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^ ABC, Fanta, and Jack.....

Sorry for the "negativity" I was just offering some friendly advice and don't want to see anyone hurt (or worse).  

There are plenty of vicarious stories like the above where someone who doesn't understand the culture gets wasted for no reason (it reminds of when the newbie fat grunt in Platoon gets wasted his first time out because no one taught him to lay low).

There are few reasons I'd be willing to get shot for (like defending my house or my family)... and having "fun"  or pumping up my "ego" is not one of them.  

long live the hedonists!

ah Jack, what do you mean by clipped folders?  You mean you saw people with holsters in the waistband?  Or you mean magazines/ammo clips?     Usually the people packing here, you can't see their guns (since illegal possession here is automatic 3 year jail terms...  search for Bang Kwang prison to find out what a nice place that is to visit).  Often they are kept in fanny packs or inside the waist holsters with a shirt over it.  

Simple tip... any club (like most RCA clubs, Lalunar, Sparks, etc) where they frisk people for weapons when you come in, just use your common sense and don't act like Billy the Kid who forgot his gun at home.   Thais don't fight fair, and they rarely fight alone (this includes both males and females... just incase you think of not paying a BG... that can be the WORST mistake if you find one with an attitude and box cutter).  

And if anyone in a fight is armed, you can't count on anyone breaking up the fight except for the police... who generally take their sweet time in doing anything here.  

best wishes,

Quote: from JackRabbit on 1:50 pm on Oct. 26, 2002
JackRabbit present...


Do not know about guns but in september in Pattaya I noticed that MANY peoples carried clipped folders in the pocket or inside waistband.
That included us falangs AND thais as well.
But the late Stoney informed me that getting "heat" is very easy but expensive.



Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:35 am on Oct. 26, 2002
JR present...

Clipped folder is a folding knife with a spring attached in its handle.

A knife can be slipped inside the waistband spring attaching outside (Like a pen in a pocket) and it stays pretty unvisible when You shirt hanging a little bit over it.

I can be drawn , opened , used, closed and slipped back to concealment by using  one hand only.

Blade length 3 to 5 inches.

Examples : Spyderco Police or Endura , Cold Steel Voyager series , CRKT Apache.

And Packripper , Your words were not taken as insult.
I also believe in peaceful living and the LAST thing in this world I wish to receive is a hole or a gash in my skin.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:02 am on Oct. 26, 2002
- Guys ... Ive only seen guns drawn a couple of times, and that was in thai up county pubs, by blithering off duty police - other than that, hardly seen a confrontation in a dozen plus years of clubbinng in LOS, certainly few hassles in RCA, or anywhere for that matter, its not Thai style -and yes, if you can cop the techno music, any age goes at RCA... as I said, I got some numbers from a couple of cuties and I'm 50 !    Only place you are likely to get really hassled is upstairs in Patpong or some tucked away place - also, you dont need to be a genius to see if a Thai guy is with a girl, although, FACT, it is often a brother, easiest way is to 'Chon gel/ or Cheers' i..e. click glasses with the guy, and say " your girlfriend is very nice"  - he will either be impressed with a compliment from a farang, or she will step in and say He's not my boyfriend !!   remember it IS "LOS"   -

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:56 am on Oct. 26, 2002
Bang Cock Mack 25
Make love, not war!

Guys, it's as simple as that: RCA is not Patpong/Nana/Cowboy... So rule number 1 is to approach your potential victims with respect. Bearing this rule in mind, it is almost impossible to get in trouble.

Noone should go to places like RCA, where working girls mix with non-working girls - and the majority of girls might be of the non-working category - expecting every skirt to be a hooker. Behave, be polite, make a few compliments, ask if she is solo... you will soon find out what's going on with the chick. We are civilised people, aren't we?
There are other ways to pick-a-chick than offering her money in the first minute. If you would do so in the US or Europe, you would dare the risk of bottles breaking over you head, also.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:00 am on Oct. 26, 2002
Bkk Mac -  agreed 100%    certainly RCA is not the place for the short time tourist, just after some short times ! I merely suggest it is a place that may suit some guys, especially the younger brigade, who are perhaps keen to cultivate some TGs who as you say, are from respectable backgrounds -

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:13 am on Oct. 26, 2002
Well said!  ~ RESPECT ~

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:14 am on Oct. 26, 2002
hey Packripper..

Since you are thai....
why not meet up and show us the ropes around RCA.
I will be in LOS next week.. meeting sanuker2002 who i believe is currently checking out Angelwitch...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:12 pm on Oct. 26, 2002

^ I'd be happy to hang out.  And yeah, we could swing by RCA.   I'd like to say first though that there aren't really any "ropes" to learn.   If you can smooth talk in Thai, you have any kind of car that is later than 2000 and not a subcompact or taxi, and you have a decent bankroll in your pocket, that's really all it takes.   You don't even need to be handsome, just not butt ugly.   And not to be age-ist but it's probably best if you're under 30 as well.  Under 25 even.  I'm 27 and am OFTEN the oldest guy there (I'm not saying old people don't or can't go there... yes, there are a few).   I wouldn't go at all if the my MP girlfriends didn't go there so much.    Lalunar, MOS, Qbar, Rivas, Brew Pavillion, etc are more the age range of 25-35.  

Tip the usher 100 Baht to get a decent table (don't tip them if they just take you to a table... this is a tip for when they move tables for you) and 20 for each drink order.  It's not much money and shows you're not a cheapskate.   Dress decently but not overdress, if you have a Swiss watch (not a Timex), wear it.   That's it.  It's a material world.  These are material kids (as are most Thais) at RCA.   Often the kiddies will ask you to buy a drink... I just playfully say in Thai, "haha... and what's the trade off?"  ("leaw... ja lak kup arai aoy, klrab?") and continue dancing and order the drink.   I always keep 3-4 drinks on the table and go with 2-3 'platonic' girlfriends and maybe another guy.   It's generally a good thing to not be at a table full of guys in sausage fest stance.

As for Angelwitch and all the touristy beer bars... I just do a fly by and never go in.   As avoidable (to me, not saying they are bad, b/c to each his own) as western strip joints with bleached blond siliconed single mommas.    

Friends that visit and hang with the pacman are usually better served to hit MPs with me.    If you're Asian, even more so, as no place is off limits/uncomfortable and we don't have to deal with the double pricing bs.  

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:43 pm on Oct. 26, 2002

i'll send you a separate email on when to meet.
so... for a local's point of view...
what is the best MP that you would recommend goin ?
yes.. i'm asian.. so... no worries on double pricing...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:49 am on Oct. 27, 2002

Not to discount the board and other forums, but really there is no "BEST." -->Just IMO, of course.<-- It's not like picking a really good dry cleaner (which if you're looking for one in Bangkok, I recommend Tsin Chai Hua... who have 250+ branches in just about every supermarket). Err, that's not a plug. Not my family biz. :p

Girls move around. Different girls have different attributes and attitudes. Sometimes the bosses are off in Macao or Las Vegas gambling their fortunes away (and thus the cheer guests are less motivated and might be less selective in recruiting). One person might click with a cheer guest at one place, but then the next hombre who walks in might be treated like Khaosan backpacker by the same cheer guest.

The key is (as mentioned on another post) is not to settle. I'll walk out of places 2-3 times a week (I only go out 2-3 nights a week at MOST nowadays... could be worse, and I can't think of a better $750 buck a month 'bad habit' ) without a single word to the cheer guest (unless I know him/her... whereas I'll just honestly say... "might try back later in the evening," and just drive to the next place.

As a local, I look at it like a seasonal thing. Sometimes the lynchee is sweeter here, sometimes sweeter there.

Now after a post which you may find totally useless... I'd say that if I had to pick ONE, I wouldn't. But I would say that if you can't find something you like after looking at all 6 Davis Group MPs + whatever other 2-3 favs you have in one night (which is considering several hundred girls + a somewhat more selective recruiting team), then I'd say you've had a rather unlucky night OR are too picky. I mean really, all of these places are not terribly far apart and if you only go out on weeknights, traffic isn't so bad.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:26 am on Oct. 27, 2002

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