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MainNight Clubs, Clubs, Discos – Karaoke Fun w/Hostess Girls All Topics

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Deleted Member
I always try to get one night in a Karaoke Bar.  I have had some luck with asking the portier in the hotel and sometimes simply asked the people who approach me with brochures in the street regarding entertainment posibilities or ask the tuk-tuk drivers.  The arrangement is always that  you can pick one or more of the girls to sit with you, find the songs etc and she will spend the night with you in your hotel id you like. I always make the latter arrangement clear at the outset. I have have som good, friendly fun this way. However, the prices vary, 2 weeks ago I tried "Ambassador" somewere in the area of Sukumvit.  An upscale place with payment for the girl for every 1/2 hr.  This was recommended by the tuk-tuk driver, who probably got a kickback. Overall, it was not worth the money this time. Any recommendations for good value-for-money Karaoke w/hostess ladies?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:46 pm on Mar. 30, 2002
Deleted Member
Zero Replies.

It make me suspect  you have all heard me singing.

I WILL post a follow-up report after the next trip.

Karaoke is FUN wether you like it or not!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:23 pm on April 4, 2002
I went once with a couple of (blonde) girls I'd met from Tilac bar. ÝIt was a place on Soi Cowboy that was pretty well hidden, sort of a back entrance and then the bar was upstairs. ÝMostly Thais (men and women) plus the odd farang (like me). ÝI hadn't barfined either girl, one had found a friend earlier and he was buying drinks and booze for the girls, I just came for the fun. ÝWe ate and drank until sunrise (this was just after the beginning of the crackdown, around May last year).

If you can find the place (try asking some girls that work on Soi Cowboy) you might enjoy it. ÝBut if I recall correctly most of the songs were in Thai. Ý As I think of it this might be an okay place to try and hook up after everything is closed, but there did seem to be a lot of boyfriends around, so be careful.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:46 pm on April 4, 2002
Deleted Member
Thanks for that one. In the meantime I will try the KAraoke bar in Frankfurt nexr week, accross from #27.

Overall, if there are no english songs it  does not make a lot of sense for me. I let you knwo how I got on.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:04 am on April 5, 2002
Deleted Member
Forgot to mention favourite Karaoke songs, whilst in Thailand:

(Me): I'm a believer (to Thailady) ((The Monkees))

(Thailady): Just Call My Name And I'll Be There (Prefferably to me) ((The Jackson Five))

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:33 pm on April 6, 2002
Sup' Liftoff:

For karaoke type place, I mostly go to the Chateau Blanc = White House, Butlers, and Piana Bar. I know. These clubs are classified more are g-clubs(gentlemen clubs), then traditional Karaoke Bars. But, the females are always friendly and can sing both english and thai songs very well. They also speak pretty good english. The problem is that it can sometimes get pricy, as well as not all the females go out.

But .. if you are just looking for some companionship and a place to kick back, these are three cool places.

oh .. if you go to Piano, get there early. Like before 8pm. After 8pm, many of the ladies will already have customers.

(Edited by ABC at 6:07 pm on April 10, 2002)

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:49 pm on April 6, 2002

I have never done this scene before. Will certainly tryit out this time. Thanks for the names of places to go to.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:29 pm on April 6, 2002
Deleted Member
I find it's a fun way to check out the chemistry with a hostess before taking her with me.  Can be a bit pricy as you pay for the time the girl spends with you in the bar.
There is no mention of a bar fee as such, you pay a lump sum for having the girl with you for the night and this is negotiable.  An advantage which can come handy is that you can always pay for the girl with credit card this way, If you have not got a lot of cash.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:24 am on April 7, 2002
For those on an expense account, you can always try Pegasus. Just watch out for the bill though. I took a model class girl out, cost me 2,600 (company fee - I had a 20% discount from the supplementary member's card) and 5,350 (whole night). I needed a girl to christen my bedroom as it was my first night in the apartment.

Note: That was sex on plastic! for those who don't have cash.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:07 am on April 7, 2002
Deleted Member

THe basic question BK is : Did you hit it off with each other........

Regardless of payment method,  the girl is not made of Palstic (!) if the chemistry is right.

My "Karaoke Girls" used to cost me 2500 - 3000 BHT, the last one at Embassy cost me 5000 Bht including the time she spent with me in the lounge itself. That one was not worth it as she got up at 05H30 in the morning( heaven know's how she  managed to do that)  declaring loud and clear to me and the drapes and everything else that  "I have to go"  Upon  my drows-infected question "Why" she said", because it's morning!

Her proof was the Lorries we could hear from the 6th floor of Amari Bouleward, above Beer garden, replenishing God knows what.

I must  have been a disapointment, wether "Power", bodysmell,  Breath or any other symbiotic obstacle I can think off. Need to do more field research on that one.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:07 pm on April 7, 2002

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