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MainNight Clubs, Clubs, Discos – Club Orbit Pt.2 All Topics

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Been there last night with Griff, Phantom V, Smeg and Tyler Durdin. The place was packed and cost a lot of time to find a good place!!! Yeah! Griffin was taking his dinner up there, next time use the coach man, je!

Of course, I got a hard on after few minutes just by looking those pretty bodies on stage, je! The bloody ladyboy (sales representative) was hanging around as well. New faces, quite a few PRs that I haven't seen before....hmmmmm few of them very good looking gals...

Had to make few arrangements in order to avoid sleeping alone that night and dismissed around 01:00....the other guys went to CM2.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:24 am on Mar. 1, 2003

ok bud i just got done reading 48 freakin pages you recommended. tho kinda late i would like to congradulate you on starting one of the longest threads i've witnessed. "DJ" huh ! cool ! i'm jealous, always wanted to be but never had the time or the talent LOL! as for scoring with the dancers, next time you're at Orbit why don't you try to dress like " RUN DMC " & start break dancing in front of the girls as a counter move hahaha !!!

Blacksmith :

look for the guy with Quicksilver type shirt & jeans ? got it, will do..thanks.

is Zorchi " PI MAC "

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:48 pm on Mar. 1, 2003

thanks for the advice.
i think you're right what a waste of money the speed reading coarse was
hope to run into everyone in mid May

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:04 am on Mar. 2, 2003
Can you count?? It's 50 pages!! (Joking)ha ha ha!!

So, now get off your ass and go visit the club that you just spent reading about and post a field report!! ha ha ha!!

As for break dancin', I think I would just break down now!! ha ha ha!! I have made a guest apprearance at  two g-clubs that had a DJ booth. But nowI figured why mess around with the music, when I could be occupying my time with a female!! ha ha ha!!

Have a good one.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:37 pm on Mar. 2, 2003
"50" pages ? really ? duh... i told you those speed reading coarses is a rip off haha ! yup, for sure i 'll be there in May. having 60+ days to go before my next trip is like torture if you know what i mean...also doen't help any by being on the forum & reading what great time the members living in BKK are having night after night you know ? lucky b**tards 555 !
why stop messing with music ? i'm thinking music=girls=glory hahaha!
ok bud gotta hit the gym, i think i'll need all the help i can get if the girls at Orbit is as fine as you guys say

you have a good one as well

oh, do the Orbit girls look similar to the girls in "finklses" ?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:25 pm on Mar. 2, 2003
I agree. I'm so envious of the members that are in bkk at the moment partaking in all the entertainment. So I live vicariously though them!! ha ha ha!!

60 days and counting. nice!! Not sure when I'm going to return, but hopefully soon.

As for the music. I can mix, but I'm just okay. I can mix on the beats, but there's some crazy DJ's that got some infernal skillzs!!

So, I'm content to listen to them and as I said, occupy my time and self with the females!! ha ha ha!!

Have a good one. Now .. back to the Orbit discussion!! ha ha ha ha!!

Oh ... and in my opinion, several of the dancers have that look!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:47 pm on Mar. 2, 2003

" oh ... and in my poinion, several of the dancers have that look!! "

really ? that's sweet ! can you give me their description ? don't worry i won't talk to them or ask for their #, i need to know so i can keep everyone else off of them until you get here ! ha ha haaaaaa !!!

seriously tho, i will need a translator "big time" when i get there. if i may ask the members...who speaks thai fluently ? if any for that matter or can recommend a translator...cause "me no speak thai " will attempt to learn starting tomorrow tho

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:00 pm on Mar. 2, 2003
Before I get your expecations too high, let's just say the many of the dancers have that "general" look in the finklses" forum.

This is why this club has what many have refered to as "hot" female dancers who can dance!! ha ha ha!!

Sorry. Don't remember their names and there were too many of them. This place is a really good "eye candy" establishment, in my opinion.

Since it sounds like both of use have similar taste in the females looks, I am positive you will not dissappointed visiting this club!!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:47 am on Mar. 3, 2003

it will only take one of the girls to look like the "finkles" gal to draw me into this place ! hahaha !

i just hope Orbit will be still hopping when i get there.

10-4 !

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:54 am on Mar. 4, 2003
Have you fear. It sounds like the club has not changed much in over a year. So ... the females will still be hot and the music "pumpin".

I am positive you will find at least one that has the "finkles" look. ha ha ha!!

Have a good one buddy!!

I'm Audi 5000 ...........................

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:29 pm on Mar. 4, 2003

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