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Joe Wood
farangman4 : Didn't baron's barber's give a haircut with a happy ending? Or were they not barbers at all? I never went there myself.

Yes, baron barber did have a hairdresser's section downstairs ( as they do now, but now at treble the cost).

The hairdresser's section was right next to the front door on the right as you went in ( from the Sukhumvit entrance ) and was quite handy if your favourite was just finishing off her make-up upstairs or delayed somehow for your appointment, or more likely had her mouth full at the time of your arrival, but being next to the front door, not the best place for anything untoward.

I was never given a happy ending whilst seated at the chair but I was invited upstairs on a few occasions by that young, juicy-jugged lady whose job it was to clean your ears and trim the hair in there and do the manicures and the pedicures, which, I'll have to say now, that I never got.

( Oh, well. Yes, I did, once.......on a rainy afternoon when I had to wait an hour but that doesn't count................. or does it ? )

Joking apart, why the heck is there an association between manicures and pedicures and being gay ?

I don't think that having a manicure or a pedicure or a shower or a shave or a haircut or looking after your body and your health has any bearing on your sexual orientation at all.

Are some of you telling me that if I go around with dirty, uncut and uncared for fingernails and toenails, smelling of body odour, farting and burping, that, in someone's thinking, I would be considered more masculine ?
I don't think do.

With that thinking, maybe rolling in soi dog excrement before I skip off to Nana or Cowboy or Patpong or wherever, would let me know how many of the ladies would be attracted to that sort of masculinity, if I didn't know better.

Don't confuse the idea of the moronic, Neanderthal, muscle-bound, myopic, beer-gut pot-bellied, idiot thug of the unwashed hordes with what you percieve as being masculine.

Being masculine was my Dad, Humphrey Bogart, Gary Cooper, James Stewart, Henry Fonda, Glenn Ford, Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Charlton Heston, John Mills, Popeye, Micky Mouse and Errol Flynn on a dry weekend.

You never saw Micky Mouse going off with the boys to watch football. He would actively choose to be in the company of as many Minnies as possible.
Popeye on the other hand. Well, the poor guy. Who was the bastard who lumbered him with Olive Oil ?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:27 pm on Aug. 17, 2007
Max Bialystock
I get manicures and, on occassion, pedicures, too.
Girls like a man with nice hands; after all you're
planing on putting them all over her body, right?

I've also no problem with a facial now and then, either.
It feels good and is good for your skin, so why not?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:00 pm on Aug. 17, 2007
haam sup
Don't believe ANY of this 'real men can get mani/pedicures too" crap. Although I don't get manicures, since my last pedicure, I seem drawn to bars like Obsession, Casanova, and Guess! I guess that makes me HALF gay, a cause and effect correlation, if ever there was one...


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:39 pm on Aug. 17, 2007
Yea the only thing more gay is when you see blokes drinking those lady drinks, that should have an umbrella - like long island ice teas.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:20 pm on Aug. 17, 2007

Quote: from Max Bialystock on 9:54 am on Aug. 18, 2007

good for your skin, so why not?

because it's for women folk

and Long Island Iced teas are for men, especially the ones at Toxic

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:53 am on Aug. 18, 2007
I'm sorry, I don't get some of you guys.

I can see some poor octagon head now,
"No, don't touch me, girls! Stay away with your motherly abilities! Don't touch me, you'll make me gay!"

It makes no sense. A self hatred of gender self images. A prison of the mind.

If I had my way... my way... I'd always have a harem of young ladies bathing me, dressing me, feeding me, cleaning and trimming every part of me that could use it perpetually. How I can do without it for so long is an agonizing mystery.

There I am in my dream, floating in a large foamy bath, young girls caressing me from all directions, laughing and cooing and fondling and fawning over me with their sweetness and each other. My head massaged and shampoo'd. Every crevise cleaned thoroughly. Still in the bath and the gentle shaving and trimming begins. Carried out and then the elaborate dressing and the polishing of my nails with soft pelvic hairs just before my hands and feet are massaged with perfumes in the gorgeous hair of 3 of them rubbed into each one. My balls are sucked while my cock shoots a few orgasms readying me for the silken underwear, if I chose to wear any. Ah, the downy pillows these loving servants carry me around on. And they do love me with a loyalty reserved for an employer who takes care of them better than any other employer in the world. In fact they are equally in love with me.

See, this is a fantasy. Not my only fantasy, I assure you. They are all various. However, I am always happy to live out some part of each one of them, incorporated into the realities of the world I do know.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:53 am on Aug. 18, 2007

Quote: from Joe Wood on 9:21 am on Aug. 18, 2007

Joking apart, why the heck is there an association between manicures and pedicures and being gay ?
Between most neanderthals lack proper self-hygiene, and like to justify it as being 'masculine'. Goes along with farting, burping, scratching their balls, and ass, and claiming that is 'masculine' too.

What it comes down to, invariably, is that those ridiculing people that prefer to take care of themselves, simply lack confidence and comfort in their own sexuality, and live in what seajohn so aptly describes as a 'prison of the mind'. Since that's usually associated with a decided lack of culture and education, the preceding sentence probably just went over their heads....

Anyway, I enjoy both manicures, pedicures, as well as getting my eyebrows sculpted (well, trimmed, more likely), as well as trimming or shaving certain bodyhairs (underarms, legs, arms, and chest).

Most girls appreciate good hygiene and like to point out how they prefer a man who smells pleasant, versus most hairy guys who, despite showering, still smell unpleasant (and for those of you about to justify your excessive body hair as 'masculine', keep in mind that's also what the well-haired arabs, and other middle-eastern men claim.... you know, the ones that smell funny... so you're in good company)

Anyway, good body hygiene, in combination with dropping 50 pounds in body weight before my last trip resulted in aesthetics that appear to have been appreciated by the ladies -- so I don't mind being called 'gay', especially if it's troglodytes doing the name calling

Quote: from LocalYokul on 3:47 pm on Aug. 18, 2007

because it's for women folk
Could you possibly sound any more 'Deliverance', please...?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:47 am on Aug. 18, 2007
I know a lot of the metrosexuals go for this stuff

but frankly, the girlie types like John Edwards make me sort of want to puke

he is more "gay' than many gay guys that I know, no wonder he is uncomfortable around them (gays)

I sure am glad he has no chance of being president as four years of waching him primp and preen and I would go nuts..

Hillary is more manish than Edwards is

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:11 pm on Aug. 18, 2007
What does any of that drivel have to do with manicures and pedicures?

Maybe you should post here:

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:58 pm on Aug. 18, 2007
I can't think of any part of my post above that smacks of metrosexuality (whatever the f*** that is, a new fad I guess) or homosexuality.

But it does include being groomed by 200 young women with strong mothering instincts and a desire to please! Yeah!

I feel sorry for the guys who can't take a holiday from their opinions just to relax and let them do the work they know so well.........

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:54 pm on Aug. 18, 2007

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