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MainNight Clubs, Clubs, Discos – DJ SLACKEN'S NEW CLUB GUIDE [9 JUNE 2003] All Topics

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dj slacken
Just a few minute walk from the khaodan road. If you've been in bangkok for over 10 years then picture DDM as the original version of DEEPER in silom soi 4. The club attracts party hard backpackers, travelling DJs and open-minded Thais. My friend Serge [DJ Sibanac] from france is managing the guest DJs nightly so expect a changing face in the DJ's booth nighly. Music: techno, breakbeat, house, drum and bass and more. A regular spot for bangkok's famous DJs like dragon, spacemonkey ......

LUCILE [rca, bkk] AND DIABLO [walking street, pattaya]
The owners of Lucifer run/own both the places. LUCILE has attracted world famous DJs like KEN ISHII and KK PROJECT Even i have been spinning there with the TRG DJ Team [Mariano from Argentina and Serge from France] If you have been enjoying narcissus then give LUCILE in bangkok a try. Great resident Djs like christian and tan will take you on a house - tribal - progressive tunes' journey. fabolous dancers and frequent international guest dj's. The club's website is

Remember the spot for the former ROME CLUB/ICON in silom soi 4 ? Its been transformed into a new trendy bar with the likes of Q BAR, FAITH CLUB, BED. Cool DJs with a relaxed atmosphere. I've been guest DJing there once and the feeling's great. They've got a resident DJ spinning house tunes with a percussionist on top every weekend. Pretty something similar to the vibe you'd get at 87 but i'd say the drink prices are much realistic.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:38 am on June 9, 2003
I come to LOS to get AWAY from "world famous" DJs and their followers.
On my first trip to BKK, my new TG invited me to the opening of a new nightclub. I was happy to go and experience more of the local scene.
Imagine my disappointment when I learned that it was a disco "imported" from Australia...loud, trendy, everyone got drunk and stupid, including my TG. After last call when everyone had to stagger out, she pitched an American Girl style fit because I was too friendly to her girlfriends. To make a long story short, I left her on Suk. that night because I did not want her at my time for nonsense.
The next morning, she tracked me down and was very apologetic. I'm not blaming that night on the clubs, and especially not on the world famous DJs. The whole episode just reminded me of the nightlife scene that we can all see more than enough of at home. I thought it was a shame that BKK has reached this stage of "modern" development.

Just one man's opinion

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:00 am on June 9, 2003
I can't understand why the f_ck you would want to go to a nightclub to see the wanker DJ, f_ck me, I thought it was the music we went for. Any monkey with half a brain can press the stop go button. ooops, I was going to put 'tossers' in here, but that would be against the rules I think.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:28 am on June 9, 2003
vegas...can see your point...

i hate not only high season, i hate all the things importing from farangland and sell it here as new chicky micky style, greetings from mc and kfc...on the other hand, you stay in disneyland for adults...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:18 am on June 9, 2003
dj slacken
Vegas - I get your point. On the other hand, some people do appreciate dance music culture around the world. The message i expressed were dedicated to those groups.

y____ - Enjoy the good night out with friends or TGs without the international DJ hype. I respect your personal feelings.

ducksnutz - there's no need to use explicit language if you don't appreciate something. Do you agree that there might be some members on this forum that could benefit from the recommendations I gave out ?
" I thought it was the music we went for " Exactly it is the music we go out for, but a good DJ mixes the music to make sure there's a steady flow of musical atmosphere.
" Any monkey with half a brain can press the stop go button " I agree with you on this.

bkkguy - i also hate the high season but not every thing that are farangland imports. some of the imports are my essentials in life and profession.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:11 am on June 10, 2003
'RESPECT TO EVERYONE'S IDEAS HERE' good for you, good attitude, sorry for mine above and the rudey words to sensitive ears, I should stop swearing, my mother never taught me to swear, I was a smart kid, I learnd it all on mes own.
I guess there are people here who like that sort of stuff obviously, but still cannot see why myslef, but each to there own as they say. Personally I like the gogo dj's and the mixes they have there, I only go to gogo's for the music.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:32 am on June 10, 2003
DJ Slacken, wheres this Club Cuba that
DOL reckons so hot?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 am on June 10, 2003
Vegas: I'm really curious about this comment...

"After last call when everyone had to stagger out, she pitched an American Girl style fit because I was too friendly to her girlfriends."

I'm not here to defend American girls or denigrate TGS but I don't think that is especially typical American behavior and it definitely sounds to me very much like a Thai Girl style fit.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:50 am on June 10, 2003
dj slacken

the club is actually called Q BAR. Click on the link here for the map:

Enjoy !

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:53 am on June 10, 2003
Mr. are absolutely right about all girls being able to pitch a fit equally well. I was just speaking from my own limited experience. Limited because, being from America, I had my first experiences with this kind of behavior at home; and now I don't put up with it from any women anywhere.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:57 am on June 10, 2003

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