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Veronica Elite Club (formerly Club 20)

I'm a new poster to this board. I hope the information below helps some of you who may be looking for new nightclub type venues a la Orbit, Piano, etc.

I was very surprised to see how much was written here about these type of outlets. I've worked in the Bangkok entertainment industry (interfacing with lounge managers, etc., to sell our services) for over three years now and was amazed to see that such extaustive and detailed reviews existed in Englsih for so many of these places. Good work. Very impressive.

The below review is not as detailed, and thus not as polished, as some of the other reviews I've seen. This is b/c I typically drink/enter for free in these places b/c I know and work with the managers. I generally don't talk about entry costs, etc. too much with them. So, maybe other folks can fill in the blanks with respect to prices, etc?

Anyhow, Veronica Elite opened its doors last night after being completely renovated. It is positioning itself as a very high end club, with the challenge to Exotica probably the easiest comparison to make. But this place is quite different from Exotica in its more modern feel.

If you remember Club 20, there are different zones and floors, and the same goes here. At Veronica, however, these zones are designated according to your type of membership, etc. I did not get into the details with the manager, but I did gather that this place ain't cheap. 3,300 Baht gets you in if you do not want to buy a bottle, but for this 3,300 you can drink Gold Label all night. This price/info needs some fact checking as it seems very high, but I am fairly sure that is what I was told. (I had about 7 drinks, so things are fuzzy). I do know that the cheapest bottle begins at 7,000, and this is JW Gold Label.

The place has very pretty girls, at least the ones I saw. If you like Issan types, this is probably not your place. There were some true stunners, and some who were more average in looks. But that is true in many such bars. Overall, good quality.

The bar staff is also very well trained, as the manager of this place is highly professional and knows his biz. The waitresses do the "Thai crawl" to your table when serving you.

There are three zones at Veronica. The non-Vip zone has a feel of a pub/disco where there is a DJ and lots of small, metallic tables on a dance floor. This has a young person's feel to it, so they might be going for the "son of Chalerm" types here. There are sofa areas on either side of the dance floor. The sofas are comfy, while the tables/stools placed on the dance floor were not really my style.

The nicer room is through the doors opposite the DJ. In this roon, there is a a large stage and sofas throughout. A band plays (at least when I was there) hotel type soft songs. The singer was sexy, as expected. Here, the seating is much more comfy, with very attentive staff. Many semi private areas. More of an older style, so mabye Chalerm can hang here while is son is in the adjoining roon?

Next step up, which is upstairs, is a room which overlooks the aforementioned stage. Nice place to talk to the girls.

Upstairs, there is also a large, "public" karaoke room, and several karaoke private rooms. The decor upstairs is modern, yet stylish. Luxurious, yet not overdone. Definitely not near as awe-inspiring as Exotica, but still quite nice.

So, can they succeed? Ultimately, I suppose it depends on two things: perception and girls. From what I guess, this place aims to be very exclusive, so that may be half the battle. If Thais think it is special they will go. But only if the girls are attractive.

Personally, I am not sure if I would pay the big bucks to go unless on a company account. But it is a new spot to explore.

Ratings: (0-10; 10 = highest)
Decor = 8
Girls = 8
Value for Money = Now there is the question????

Parking is easy.

Finally, if there is interest, there are several other nightclubs that I could post on/review that I don't see here (when I do a basic 1 year search of this topic).

These include:

The One
The Club
Rao (various branches)
New Ex

I'm happy to post on these and others, if interest.

Happy hunting.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:58 am on Sep. 2, 2004

Thanks for the FR. Will try to check it out this week. Since you work in this field. What is your favorite club to hang out these days???


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:46 am on Sep. 2, 2004
Nice work mate....keep us posted.

Cheers !!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:51 am on Sep. 2, 2004
apparently this is at former club 20 location next to chaopraya hotel almost at rachada/ladprao intersection.
their web mentioned above not working (yet?) & yes it does seem very steep entry compared to say caribbean no?
bus sure if any members on this board wanna visit I'm villing to join just PM me

hmm other clubs mentioned anybody know any of them?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:10 am on Sep. 2, 2004

Quote: from Kilmarnock on 1:58 pm on Sep. 2, 2004
Finally, if there is interest, there are several other nightclubs that I could post on/review that I don't see here (when I do a basic 1 year search of this topic).

These include:

The One
The Club
Rao (various branches)
New Ex

I'm happy to post on these and others, if interest.

These days it is rare to see post on BKK nightlife on this forum but, I for one, would like to hear more.

Of the clubs you mention I have only been to one - namely, The Club but would happily try any others that you recommend.

Now I dont wanna criticise but your report is a little short on facts. Like you didnt post the location (although Chilli has now done that). You didnt really say whether the chicks are available - I kinda suspect it is a 'prick tease' joint aka Orbit/Forte/Carribean.

Does it close at 1.00am or 2.00am?

p.s. Veronica Elite what a totally lame ass name for a club

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:02 am on Sep. 3, 2004
Veronica Elite - still cant get over what a lame name that is.

Well went in there and to be honest didnt recognise the place from Club 20 days.

Difficult to tell what sort of crowd this place attracts because they had no customers - maybe call it a no-so place.

They have an interesting marketing gimic - namely being the most expensive place in town. I thought Kilmarnock was kidding when he said that the cheapest bottle was Bt7000 but, rather amazingly its true.

The place resembles a 'coyote ugly' bar but the set up is much more Piano or Monroe. A girl will come and sit with you - cuties Bt3000 for 3 hours and 'models' Bt5000 for 3 hours. Supposedly the models will go out with you if you come to a private arrangement - cuties not.

Strangely enough for a place that was completely empty there appeared to be a shortage of girls. We had one model show up but all the others were clearly busy chatting with the non-existent customers.

Our model said she would think about...perhaps... heading back home with us and promptly got up, went to the toilet and didnt return.

The set up is basically as Kilmarnock describes - the disco area is actually pretty nice. The band though is particularly feeble - playing light karaoke hits - similar to the band at Pent.

We somehow managed to spend over an hour there and had 3 or 4 drinks each (drinks are a less outrageous Bt300 - which kinda makes the bottles redundant). Bill came to Bt2700 which is ok I guess.

Bottom line. Well the lay out of the club is good and theoretically it has a lot of potential. At the moment though they have taken 'exclusive' to the limit - namely no customers at all (on a Friday night).

(P.S. I think I deserve a BTF badge or something - I mean I go to these places so you dont have to)

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:28 am on Sep. 4, 2004
Glad to see you were able to fill in some of the details. As I mentioned, I often go to these places for work related issues and therefore don't get to deeply into some of the points you mentioned. That's why I asked for follow ups.

Anyhow, it is possible that Veronica Elite is still in its "soft opening" stage. I went there the very first night (weekday), and there were only a few customers as well then. One would think that it would be doing better on a FRI, though.

I'll try to swing by again this week and talk to the manager to get more of the stuff you want.

Agree. Bizarre name!


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:13 am on Sep. 4, 2004
Oh, one more point. I did see two lovelies (models, I guess) on their way out the door (with a guest) when I was there. My guess is that they are still recruiting girls, though, since I saw maybe only 10-15 non-waitresses total.

Did you have a chance to go upstairs? Maybe some of the activity was going on in the karaoke rooms, etc? With three VIP levels (or at least they told me this), it is possible they will 'exclusive-eye" (new word) their way right out of business?

Thanks for the update.

I'll post on the Club and some of the others shortly, and will try to get more detailed on the prices and stuff.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:30 am on Sep. 4, 2004
Went to Veronica last week

The place has 3 zone as Kilmarnock descrive. The VIP KTV room upstair is not entirely finished yet. We went on Thursday night. They only have 9 model/PR available. I would rate them 6-9. None of them is 10. The layout is nice but not extravagant.

There are 3 memebership level. 200,000 baht get you 20 bottles of JW Gold, and 500,000 baht get you 50 bottles. and one million baht get you 100 bottles. Also you get to used the VIP room for free. and 20 percent off like all other club. Also, model cost you 5000 baht per 3 hours and PR cost you 3000 baht for 3 hours.

Abrak is correct. This place want to be the most upscale club in bkk but I think it will run it self out of business if it does not change

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:23 pm on Sep. 13, 2004
Was there also with the generous Juniper a few days ago.

One thing I didn't understand is that there seemed to be more sales people than girls available for customers. I didn't like much the uniform dressing of the staff. If it wants to look classy, it should have the giurls looking well dressed, but not all in the same uniform dress.

Very empty. Just being expensive doesn't cut it.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:06 am on Sep. 14, 2004

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