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Does anybody know Mistress Bangkok. Found her in and wonder if she can give a proper whipping and bondage service?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:08 am on Feb. 9, 2003
You need to contact Sauron...the owner of Chateau Jade on this board....although I am not into such, I understand he has the best dungeoun and BDSM facilities in Bangkok....


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:13 am on Feb. 9, 2003
Never heard of "Mistress Bangkok" -- as a general rule I advise caution in dealing with people met through as we found there to be a high proprtion of phonies, nut cases, etc.  We no longer bother to answer inquiries that come via and we are letting our memberships expire.

As a rule Houses with well established websites, hosted on their own domains, and with a long time in operation and a track record are a better bet that fly by nights hosted on tripod or whatever.

There are four Domination Houses in Bangkok.

Mistress Christy:

She's a former CJ Domme now on her own, does 2 hour and 4 hour sessions only, and doesn't take all applicants. Highly recommended. Six years in Scene that I know of -- she claims 10.

Mistress Midori:

Another former CJ Domme. Does short and long sessions. Recommended. 6 years in Scene, 2.5 years on her own.

Asian Goddesses: I do not have a link for them. Mistress Bell or Bella formerly of Midori's and before that, briefly at CJ. May or may not have any other Dommes now. Some people tell me she is OK. ABout 2 yrs in Scene, dungeon only about 6 months old

Chateau Jade:

Five Dommes, six years in business, 1200+ subs from 120+ nations, 70% come back for more. Long sessions only, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours up to a week. Meals and drinks included. Mistresses Wednesday, Oh, Yuey, Pain, and Tahn, each have 2 to 4.5 years in Scene at CJ except for Ms Pain who is new - replacing Mistress Bee who recently quit to go to Europe.

There is a dubious pair of Dommes in Pattaya calling themselves Madame Thai. They are Lek and Noi, probably aging bargirls, anyway they seem by recent accounts posted here to have lost interest. Caveat Emptor.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:01 am on Feb. 9, 2003
Simon WS
You'd have to be a nut to place your nutz in the hands of someone you met on alt and could well be nuts.

Stick to well known places like CJ.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:34 am on Feb. 11, 2003
I have to agree with Simon!

Although I am not into the scene, I do know that it is one centered around mutual trust and respect!

Simple "stick it in and move it about a bit" sex is easy and anyone can do it including blow up dolls.  

BDSM, on the other hand requires so much more and such a deeper understanding that trusting it to anyone who throws up a web site is NOT a good idea!

As I said, it is not my thing BUT, I am into counter-culture social groups and within the ones I circulate in, Sauron's is mentioned most often regarding Thailand.  Also even though I am not into it, were I tempted to try, Sauron's is the only place I would even consider trusting to introduce me to the world of BDSM.

If you are an experienced Sub or know anything about that area of eroticism, you will know how important trust and respect is, if not, you could get seriously hurt, either physically or emotionally!  If you want to try or are experienced in BDSM, would you trust a random house of BDSM that you found on the Internet?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:32 am on Feb. 11, 2003
Thanks, Simon and BAR. Though it may seem selfserving for me to say so -- that's very good advice from both of you.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:08 am on Feb. 11, 2003
Looking at these discussions about flaggelation, bondage etc etc etc. I can't work how they last
for quite a few hours at a time? Sorry for being
naive but I don't know much about this subject.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:42 am on Feb. 11, 2003
Hermanolobo - I would, and maybe should let Sauron answer your question but I'm afraid that he couldn't, to your satisfaction, for the same reason that it would be difficult for anyone to explain why penetrative sex feels so good to someone who has never tried it.  

However, I do welcome his reply to you as well as a probable contradiction to what I am posting but again, he is on the inside, I am on the outside and maybe between the two, you may get the answer you need.

The preamble being completed, I have three frames of reference that I think might help me explaining it.

1.  I had an uncle who although being a quadroplegic from 1958 until 1990 when he died, was able to father a child during a time when he could barely move a shoulder let alone feel anything from his neck down.

2.  After a crotch rocket accident in 1978, I couldn't feel anything from my waist down for over a year and yet my girlfriend, at the time, was able to "rock my boat" as easily as she could before I was so rudely introduced to a concrete retaining wall at high speed.

3.  Friends of mine who are into it, have imaginations and the ability to create fantasies that far outstrip mine.

I mentioned a blow up rubber doll before, which still requires one to be able to imagine or create a fantasy in which the doll is actually alive and human even though there is still a physical sensation.  One could compare that to masturbation but not only is BDSM different than sticking it to a blow up doll as well as jacking off it is a different enjoyment of "sex" that exists mainly in one's mind yet at the same time what happens during a session does not bleed into reality, i.e. one may have a fantasy about dominating women yet at the same time treat women with the utmost respect and care in real life.

The enjoyment of BDSM is very much in the mind.  There is trust, respect, desire, imagination as well as mental control over one's own body that is involved.  Yes, there may be a certain amount of physical stimuli involved but from what I have been told by friends that are into it, the physical aspect is secondary.  

But, all in all, the desired effect, because it is taking place virtually only in the mind, takes quite a bit of time to build up to a climax.

I know that this attempt at explaining BDSM may not bring you any closer to understanding and that Sauron may totally disagree and blow me out of the water but I have posted here what was told to me to help me understand as well as what I have used from my own past to try to understand.

For what it may or may not be worth,,,,

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:40 am on Feb. 11, 2003
The problem is:

1. BDSM covers a lot of territory. Some people are mostly into roleplay, some are very physical and enjoy for example heavy shipping or caning. Some like bondage for its own sake. Some enjoy humiliation, subjugation, submission as a matter of role reversal -- they tend to be high powered people in real life and they want to shuck all that for a finite time under conditions of safety and discretion. Some are fetishists with a narrow interest, say, ONLY red leather boots of thigh height that lace up the sides and do NOT have platform bases. Such a person would be totally turned off by black PVC boots for example. Some people are into cross dressing, some into anal play, some into toilet training. Many are into combinations of some or all of these things with quirks and variations of their own. No two sessions are ever alike (for different people).

People can and do come here for not merely many hours (the absolute minimum being six) but for days, up to a week so far at longest.

Explaining to someone who isn't in the Scene, why they come, is like explaining colors to a blind person. Should I lay out a swatch book from a paint company that can mix any of 65,000 shades, for someone blind since birth?  Or sit him in front of a computer and show him a Pantone (process or spot color set for inks for professional printing and graphic artists)?  Well, that would be almost uniquely silly, wouldn't it?

Take my point?

2. Outsiders have so little empathy for it that it is largely a waste of time to answer a question like "Well, I can imagine doing something like that for an hour but not for a day or a week"  which is I think a viable restatement of Bother Wolf's question.

3. If this were a SM forum, a newby might ask this question, to which he would get a lot of replies that amount to little more than knowing smiles from the more experienced.

But this isn't a SM forum, and so, it is as futile to talk about this subject as it would be (were I qualified to do so which I am not) to try to communicate the joys of the gay lifestyle -- or maybe, to take the alienation one step further, the LESBIAN lifestyle. That would be quite a challenge, for, just as this audience (with a few exceptions) lacks libidos inclined toward erotic power exchange or consentual sadomasochism, this audience also by and large lacks pussies of their own, and still would lack a pussy if someone went out and got SRS...because a cock turned inside out is not a pussy, sorry to the postops present.

I hope you grasp my meaning.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:22 am on Feb. 12, 2003
Some simple physiological observations that are pertinent:

Being whacked on the ass increases blood circulation in the pelvic region. Relevant to arousal? Yes.

Being whacked on the ass somewhat harder and for a but more time, stimulates the brain to release complex substances called endorphins which produce a euphoria that some people try very hard to attain.  The most addictive substances known, opiates and opioids, like heroin and the fentanyls, are weak mimics of the endorphins, which is why people take them. So far we can't replicate the endorphins themselves, but, we do know how to make the brain manufacture them in vivo.

Electrical play can have same effect.

Orgasm by the way is a parasympathetic response to stimulation of parasympathetic nerve centers. If you think you know the only ways to induce an orgasm, think again. We just had an M.D. here who taught the Dommes some new tricks such as prostate milking, stimulation of the sacral plate, etc. and the female equivalents -- fascinating comparison of male vs female anatomy, which is not as variegated, when seen from certain perspectives, as you might think.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:35 am on Feb. 12, 2003

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