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Quote: from muffdiver on 2:07 pm on April 11, 2006

hi muffdiver
i dont know what..but I think you dont like the french owner lol..

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:56 am on April 11, 2006
Never met him. I am only repeating what some very well informed sources had to say. People who are prime movers, and shakers, who know the other prime movers first hand and call them friends. THEY know the French guy. In fact oen of them is also a French guy. But none of these people thinks much of the three so called fetish bars he operates.

I am not a bar owner, I am a university lecturer in another country. My experiences in SM in Thailand are already on record in another thread. I've been on this forum for years. Don't kill the messenger. Okay?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:39 am on April 11, 2006
Off course its over priced. The REAL dome in Thailand is few and the DOME you see in this bars are not more then a copy cat. Hurray to SUBMALE he knows how to get a real beating. Japan has a long history of bondage and sadism. I am sure the Femdom most of them trained by the same man who is not in this forum any longer. I wish they could open a club bar or what ever when people can dress up in fetish dresses and have a drink for under 900 THB. Btw real BDSM should never done with drinks so do not buy any drinks for the girls.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:10 am on April 11, 2006
Alcohol and BDSM simply do not mix. Not much alcohol anyway. For a sub it impairs the ability to give informed and competent consent, crucial to SM play. For a Top it impairs judgement and control, equally critical. For both it impairs sensation, and what is SM but the search for intense sensation? One seeks to feel more acutely not dull one's sense with booze. In the US, at play parties and so on alcohol is taboo. So, the very idea of an SM bar is an odd one, and one that flourishes nowhere but Japan. There are no SM bars in US or Europe or Australia. It's a non-starter.

Frankly, the notion that people are going to get into full bore leather and latex kit and walk down Patpong 2 to this place while being gawked at and derided by the drunks and whoremongers along the way is a bit hard to swallow. Sauron, the no longer present gentleman you referred to, always stresses to me that his House's patrons, and there are thousands of them, want, need and demand absolute PRIVACY and that any public display of their lifestyle orientation is anathema to them. Or is Bar Bar going to have a changing room in the back? Come on, isn't all this just a bit off? The sort of people who would want to be SEEN strutting around in leather, latex, and pvc while going to and from Bar Bar are poseurs and not players. In the UK for example, the main market for fetish clothing is the music club crowd who love this stuff but who by and large have nothing whatsoever to do with SM. They just like the look. The real SM people wouldn't be caught dead in a bar, all kitted out in fetish drag. No. IF there were a demand for a place where SM people could meet, wear fetish clothing and exchange views, contacts, techniques etc, it should be a private meeting place as far removed from any red light district as possible, not liable to being raided by publicity seeking deputy Interior ministers who just happen to own TV stations, and without benefit of 900 baht drinks or pantomime Dommes one molecule thick with bar girls underneath the surface. A social and support group in other words perhaps along the lines of the PEP (Partners Exchanging Power) groups in US mostly organized by Nancy Ava Miller, or the Black Rose group in Washington DC. Not a bar. Not subject to gawkers and curiosity minded intruders or the unwanted attentions of the Bangrak and Lumpini police districts with their hands out and their urine testing programs.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:30 am on April 11, 2006
Right Muffdiver I prefer the private clubs I had loads of fun in my country. The barbar is more I think for people that are drunk and want to check whats up. The boring Thai guy outside does not make me wanna go in. Can we not just all go party in Sauron house?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:04 pm on April 11, 2006
Yes - but maybe he likes the American one

Actually, he is wrong in the main. The Japanese bars operate brilliantly with alcohol and there are many places (for e.g the hellfire clubs) in almost every western country where bdsm and alcohol do mix. Consent is a much overused term in bdsm as are cliches about prostitution and domination. Put it this way - they are fro the benefit of service providers rather than their clients.

While I am not totally happy myself about the product offered at Demonia - I acknowledge that the concept has plenty of promise. I am grateful to the French owner for his efforts and wish him success. It is perhaps unfair to compare the Thai scene to the Jap scene anyway because the latter has had so long to develop.

In the end, the opinions of posters like Bangkok sexy are invaluable because they are actually punters rather than sm proprieters. Make no mistake, Sauron lives on - especially on this page. He is a ghost of his former rage, though.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:41 pm on April 11, 2006
Sauron tells me that Japanese Mistresses of renown such as Mistress Arika Sakurai have visited Chateau Jade and were very surprised at the quality of Mistress Wednesday's shibari skills and the overall talents of the other Dommes. Sauron has a number of close friends in the Scene in Japan and also quite a few members of CJ who live/work in Japan not to mention Japanese expats. With a Japanese ex-wife himself, Sauron is a keen observer of that part of the world, I can attest to that as I live and work in Seoul and have had many conversations with Sauron on this subject.

First of all, until the last few years the professional Japanese Scene was largely hostile to gaijin. Few SM dungeons or studios would accept gaijin subs at all. Prices if they did, were as advertised, 2,000 Yen for one Domme 60-90 minutes and as always in Japan that is just the start of the final bill not the end.

With the slackening of the Japanese economy the fuzoku (kinky sex) business has opened up to gaijin a little but not a lot, and the Mistresss bar phenomenon arose. But the Mistresses in Mistress bars bear the same relationship to real Dommes as hostesses in cabarets bear to geisha. Cheap copies. Imitations. The sort of play one can do in a Mistress bar setting is highly constrained compared to a bona fide Dungeon and real Mistresses.

Submale's contempt for consent says a lot about him. Sauron would not welcome him as a patron at Chateau Jade with that sort of viewpoint. The Japanese Scene historically has been maverick as regards basic issues of safety, limits, consent and so on that are long since agreed upon in US and European SM circles.

Submale is entitled to his views, but, honestly, he'd be eaten alive on a SM forum for them. This is not a SM forum. Sauron meanwhile for eight years has provided South East Asia with its primary BDSM venue, and for about half that time its ONLY venue. An examination of Chateau Jade's fees as compared to those ANYWHERE else in the world suggests that he did not do so out of avarice. By the way the drinks at CJ are free but no one comes there to drink - alcohol anyway, or much. And poor Sauron can no longer drink. Doctor's orders.

Recent guests include the owner of Club DOMA of The Hague, 26 years open. DOMA Magazine ran an article with photos all about Chateau Jade in February. Sauron brought John, the DOMA owner, to meet Marc of EDEN to discuss the latter's new venture in fetishwear. Marc is a frequent dinner guest at Sauron's, along with his wife and entourage, and Sauron has enjoyed the hospitality of Marc's very lovely home more than once. These people DO. They do not sit on their asses and pontificate. I'd like to know just what submale has DONE for the Scene, ever, besides run his mouth like a sois-dissant SM authority? And by the way Domination is not prostitution because Domination does not involve SEX penetrative sex by the sub of the Domme and THAT is the essence of prostitution. I would like to know what bizarre school of economics submale adheres to in which a service business does not accrue to the benefit of its performers and proprietors, but it must be IN DEMAND and must provide GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY or it will fail.

That's what I hear from the man, anyway.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:48 pm on April 11, 2006

Quote: from muffdiver on 10:41 am on April 12, 2006

Recent guests include the owner of Club DOMA of The Hague, 26 years open. DOMA Magazine ran an article with photos all about Chateau Jade in February

DOMA MAGAZINE article not about chateau jade but about Castle PATTAYA

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:06 am on April 12, 2006
Interesting post. I know Arika whereabouts as well - she actually cost me a small fortune - and her view of Don and his establishment is a little different to yours.

You obviously know very little about the Japanese scene. The Sads group of bars are off limits to foreigners, but that is about it. Foreigners can visit a heap of bars and mistress salons and many of these Mistresses are also Kitagawa film professionals.

You call the Japanese Mistresses available to foreigners "pale imitations". This is a ludicrous remark from someone who has no current knowledge of the Japanese scene. But I won't bother arguing. I prefer Thailand anyway, but not because of the sm scene.

It is obvious that your well-informed sources are in fact one source, namely, Don.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:17 am on April 12, 2006
Sorry, Russell, but the article on Chateau Jade not The castle appears on pages 13-19 of DOMA Magazine issue 163 (February 2006). John is in fact in Pattaya right now. He may well have done an article on The Castle but, if so I have not seen it. I have seen the article about Chateau Jade. John was there for a return visit within the last two weeks, and dropped off five copies of the issue.

Photos from the DOMA article can be found on the personal websites of Mistress Wednesday and Mistress Tahn.

Both of which can also be accessed from the main CJ website

The Dutch language text of the DOMA article is being translated into English and will be available on those sites soon as well.

So, you are mistaken. You ought to check your facts before posting.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:43 am on April 12, 2006

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