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For those not familiar with the famous old radio show ‘Desert Island Discs’, here’s the format:

Marooned on a desert island you are allowed the luxury of ten favourite records. (Of course you have a device to play them on.) So what are they and why?

Now, a slight variation on this theme, you’re marooned on an island with no records so what are the ten favourite places in Bangkok you dream about and why?

Here’s my list of Desert Island Dens in no particular order of preference.

1. Rainbow 1. Arguably the consistently best line-up of off-the-rack pussy in town.

2. CM2. Maybe not the coolest club but delightful proof that we live in an abundant universe.

3. Vertigo Bar. Take your favourite chick, grab a long island iced tea and feel how nice it is to be on top of the world. (Except when it’s raining.)

4. Dali. My watering hole of choice in Soi 33. Nice bar with friendly girls who aren’t too pushy. I thought I understood Einstein’s Twins Paradox until I came across the pair of pretty sisters who sometimes work here.

5. Ball In Hand (either Soi 4 or Times Square). Best pool halls in the known universe. They even have some nice girls to play with if you come alone.

6. Glow Bar. Great place to meet friends or chill with your favourite squeeze. I like the twinkly divider lights over the sofas.

7. Emporium. Whenever I wander around here during the daytime two things happen. I either run into someone I’ve already shagged or I run into someone I want to shag. Or sometimes both. Window shopping at its finest and right next door to my home from home - Emporium Suites.

8. Forte in RCA. Perhaps the friendliest G-Club in town. Some very cute, playful dancers.

9. Caribbean. Bigger and more. If I was a rich man…

10. Poseidon. Haven’t felt the need to use their services for a while but when all else fails it’s nice to know there’s always the 3rd floor.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:12 pm on May 21, 2006

Great list

Agree with most of ur list. and I would Add

1) Santika-- Just renovated, still one of best place to see and to be seen.

2) Booze-- Still popular with the younger set of thai

3) Flix/Slim-- Too crowd to have fun but if u do not mind the crowd nice place to go.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:25 pm on May 21, 2006
Evil Penivel
I can't imagine list of the 10 Top places in BKK (or LOS or the world) that doesn't include the Eden Club. Best sessions, and some of the classiest ladies, you'll find anywhere in P4P, inside or outside Thailand.

I don't want to carry over the debate from the Eden thread about the level of beauty at Eden -it's been beaten to death. I just want to give one example of why I'm such an Eden fan. I took an Eden lady with me to a diplomatic reception. Everyone who met her, Thai or farang, had no trouble believing she was my "assistant wgo handles translation and local arrangements." Her skill in English, sophistication and ease in a farang social situation (earned through a long-term live-together relationship with a native English-speaking corporate type) made her a very convincing assistant.

Few MP or BGs could pass that acid test, but there are several at Eden who can. It also makes them excellent companions and conversationalists outside of bed. The sexual skills of the Eden ladies are legendary, and rightly so. For all those reasons, Eden Club has to be a Desert Island Den.

As for the other nine places - Gen. U.S. Grant said he knew two songs - one was Yankee Doodle, the other wasn't. Same for me about BKK nightlife - one place is Eden Club, the rest aren't. But for non-P4P, I do like Glow (music, cool decor and great bartenders), Josephine's (for after-hour drinking) and the bar atop the Banyan Tree Hotel (for its views and romantic ambience).


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:25 pm on May 21, 2006

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