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MainCatch All – Japanese Make X rated Porn using airport- All Topics

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dirty guru
Here is the lead into a 2hour hour hard core X rated Movie - that a U tube Trailer shows

The Thai's are angry that a Woman Posing as a Thai Air Hostie Is used along with their airport-

Heres more on the story-

A Japanese porn production company used Suvannabhumi airport as backdrop. The script is about a Thai air hostess approached by a Japanese man and taken to a room on Sukhumvit road. The porn movie is on VCD and on the internet. The police is investigating the evidence including CCTV footage from the airport.

This is not the first time that Thailand is used a backdrop for a porn movie. But this case was widely critcized after people found that the porn movie producers had used Suvannabhumi airport as part of the script. There are now questions about the security at Suvannabhumi international airport.

The reporter found a copy this XXX movie at the Klong Thom market, the vendor said that he copied the film from the internet. Now he is selling hundreds of VCD per day.The film is two hours long. The first scene is from Suvannabhumi airport where a beautiful flight attendant introduces herself in Thai. Japanese subtitles are included.

Air Hostess : “I have been working for an airline since two years. I graduated from the well known university. I enjoy working with a good company, a good position, I travel to Europe very often. I like brand name products and works of art. Sometimes I think that I would like to live in Europe. That would be good.”

Air Hostess : “About my boy friend, there are some isues that I am not satisfied with.”

After talking to the camera, the air hostess walks across to the the departure hall at Suvannabhumi airport and a Japanese guy walks up to her. Talks to her. Takes her suitcase. And unwillingly she walks with him towards the carpark. Next scene the car is on the express way. Inside the car that the air hostess and the Japanese man who was harassing her.

She is trying to resist him all the time, “What are you doing?, where will you take me to?”, she says. He face shows anger.They arrive at Sukhumvit road. Next scene in the room and the air hostess asks the Japanese guy. “Why you bring me here ?”. Another man enters the room. They grab her and throw her on the sofa and then the x-rated scenes start.

Pol. Maj. Gen. Piya Utayo, Office of the National Police said, that the statistics show that very few x-rated movies have been produced in Thailand. But these films can ruin the image of Thailand and the police will coordinate with the ICT ministry to block websites and companies distributing x-rated movies produced in Thailand.

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Posted on: 6:25 pm on Feb. 1, 2012

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