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MainNight Clubs, Clubs, Discos – Club Orbit Pt.2 All Topics

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i am sure that pinga could point her out to you if you decide to attend a round table meeting and go out with the members. i would like to remain the name confidential at this point. i can PM the name a few months after i bang her. thus, eliminating all chances of any member slide of tongue f_ck up to the girls. sorry.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:39 am on Mar. 18, 2003
yup, I think we better no disclose the least not now....SUPAPORN, if you are into pretty buttocks you should also see a cute small bartender (no dancer) at's a 1.60m TG with Latino body....Gosh!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:16 pm on Mar. 18, 2003

was that the bartender you were talking to, the last time we were there?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:36 am on Mar. 19, 2003
Nop, that one was so nice in attitude but with a body below my standards. This is another one. We will take few pics next time....maybe this Sunday, je! Will keep you you informed.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:22 am on Mar. 20, 2003
Pinga and Supaporn:
With the way you guys are collecting females at this establishment, there will be none for the rest of us to go after. Since, I don't think it's cool to "share" a female!! ha ha ha!!

Look forward to hunting with you both soon!!

Have a good one!!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:10 pm on Mar. 20, 2003
with me, i only target one at a time. and since i don't live in bkk, there are just a few at a time.
on the other hand, be warned about pinga. he still thinks that he is in the medieval times, and beleives in sharing and orgies. je je je.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:18 am on Mar. 21, 2003
Yo supaporn:
Ha ha ha!! Will keep that in mind about Pinga!! *smile*

I've hunted with you before!! You have no problems with the ladies and last time you had so many that ever place we went it seemed like you had a tg you knew there!! And I can honestly say the tg's I've seen you with are definitely quality my brother!!

have a good one buddy!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:23 am on Mar. 22, 2003
Well hello everyone. I'm a bit new to this forum but this thread certainly caught my eye. Now I know where all of the farang I've seen in Orbit over the past 6-months come from- all the publicity here! =)

I'll share a little story with you all since you might appreciate it...

I used to go to Orbit on a weekly basis, for a while multiple times a week. Was a crazy time, pouring money into the place, lots of adventures, fun drunken times. Now I go there about once a month- my membership is rather stagnant but I still have a good time when I go.

A good Thai friend of mine ('N') one day introduced me to a friend of his- his 'junior' at Chula. The guy is filthy rich- age 26 and already owner or part-owner of a few businesses. Of course the working and start-up capital came from his family who are all loaded, but still impressive nevertheless. He was investing in a new place and N wanted to bring me by as a prospective customer.

N always tries to broker deals of all sorts- in this case he was helping the owner get a prospective customer as N knows I love all this stuff. I went to school with N and know that N's family is well-off as well, but he is doing his time outside of the family company. In 5 years I know N will be pouring money down the drain as I see some of his colleagues do.

Anyway, it's early 2002 and N takes me to Orbit, which had a soft opening a couple of days before. I sit down at the bar and N makes a big show of introducing me to the young investor who asks me what I think of the place. At the time only the bartenders were out (dancers hadn't been brought out yet as it was only around 9pm) and I said the place was nice and the girls were attractive- pointing to the photos around the back. He asked me to pick a girl so I pointed to the cutest bartender and he pulled her out from behind the bar to come and sit by me at the bar.

N started shoving me into the girl ('P') and I tried to play it cool. Actually I didn't know what the hell the system was so I didn't know if maybe it was bad etiquette not to be groping or whatnot. I figured I'd take a Piano-type approach and started chatting to the girl. She wound up being nice and was both surprised that I could speak Thai and also that I somehow had gotten her out from behind the bar- a 'big noodle' move, she said. =)

I met my sales chick shortly thereafter and decided to open up a baby membership at 20k, all credit as suggested by the sales chick as she knew I like to buy lots of drinks for the girls.

Meanwhile 'P' sat with me all of that first night and I started focusing my attention on her when I'd go to Orbit. At one point she left her phone with me to keep safe and I took a peek at her numbers. Needless to say, she had probably 300 numbers in her phone. I scroll through the numbers- she comes back and laughs and tells me that she used to work as a hostess in RCA and most of the numbers are from staff and regular customers, no boyfriend (of course!).

As she is talking I scroll down (only on the letter 'C' by this time) when I see an unusual name and check the number. It's a Thai actor whom I happen to know and it was his phone number as well. She is quite shocked that I know him and seems somewhat embarassed and says that he used to be a customer at the RCA bar as well.

Fast forward through many drunken nights. Shots, tips, a 50k VIP membership this time (all credit) plus a 20k membership for alcohol. 'N' and I figured it out on a spreadsheet- it was best to open 2 memberships, 1 for credit and 1 for alcohol.

I meanwhile would start to meet 'P' in the evenings. At the time I had bought a sports car but it was useless for driving in Bangkok- the traffic was awful and I'd wind up only driving it to Orbit, one time during a rainstorm it took me 1.5 hours to drive from the single-digit Sois up to soi 26. I offered to drive her home but never did- a good thing as post-Orbit I was always quite drunk and she lived in darkest Thonburi.

I begun to meet her for dinner, bought her little presents, and even set her sister up with my friend (actually a very good deal for my friend, it turned out). So one thing led to another and on my birthday she wound up escorting me back to my place at 2:30am. Was good and bad- bad because I had a client in town and wound up sleeping only 2 extremely drunken hours as my birthday was midweek. Took a bit of flak for looking like hell the next day.

Anyway, I started to like 'P' who by this time was no longer a bartender but had started dancing. She had 2 close friends whom I and my friends would take out to Ministry, La Lunar, 2 Saleung, etc. I stopped going to Nana and Cowboy- the contrast was just too great after leaving Orbit and I was regularly shagging 'P'.

Meanwhile 'N' was making progress with another 'P'. Met 'P2' one night in Hard Rock. I was a wingman for him but P2 walked in with a couple of the more popular girls and a lot of heads turned. One of the girls (we call her 'Isaan chick') I have since seen in a nude pictoral in a men's mag.

'P' also started to like me in a weird way- she would talk to 'N' about whether or not it would be a good idea if she moved in with me. 'N' thought this was completely nuts and typically farang to start liking a girl who worked at night like that and advised both of us to not think too much. Plus I had my doubts- 'P' was not only into alcohol but a lot of other substances (I'd spell it out but unsure of the policy here) and whereas I'm not supercritical of drug use itself, she was Elvis-like in her dependency of pills to take her up and down on a daily basis. This, of course, mixed with copious amounts of booze.

So I started psyching myself up for a break in routine. Besides, as a typical guy, I was getting bored and there were plenty of other selections. So one day I decided to make a big deal out of a small incident (she missed a dinner appt one day) and use it as an excuse to end our arrangement.

Picked some days she had off and went back to Orbit with a couple of friends. Lucked out completely as a new dancer, with one of the most perfect bodies I have ever seen, had begun work. I bought her copious amounts of booze and she parked herself in front of me the entire evening and we swapped digita. I was leaving for a business trip to America the next morning at 7am and had planned to stay up all night. We chatted on the phone for over 2 hours and things were progressing very nicely.

I get back from my business trip, head to Orbit, and find out that my new girl 'N' is now best friends with 'P' and there has been some sort of discussion as 'P' tells 'N' (my Thai friend... this is getting confusing!) that she still likes me. Oh well...

So I have been laying low at Orbit. My productivity at work is much better these days as I no longer have 2-3 nights of drunken 4-5 hour sleeps anymore. Thought about joining Piano but the times when I have gone there I haven't seen much in terms of attractive girls. Has been weekends, though, so the best talent might have been booked up.

'N' hasn't been going out much either. He never did hook up with 'P2' though he did tell me a few weeks ago that she was looking for a way to get 20k cash immediately and if that meant shagging someone then so be-it. He offered it to me and I considered it briefly but 'P2' isn't so much my type and the money is a bit steep.

Another Thai friend suggested a place called Monroe but it's out on Ratchada somewhere. And another Thai friend took me to a place called Club 487 (or was it 468? ot 477?) on Ekamai but it was a bit like a down-market Piano.

Any suggestions you guys? I went to Forte a few times about a year and a half ago but heard that the girls there aren't worth it these days.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:43 pm on Mar. 23, 2003

good informative post. but i think you have quite a few forum members wondering who this "P" and "N" and "P2" are. i myself am trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. but what the heck! not like they're virgins when we first meet them.

well, keep us informed on th current updates of orbit and bangkok in general.

peace out!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:43 pm on Mar. 23, 2003

Quote: from supaporn on 9:18 pm on Mar. 21, 2003
on the other hand, be warned about pinga. he still thinks that he is in the medieval times, and beleives in sharing and orgies. je je je.

Nahhh not at all mate. Well, at least, not anymore....

Good post. I think this is the very first time someone posted about a sexercise with a nice chick from ORBIT. This is good news. Few months ago I simply made numbers and realised it gonna be costly and time consuming. Didn't go for it, just have fun and see if I can score using other approaches.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:34 pm on Mar. 23, 2003

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