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not to be a stickler here, but...

if there were 600 million bars in LOS, that would mean every citizen would be a partnered owner of 1 bar, or an individual owner would have to own 8 bars...

hmm, not likely

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:37 am on July 14, 2004
wow, thanks for that, silly me.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:39 am on July 14, 2004
Yep, you never get friends in the bars but, even so, this place is going downhill. The shows helped create 'monsters', imo.

Btw, isn't Mon getting skinnier and skinnier every year?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:39 am on July 14, 2004
aha listen up sanook 269,

i am with you on the terrible attitude of angelwitch customer treatment. i, myself too considered mat (the owner) as being my friend. unfortunately I am not considered as a friend by the he-she-it-coowner!
everytime mat is not in his bar, his staff and managers do get crazy!
after an incident about 2.5 years ago when I boycotted the place for about 1 year already, I was just getting friendly with aw again as the this story happened:
i met a fellow board member, his brother and two girls with them in there for a couple of drinks. I arrived a little bit later then them and got my drink served in a seperate bin! after a while the he-she-it coowner sent the two very attractive looking girls out of the bar, claiming they had consumed drugs on the toilet. (probably more an outburst of jealousy of he-she-it coowner as aw does not have any real attractive girls anymore these days)
after those four were sent out of the bar by the management. I was forced to pick up their bill plus mine. I claimed that I didn't order and consume their drinks and it is the managements own fault when they kick out customers of the bar without making them pay. I only had to realise that only talking with them, qualifies me for being responsible for their bill too!
'you stay with them before, you pay their bill too!' I could only hear in the most angry katoeyish thai-english! even a brief chat with ricky the manager couldn't help as I was all a sudden escorted by 3 thai guys putting hand on me to settle the bill of those fellow board brothers and my bill too!
as much as I respect mat the owner, the more I am surprised how much he lost grip on his operation when he is not in his bar! even ricky the manager does not have any say in there. I know he needs a job desperately and will always tune his mouth to his katoy second boss for not loosing his job.
nevertheless I am really surprised how this place wants to survive with such a bad customer treatment. it seems that they fully adapted to the long gun attitude, meaning that customers although bringing the money in are just a useless and annoying bunch of people who can be screwed as much as possible to the wish of the 'oh-so-superior' thais.
aw, sucks big time these days! hostile management when mat is not around, cheating, bullying, probably one of the most ugly bunch of girls in a gogo bar in bkk right now, in combination with probably the worst girls attitude available these days in bkk!
if mat can not turn this place around and gets his old, loyal customers back, this place will be rock bottom soon. many of the beautiful girls in the scene already don't consider to work there anymore because of the hostile katoy and mamasan connection in there!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:46 am on July 14, 2004
There is a good old saying, 'what goes around, comes around' I believe in this big time. It has proven to come true many times with people who have done the wrong thing by me in the past, it takes time, but it always happens.
This place will go down the tube the way it is continuing, unless as Griffin says, the owner takes his balls back from the ladybitch and starts to use them himself again.
Griffins story above is outrageous, that story alone is one good reason never to ever set foot in the dump again, unbelievable.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:52 am on July 14, 2004
yeah, really uncool.

I thought they only pulled that crap in PatPong.

guess I'm glad now that I paid my padded bill last week with a smile

coulda got strong-armed, if I'd balked...

i had drinks with that wilted old mamasan, and was acting nice, nice while I knew they were charging me for two lady drinks, two beers for me and my AngelWitch. Some other ugly figure came round and got a drink, but disappeared to control other points of the bar, but I'm sure I was charged for the unconsumed drink.

hmm, well I won't let it ruin the fun memories of our romp that night, or the Angel Disco spin-thru with the AngelWitch.

ahh, good memories....

maybe it's best I don't go back there and probably have a below par time as compared to last.

Like NM said, lotsa bars,
and even more gals.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:04 am on July 14, 2004
Mel Gibson
Griffin, I promise to go in there nad,, ahh how to explain,, I have a god given talent at annoying Katois,, AHH will be my pleasure to give her/it HELL
Presuming the manager is not around

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:08 am on July 14, 2004
what for?? you won't win.

btw. sanooks anger was shortlived as he was back there last night. thanks for the drinks.

they never snatched a girl from under my belt.

but I did had a one year relation with a showgirls who decided in a new york minute to marry some bloke from califonia.

as usual, I was the last one to know.

lucy lee, the korean pornstar with the slutty face. the lookalike was there again last night.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:04 am on July 15, 2004
I wouldn't want to fight with a LB either...

They're normally quite skilled at KickBoxing.

They learn it young to beat up the blokes who make fun of them...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:27 am on July 15, 2004
Isn't it Lucy Lui ? but your right, she does look like that.

Told you he was shallow, I'm gunna huff and I'm gunna puff and I'm gunna.... do nuthin.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:45 am on July 15, 2004

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