interested in 'fining' the bar.

Joe Wood, what would you rather happen - the police take unofficial licence money in return for turning a blind eye, or they do their job as per the letter of the law and lock the girls up and close the place permanently. The police are not robbing anyone nor are they blood sucking thieving bastards, the bar has a simple choice - pay the tea money and be allowed to contine as a blow job bar, or don't pay the money and open as a normal bar (yes, I know there will still be costs, but not like they pay currently). Its the price they have to pay for operating an illegal business.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:46 pm on Aug. 5, 2007
Joe Wood
Good point Finchy.
Very pragmatic from a realist's point of view.

But......" The police are not robbing anyone"........

I presume in your long tenure here in the land of smiles,you have never been stopped, apprehended nor accosted. Well, lucky you.....and I write that with sincerity.

But ask someone ( Thai, falang or another ) who has had to pay out again and again over the years, maybe even week after week, and they may have a different point of view.

Maybe if His Majesty the King were to be asked where the State revenues should be directed and in whose pockets they should not land, he might give a different answer.

If the 'team' are working the bars up and down Patpong 1 and 2, which they do, and other places in and outside of the area once or twice a month, the amount of ready and unaccounted cash that they accumulate each month adds up to personal fortunes.

You write.....'nor are they blood sucking thieving bastards'..............well you are right. I am guilty of expressing myself in too mild a manner at times. But I'm sure others could come up with more accurately descriptive names than my meagre attempt.

But Finchy, in the formulation of the question you pose, you are limiting the choice to two evils. First of all, my answer would be "No' to both of them, and secondly, I don't think it is as simple as that to reduce the issue to such a choice, even in this society, taken that these practises are unofficially accepted, in fact encouraged for the economy.

And as you know, the net of this particular theft is spread over the whole Kingdom, and not just limited to the world of P4P, but which has, like a disease, extended its tenacles into every walk of life. Children are educated in its manner and grow up with the expectancy of its sickness that permeates the civil service, government departments, politics, social networks and the business world.

To return to the area of P4P, when you get a girl caught in circumstances who cannot pay and who is in fear of going to jail, opts to accept the choice of servicing the 'officer' and his friends for free for a period of time
( unspecified) in exchange for her temporary liberty, does not seem to me to be a choice at all and certainly nothing that anyone could hold up as maintaining law and order under any flag, let alone liberty, fraternity and equality.

But a good point. Because those are the only choices presented to the bars and the girls by the 'teams' who trawl the vulnerable.

I was assuming that we could be allowed, at least in our thinking, to step out of the parameters set by them.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:03 am on Aug. 6, 2007
Well Joe, I very rarely drive here so I have never been stopped by the traffic bobbies who seem to generate the most complaints. I have been stopped in the street, and in taxis, a number of times and not once did they attempt to plant something or extract money from me, in fact they were perfectly polite and reasonable.

If you want to prevent bribery and corruption in the police then salaries need to be raised and so do police budgets. A good percentage of the illegally gained money is used to supplement the budgets of the police divisions, as the government budgets are inadequate. You could argue that the police are acting as unofficial tax revenue collectors from unofficial income streams.

What do you think should happen?

What about the owner of SoL? If I recall rightly it is my understanding that the girls do not earn a salary as such, yet are liable for fines for breaches of a number of regulations. In the meantime the owner takes a cut of the money that was earned with her own talents. Does that not equally make the owner a "blood sucking thieveing bastard".

Regarding your point about the poor girl having to service the officers or go to jail if she gets caught, well of course it is not right that the officers personally take advantage of her, BUT she is committing a crime and as such should not really expect too much sympathy if caught and has to face some consequences such as a fine. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

At the end of the day, this is Thailand and corruption and bribing your way out of taking responsibility for your actions is deeply ingrained. Is it right? No of course not, but if it wasn't for this there would be no such place as SoL.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:53 am on Aug. 6, 2007
Joe Wood
Oh I agree with you Finchy on the point of the police salaries being raised above their ludicous present levels for the ordinary ranks.

But I think you know that even if they were paid a decent wage, the pocketing of extra cash, which in reality is extortion, will still continue since it is engrained in the society here. Not that the West is any different.

As for the owner/ manager of SOL and any other bar manager or owner of any other establishment, although you were not as explicit as I was in my condemnation of the uniformed brigade, my view is that they are just as guilty and earn the same description.

This also does not exclude certain few visitors to and residents in this country who take advantage of vulnerability to the point of earning the same title.

However, it is good to see the vast majority of guys going around the streets and bars and other places and treating the girls with respect and courtesy and consideration.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:40 am on Aug. 6, 2007

Quote: from Joe Wood on 11:41 am on Aug. 4, 2007
and the Eden Club on sukhumvit Soi 7/1 and the Star of Light bar in Patpong 2 share the top slot as far as I am concerned.

Oh, sharing slots... Very nice.

RE the recent discussion... In a society like this, in which oppression of the lower classes is so explicit... There are a lot of conflicts. We get by easier than most.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:36 am on Aug. 6, 2007
went there last weekend. As I just came back from Europe I had taken some Cialis to be able to keep it up to shape.
..... almost a mistake. After chatting with some of the girls fr a while I went off for a ST with L* and U*, the latter one a first try for me. In my room I had to learn then what customer service is: Already on the way they gave me the typical "five time minimum" jokes. The "problem " came up after the first few shots. They were poised to make me shoot until I would not come up anymore, but thanks to the Cialis, there was always something moving again and again, even they were surprised. The 7th time I thought this will be my last moment of life......
Those girls are simply amazing in their attitude twards customer satisfaction!!!!!!
Hail to the SOL queens!!!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:38 am on Aug. 20, 2007

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