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Hadn't been to RCA for some time, sad to say getting past the "Techno" sound these days, however both Morgan [ my choice] and route 66 still rock nightly, and absolutely pulsate on fri/sat - no sign of a reccession in thailand judging by the young thais out en mass here every night, - I got 3 phone numbers without even trying, well, trying a little, - anyway, suffice to say, if I was in the 20-35 bracket, and spoke a bit of Thai, it would be my number one hangout, and the place to get some good, middle class young TGs, who are keen to sample the "farang" - as is usual for thailand, the class of girls on show "outstanding" it seems like ugly ones aren't allowed in there !!!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:57 am on Oct. 25, 2002

Sounds intriguing, What if one was slightly older than your 25-35 age bracket.... say 5 years older, would you think it might be worth a visit???

Sounds like I would enjoy looking if nothing else.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:37 am on Oct. 25, 2002
Well, I don't want to dissuade anyone from giving it a go...  as you will find many off duty working girls there.

That said, if you don't know how to spot them though and say the wrong thing to a girl whose hothead boyfriend is out of sight somewhere, you could end up with a 9 mm slug in your skull (ala the Duangchalerm Club 20 incident... there are less high profile cases as well).   A lot of the kids these days are packing heat (guns are illegal in Thailand but tell that to the 50 gunsmits in the Ban Moh and Old Siam area near Ratchadamnoen).  

best wishes,

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:50 am on Oct. 25, 2002
Never hanging out at RCA, with an ignorant point of view on RCA, but is the whole getting shot or having to fight with a boyfriend of a girl you are macking a little far fetched??? I am never afraid of that sort of thing in LOS...Although most thai I know and meet know better than to try something, not that anyone ever would (lets not get too deep into thai mentality though). Although I am a 24yr old bodybuilder type so i guess that helps.. but really getting shot over macking a chick???

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:46 am on Oct. 25, 2002

Oh, I'm not saying it's a common happening.  You'll very rarely see a street fight anywhere in Bangkok, and if so, it's usually between falangs with each other.

But this is also a country where many of the locals are armed (and have a hair trigger), and where none of the foreigners are armed at all.  As anyone living here can attest, all you have to do is pick up any of the Thai newspapers (such as the Thai Rath) to see pics of people shot (most of the reasons given are gambling, debts, drugs, and... disputes over girls).  Yes, it's mostly Thais shooting each other, but if someone has a hair trigger, they are just as likely to shoot anyone (not to mention that shooting a foreigner doesn't necessarily mean a greater punishment here).


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:09 pm on Oct. 25, 2002
crime and violence exists everywhere....
and i don't hink thais are particularly defensive about their girlfriends.....
it's probably a normal thing if someone else tried to chat up your girl....

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:12 pm on Oct. 25, 2002
I agree with Packripper and Goober.

It's not just Thai's that are defensive about their gf's. Infact, I think that if you want to be worried about violence, then you should look no further then the LA/NY/SF in the U.S.

If you stare too hard or even look like you are "mackin'" on some asians gf, then you are asking for an ass-kicking or worse getting shot at. And ass-kicking - I'm not talking about just him, but all his buddies and all.

And if you cross an asian female in the wrong manner, you might find yourself getting your ass kicked by her and not her bf!!

No joke. I knew a cute, small, petite vietnamese female that cracked a full bottle of beer over a guys head at a club because he made some stupid comment about wanting to have sex with her. Once he was down her girl friends started to kick and step on him with their heels. It was Brutal!! And this guy was about 6', 220. Looked like he played football. It was her bf that had to restrain her!!

Right or wrong, it happens.Asians can look all meek, mild, and passive but don't let that fool you. Many can throw down with the best of them, and many have a very bad temper!! Meaing it does not take much to set them off.

My advice though is take the Thai's seriously. Eventhough they might look small and weak, in numbers I am sure they can take most of us down.

But ... enough about all this violence and negative stuff. Time to focus on the positive. Thai FEMALES!!!!

Thailand is safe and a great place to hang out and meet some very nice females. Respect the people and everyone will go home with a smile on their face!! ha ha ha ha!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:19 pm on Oct. 25, 2002
Wow, im gonna have to disagree when it comes to thai... I mean i see more pride then jealous hate from most the thais I know.  Proud that there women are so sought.  I dont know if im running with a different crowd here or what.  I mean i see what abc is talking about in north america and it is usually veitnamese or chinese 'gansta kids' I see at clubs or parties getting into it like abc described... but i also see black and WHITE!! and arab and hispanic getting into it too.

Ive never felt threat during 'macking legit' (non BGs) in LOS even in all situations wether I know the boyfriends or brothers of girls i'm workin or not .  Although I have to admit I try to stear away from girls with boyfriends generally. But who knows I always tend to get away with alot anyways...

charisma boys! and poot thai gaeng, gaeng mak!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:30 am on Oct. 26, 2002
But hey, you know what; re-reading back and seeing packripper talk about the ease of thai firearm possesion again,  I remember now how one of my best friends was involved with a crazy older thai guy that was stalking his girlfriend... Both she and the crazy guy worked 4th floor MBK, anyway he would sort of theaten her or show her the gun and you know profess his love and stuff, twisted shit.  She eventually had to get her boss to back the guy off.  My buddy was scared to go anywhere near that situation.

I'm always surprised what triggers memories up from the time fog...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:42 am on Oct. 26, 2002
JackRabbit present...

Just one drop of negativity more.

Do not know about guns but in september in Pattaya I noticed that MANY peoples carried clipped folders in the pocket or inside waistband.
That included us falangs AND thais as well.
But the late Stoney informed me that getting "heat" is very easy but expensive.

What comes TG's with boyfriends /husbands , I must strongly agree. stay the hell of them.

Remember Lighthouse-bar in Pattaya couple yrs ago.
That shoot-out involved both problems: money and hassling with guys wife.

Thaiman solved the whole thing by spraying bullets.

Better safe than sorry.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:50 am on Oct. 26, 2002

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