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MainSpecialty Bars – Star of Light at Patpong Soi 2 All Topics

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I must ask the pardon of Anhol Ding, esteemed or streaming Members of the Forum, and the Ancient World et al. The word was mispelled and should be:

CATHEXIS (cathexes, to cathect) : The libido's charge of energy. Freud often described the functioning of psychosexual energies in mechanical terms, influenced perhaps by the dominance of the steam engine at the end of the nineteenth century. He often described the libido as the producer of energies that, if blocked, required release in other ways...

...The term cathexis is used to describe an investment of libidinal energy in an object or an idea.

American Heritage Definition with sound and etymology:

I think this occurs during the whole period previous to entrance to SOL as well as afterwards (since one has just surrendered their body without surrendering one's psyche). I think this explains some of the emotions which surround p4p in general. Beyond getting what one may fairly considers one's money's worth; ideas often controlling our lives rather than just the sensation of the moment... I don't think dotcom's frustration was a fantasy. Maybe the girl is cathecting something else at the time. Alas, the young. This happens once in a while even to the best of them, even in the best of bars... And to further illustrate this cathexis effect, did we not just read of how Anhol Ding's libido was redirecting itself into a sculpture of Zeus and two nymphs, but then he had to actually set aside his artist's tools due to the captivations of a succulent mouth, and was rendered merely able to peruse a dictionary (requiring less concentration) due to the ongoing enslavement of his libido until a natural orgasm.

Brogg, the Star of Light bar (which is also extant proof that I have evolved from the bonobo) opens... Well, you can probably get in around 9.30am, sometimes earlier lately. Geronimo!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:20 am on April 8, 2006

Quote: from seajohn on 6:13 pm on April 8, 2006

That early? Thats good then, seems fitting, I was planning to go to the nearby snake farm to watch a king get milked tomorrow morning anyway..

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:40 am on April 8, 2006
Young learner?

Hmmm. I remember that there was a new girl there a few weeks ago...and I took a pass. She looked really, really young...and a little bit in shock. Like she was overwhelmed by the fact that she was sucking cock for a living.

N**...really is very sweet, and welcoming, and compliant. She is such a nice young girl.

I am thinking that I need to try out some of the older girls there. Not sure how to go about that...everytime that I walk in, I have to run a gauntlet between B** and N**....and if B***y is there, they pretty much assume that I am going to select her, and....they are probably right. Especially since I have not had the pleasure of having B****y swallow my cock in a couple weeks now.


Nice problem to have.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:56 pm on April 8, 2006
Well you could have knocked me over with a feather. I got an E-Mail form the Girl I saw at SOL the last time I was in BKK... Jan...

I Bar-Fined her back to my Hotel for ST which lasted about 3 hours. She really didnt want to work that day
and since I bar-fined her she went home after my session.

She said she really appreciated that. She said so in the E-Mail. I cant believe I made that kind of impression.

We'll see iif it leads to a request for money but it didnt sound like it but you never know.

Anyway. I had to tell you all.

I really enjoy this thread. With the occasional bad scene the SOL seems to be a really good place.

Looking forward to my next trip to Thailand and SOL Ciao

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:16 pm on April 8, 2006
Joe Wood
Star of Light Bar
37 / 9 Patong 2
Bangkok 10500...........................

The girls usually open up the bar
any time betwen 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. almost every day of the year.

They have to clean the bar and prepare it for the day and night and that takes some time...maybe an hour or an hour and a half, depending on how many of them have arrived for their weekly duty to open up the bar.

Each lady has one day in the week when she must do this, but can swop days with another lady, if needs be.

This duty day also sees them cleaning and preparing the bar during the day and also packing away the bar at the end of the night and disposing of the three rubbish bags of semen-sodden tissues used in the course of the day's work.

How to get there :

If you go to Patpong 2 on Suriwonge road,
walk up the narrow covered walkway that runs right next to the soi.

This will take you about half-way down the soi towards Silom, until it turns back into the proper soi of Patpong 2.

Don't take that turn right, into the soi, because you have just passed Star of Light on your left.

Just look at the table outside the bar with some of the girls usually sitting at it, possibly eating or having a laugh. They'll welcome you and usher you in to heaven.

If you are coming from the Silom Road end, walk down Patpong 2, past the luggage cases, past the massage parlour and go-go bar, cross the entrance and exit to the car park, keep on walking past Foodland ( on the Foodland side ) and the pavement / sidewalk takes a turn to narrow the roadway of the soi.

Keep on walking on that side past a few bars.

Then the pavement or sidewalk turns to the right of you, to take you down the covered walk-way that runs parallel to the remainder of Patpong 2.

At that junction, as you turn to walk straight down the covered walk-way before you, that would lead you to Suriwonge, on your right you will see the Star of Light shining on you.

The girls at the table outside will greet you and invite you in to heaven and to the temptations of their fruit.

Reward them handsomely, because they will give you everything that you desire and more.

Good luck.

To give a reply to traynedman :

I've heard of many tales of Go-Go dancers and free-lancers and bar girls milking customer from abroad of money and continuing to do so after the customers have returned to their homelands.

When I was a newbie expat those many years ago, I too got stung a few times.......but that was before I discovered the angels of the Star of light.

The internet is full of tales of this sort of woe and warnings to avoid being stung.

The angels at the Star of Light milk customers all day and night and they are recompensed commensurately for the amount of joy they give and the amounts of semen they receive.

But milking a customer for money ?

I have been going to the Star of Light for many years.
I know and have met a lot of people who also have been long attenders and fans of this place.

I think that I have read all the threads concerning the Star of Light thoroughly.

And in all my experience, although little, compared to some, I have never known nor heard of a girl from the Star of Light milking a customer for money.

It's just not their style.

The phrase..........."Up to you"...............resonates in this place and any other place that the ladies accompany the customers to.

The bar has its unwritten rules and they are strictly abided by.

Yes, it has its high-profile reputation for casual sex and blow-jobs that newbies home-in on and which we seasoned troops all concentrate on.

And this high reputation is very, very appealing.
But, like any other business it is earned.
( Sorry Khu E***.) in, day out, with standards, quality, skill and charm.

It also has an underlying reputation for fairness and honesty, which the casual customer or even regular
doesn't see, but which is upheld at all costs.

These reputations are held as prizes by the bar and by the girls as well and are strongly defended by all who work there, because it all means so much to them, that they work for the best bar and that each one of them contributes to these reputations every minute of every day.

They know that if their reputation is damaged in any way, it is bad for business. And it is the success of their business that they are there for.

Once in a blue moon, you'll get a new girl starting there who thinks that she can overstep the bounds set down. She doesn't last long in the bar.

They all know just what a prize they have in being the best and none of them would take the risk of endangering that.

So, traynedman, please don't hold your breath. You wont hear of a request for money from any of these girls. They have a policy of not using anybody....just a pleasant policy of sexually abusing.........Enjoy.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:01 pm on April 8, 2006
Pla retired. She went home to Kalasin. I still have her mobile number though. 555. She might make a good companion or housekeeper. I could ask if you want to employ her on a monthly basis. Best BJ of my life bar none.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:29 am on April 9, 2006
Joe Wood. You are trying to flame me & get away with it. Good luck with that Pal.

NOK is worthless. She quoted me 700 baht right off the get go. I agreed cause I think she has a cute face.

Now time to reminisce. My last session with Pla, I took her up to the Pavillion as always. I like a nice relaxing session under the a/c. She sucked me for 1/2 an hour - not like her boyfriend - like her husband. Slow pace - just the way I like it, Sucked my balls etc.

Then she began to suck me like a steam locomotive going up a grade. Faster faster faster till I couldn't stand it anymore. I should have come BUT - I says - can I do your ass? Sure - How much ? Same as last time (2K). So I barebacked her ass till I came. Fond memories.

All you anti bare back Nazi's can get busy. Don't give a hoot. When you are rooting Nok - remember - I got that too. She is not too strict about condoms either.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:15 am on April 9, 2006

Quote: from dotcom on 4:22 pm on April 9, 2006

It'd be a shame if that skill went to waste. Jesus, I hope she's blowing somebody.

Anyway, yeah, you're right of course about them, I know well enough, but Most of the girls in all of BKK aren't too strict about condoms are they!! 555 But it sounds like you had a disappointing time there with one--And, needless to say, a fantastic time with the other. Oh well, I happen to prefer the same girl as you (now she's gone), for the just about the same reasons, though I've had good times with both--more one than the other. But some other people somehow swear by the opposite. Or some guys even swear by many or all of them! 555 So different strokes for different folks, right.

In any event (re: dotcom & Joe Wood), I'd hate to see you guys argue about a place you both have enjoyed! 555

I'm just glad that there is a bar like SOL that has had such great blowers in there in the first place!!!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:21 am on April 9, 2006

I will do the deed.

If N** quoted you 700 baht, it was probably because you impressed her negatively.

These girls are human. They suck cock for a living, and they will react to people based on how they are treated, and how you look, and how you behave.

If you have a hygiene problem, I would not blame N** for quoting you 700 baht. Nor would it surprise me if she quoted you 700 baht if you came across as a "cheap charlie." I have never asked the price of a blowjob there. I never felt the need.

Seven hundred baht is also the rate for new guys, for guys who do not get the "regular" rate of 500 baht because they have never seen you before, and because you are not a repeat customer. If you go in, and if you do not offer to buy drinks for the ladies around you (because they will not ask you to do so), and if you are stand-offish, and not sanuk, then it would not surprise me a bit that you were quoted 700 baht.

And I would just like to clarify: you are bitching, and calling N** "worthless," because of five American dollars? The difference between 500 baht and 700 baht?

This is just my opinion, and you are obviously more than entitled to ignore it, but I think that you should do yourself, us, and the ladies at SoL a favor and just patronize another bar. Believe me, they will not miss your business. They are doing just fine.

You should be aware that N** is not just a service provider at a gritty little bar on a seamy little soi in Bangkok. She is a friend to many of us here, and calling her "worthless" tells us more about you than you perhaps realize.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:27 am on April 9, 2006
Joe Wood
I don't think that there is any argument about the Star of Light. I have no intention of flaming anyone personally.

All of us who go to the star of Light, seem to enjoy it to the hilt.

And I think all of us will agree that some visits are better than others and some providers are more skilled than others, and at times, some providers give more expression to their concerns of caring for the customers than others and this changes from time to time.

When we post on a thread on this forum, we express an opinion or two for different reasons.

What we write is usually informative about the place, the people and / or the experience and / or ourselves.

What we don't write is also informative of us as people, some of which is quite transparent in the ideas that we express and in the ways that we express them and the ways that we choose not to express them.

Some posts have more of a transparency than others.

I acknowledge that fact both for myself and for all the brothers who write on this forum.

Sometimes we forget that quite a few of us have genuine friendships in the places that provide the night-life of Bangkok and as ma9 indicated, no-one likes their friends to be called "worthless".

I would agree that maybe an experience might be called worthless, if it didn't go the intended way for whatever reason.

But we regulars know these ladies as human beings, as people, as friends, and value what they give us in their service, in their time and in their concern and extra measures that they favour us with.

If we don't happen to like a place, we move on.
If we like it, then we stick to it.

If we don't happen to like a person, we move on.
If we happen to like a person, we tend to stick to them.

If we happen not to like an experience, we tend to avoid it in future.
If we happen to like an experience, we tend to want to repeat it.

Going bare-back with a regular girl-friend is desirable and is so pleasurable. But going bare-back in a service providing establishment is asking for all sorts of ailments.

If you bare-back up the arse in a place, you are doubling your chances of getting either ill or seriously ill.

Personally, I want to live.
But I also wish to enjoy the Star of Light..... in all its glory....... but in my fashion.............protecting myself and protecting the ladies at the same time.

Have a good evening everybody.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:21 am on April 9, 2006

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