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MainNight Clubs, Clubs, Discos – Club Orbit Pt.3 All Topics

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Quote: from Smegma on 6:29 am on Mar. 25, 2004
Over a year ago she had already changed a lot since she first started working at Orbit in early 2002. If you thought she was sweet when you met her, you should have seen her much earlier. Most of these girls come down... sooner or later they learn and realize that such fortune and fame doesn't last and that they really owe it to the customers. Without the job and the customers, most of them loose the money and fame fast. Then they turn humble again.

Very true. IMHO, very rare to find a girl who worked in these place for long time and not be harden by it. ummm I hope my girl is still sweet and nice. LOL

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:21 pm on Mar. 25, 2004

Very true.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:30 am on Mar. 28, 2004
Hiya everyone...

It's been a while since I posted... Mostly cuz I haven't been going out at all (as y____ can attest to).

First off, it's amazing how the farang grapevine can be, eh? 'Formen', it looks like you're the guy who pulled Snow out of Orbit, eh? Drop me a PM and I'll spill what I know. I dated one of the gals in her group for a while and am still good friends with that circle of friends, so I heard a lot of info- only because I used to asked after Snow every now and then. They won't hesitate to give me info cuz I'm a good source of 'shots' and there's no way in hell they'd think I could possibly know you!

So last night my friend and I decided to go to Orbit, with the idea of blowing the remains of my membership. Found it to be closed so we went to X Club at the former site of La Lunar.

X Club is similar to all the other places, cept they have a mini 10k membership- which I decided to buy. Give you 12k Baht credit. Shots are 240 Baht, Black is 2000 Baht w/free mixers. The downside is that there weren't many people... but it was a Sunday. The upside is that with so few dancers it makes it easily possible to buy every dancer in the place a drink. =)

I was struck by how small the place is... I expected it to be La Lunar turned into a dancer bar- like being able to eat dinner with the PRs in the restaurant section, dance with them (and presumably the dancers) in the club section, and hang out with them in the bar section. But nope... it's very small, smaller than the old Club 20.

Speaking of... What's happened to Club 20? I bought a membership there a while back and it's going to expire in a couple of months if I don't use it. A bartender told me that Club 20 will reopen on May 1... he told me the location of the new place but I have absolutely no idea of the address except it was in Huay Kwang. I need landmarks... like 'go past Mirage until you get to Poseidon, take a U-turn, at Ceasars merge left....' =)


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:07 am on Mar. 29, 2004

sorry, but I'm afraid all I can help with in your hunt for the club 20 booze is to verify it's indeed closed & will open up way further out north or even northeast from ratchada - no better directions at hand : (

X however is at a well known location, but sounded a bit of a downer except perhaps the member deal - thanks for review anyways

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:17 pm on Mar. 29, 2004
To Crash 999,

Your right, the grapevine is pretty amazing.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:11 pm on Mar. 29, 2004

Quote: from Abrak on 8:14 pm on Mar. 25, 2004
Supposedly it is 'illegal' for non-employees to dance on stage. More realistically it is simply Orbit's policy (and in most cases a good one at that).

Girls can get away with a lot more than guys in Orbit. One night about a year ago I was in there and saw a group of younger Thai gals sitting to my left at the bar. They began stuffing 100 Baht notes into the dancers' clothes... but in a very groping manner, something which a guy wouldn't get away with for sure. They were doing the blowjob shots with the girls and all! I must say it was quite a turn-on to see, especially as a couple of girls were decent looking. =)

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:59 pm on April 3, 2004

I recommend that we apply the privacy act more open with hiso girls, since there is little balance between their power and ours. Why be scared of them? We only play into their game if we do so and lose alot of time and money.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:44 pm on April 8, 2004
For example:

Orbits (for example)


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:15 pm on April 8, 2004

I realized that I broke the rules on privacy earlier when I told my story about a relationship with an Orbits dancer. It was a selfish act and I had no excuses not to read the Forum Rules before doing so. I appologize to all members to use this post to bash her name. However, I have not deleted her name.

If you are sincerely sorry about what you did then I suggest you delete her name or just change it.

I have noticed that the rules are liberally applied for some areas of posts on this matter.

I can understand your concern and frustration about the rules not being applied / enforced unilaterly accross the forum. But, BK is only human and does his best to ensure the rules are kept accross the board. The forum is huge and BK can not monitor it 100% of the time.

BUT, it is not any of ours rights to complain if he does not enforce the rule for some reason. It's his right to run the forum as he see's fit. Last time I checked this site was FREE and BK was allowing. Yes. Allowing all of us to use it for FREE.

And from the cheap seats where I sit, he's doing a great job.

I do think that the moderators will help alleviate some work on BK and also help to have an impact into the forum rules being conformed to.

t seems massage palor girls in particular are fair game to talk about by the girl's name and services provided. Other areas of the form do the same.

I believe you are referring to Saeng at Barons. To my knowledge (and I could be completely wrong) she is aware her name is being posted in the fourm and is okay with it. This is why it has been allowed to happen.

The reason the rules have been put in place is because many tg's/bg's and not just hiso ones complained when they found out their names and information was being passesd around the forum. BK decided that it was not cool and thus the rules.

I recommend that we apply the privacy act more open with hiso girls, since there is little balance between their power and ours. Why be scared of them? We only play into their game if we do so and lose alot of time and money.

You are missing the point. It is not fear that drives the rules, but RESPECT. Goes both way. Respect for the members and respect for the females.

So, would you want the female you took out from Orbit to start posting on this board every detail about you and your life? If you are not open to having your life story shared on this forum, then I suggest you don't do it to others.

As for the games, pahleeze!! Who get's the "player" title?? The guys!! So, let's not even start with the games because I'm sure that the tg's / bg's play the games because they've also been played themselves.

Besidse, so what if they do play games. Does that mean we have to stoop to that level?? I would hope not, or at least I will NOT.

Bottom line is this:
This is BK world and board. He's the emporer, King, Dictator, El Presidente', CEO, Owner, or anything else you can come up with. He has the right to change the rules or enforce them as he sees fit without any reason. If you don't like the rules or the way they are being enforced, then you have every right to find another board to post on.

Now, let's move on to more pressing issues. Like when are we all gonna meet at Orbit for drinks?? ha ha ha!!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:02 pm on April 8, 2004

Knowlege is power and hence this awesome forum.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:39 pm on April 8, 2004

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