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MainElsewhere in Thailand – Driving In Isaan All Topics

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Shredded Wheat
Daffy - it is home to Mrs Shreddie and her daughter (my step daughter) lives there.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:50 pm on Feb. 8, 2007

Quote: from Shredded Wheat on 3:14 am on Feb. 9, 2007

Gotcha - and she's not amenable to moving to greener pastures?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:09 pm on Feb. 8, 2007
SW, here is another idea, how about building accomodations for the factory workers? Buy some land nearby the factory, and build up 10 rooms with bathrooms and basic ameneties. You could easily charge 2-2,500B/month.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:47 pm on Feb. 10, 2007
I think Shreddie wants something more upscale to rake in the dosh, maybe he should open up an English style pub-cum-restaurant-short time motel. Unsuspecting Isaan rice farmers travelling by truck loads on open pick up vans will be treated by such gourmet delicacies: toad-in-the-hole, mushy peas + soggy beefeater chippies with fried cod served on 2 months old newspaper, lukewarm Cornish pastries in a bed of mixed (tired looking) salad lettuce, canned beans on (stale) toast etc…

It’ll be a roaring success, rice farmers and labourers across Isaan will flock by the thousands to just be seen in such farang eatery. You can then create a franchise of such outlets across the road network of Isaan. Jeez man, you’ll be a millionaire before you know it!


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:57 pm on Feb. 10, 2007
It depends, by the sounds you are hoping it would be a popular stop for foreigners, but how many foreigners travel that route ?

Big mistake to base your hoped business on foreigner passing trade when they are for sure the minor minority.

Also is there any 'destination' type attraction around your area to warrant a stop ? If not why would they really want to. I would not just for a sit up crapper and a pool.

Most towns, small and big and then the destination places are not that far between each other here. So the excuse to keep going to the next spot is easier than stopping somewhere that has nothing really.

While for sure you would get some business from 'your' intended targets, but it would not be sufficient in my opinion to setup particulalry for it. Build it and they will come works less often than you think, unless you build something like disneyland....or NEP !

As for the rental for workers, possible, but upcountry apartment rents out in the sticks are lower than 2k and the returns probably just not worth the hassle.

Why not look at something if you can afford it, like what you want to do, but combined with something interesting for 'ALL' travellers to stop for a break on the way. Maybe a fishing park, if none around and viable with water and land etc. Stop, fish, catch your own, fish and prawns, lobster etc and then cook it up, eat it and be on your way etc.

If the land is on the main road and has the village around it or nearby, then why not just a small 7/11 type shop. These seem to do well in Los and from here you can gauge the business, start selling fuel and other shit as required, local produce etc.

Chok Chai steak by the way is the worst steak I have ever had in my life....twice now, so worst and second worse in fact.

Also if Sarge thinks driving is easier here than on 'some' of Australias roads, I think he has not really driven around a lot of Thailand in reality.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:58 pm on Feb. 10, 2007
Dr Coolbreeze
When I drive around the NE i'm pretty destination oriented, so the only stops are for gas and a piss. Admitedly, it would be nice if the toilets were western-style, and clean, but if i'm just pissing, it's ok. Funny, as I write this, it occurs to me that I've never crapped in a squat toilet - I always take care of that in my hotel in the morning (or evening, if I'm jetlagged).
I think you'd be better off if you opened a place that farangs are more likely to want to spend time, rather than just hustle through on the way to somewhere.
One place I thought could use a western-style establishment is Mae Sai (actually, it's more north than north east). Lots of farangs there for the border crossing - a farily busy little town with ample parking and places to shop and haggle - but no overtly western establishments of any kind (that I saw).
Anyway, there are ways for you to make money in LOS, but give it some thought before you commit serious money to anything. BKs suggestion is excellent, I think.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:06 pm on Feb. 10, 2007
Jackie, if you ever driven a car in Sydney you will have to agree with me. Also if you re-read what I wrote, you will notice that I said "I find Isaan road system easier and more logical to navigate....." meaning that the actual road network layout is more logical (no friggin' one way systems and other moronic slow lane convergence in fast lane traffic etc..) and easier to adjust to, coming from abroad. Of course in OZ drivers are more disciplined and law enforcement agencies are way more efficient. I thought that I didn't need to state the obvious.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:35 pm on Feb. 10, 2007
What you actually said was 'I find Isaan road system easier and more logical to navigate than anything found in Australia'

Its the last part which let you down, rather broad statement and unless you have driven around a lot of Thailand, not just major systems, then you will find that it is extremely difficult to find your way at times.

I will agree with you that I have found the road system here rather ok, as long as you have a good map and I have driven a lot of out of way places here.

I will also agree that sydney is totally f***ed up.

I will also add that the tollway and highway system here is quite hard to get the hang of, not always clearly marked and certainly no real logic to it so it seems much of the time.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:05 am on Feb. 11, 2007
Actually is not, mine was a metaphor of the extremes. Pitching against two countries’ road networks and how an outsider would feel driving a car in both places. At first sight it appears to be no contest; Australia self claimed place in the 1st world, modern and well organized society (no mockery here, honest) and on the other side Thailand, no quite 2nd world, still on the developing curve. Well, in reality things aren’t that clear cut and having driven around Australia a lot and Thailand a bit, often in B roads and country lanes. I can say that foreigners would find Thai road network system, maybe not so neat and modern but definitely more logical and easy to get accustomed to. Yes, Thai drivers are lot more undisciplined and law enforcement agencies inefficient at best, and yes Thai script is indecipherable to almost everybody, but we’re not discussing about road users (drivers) or the language, rather how easy or difficult is to adapt to the system, the logical flow of the road design. It seems a contradiction in terms, one country modern and efficient and yet totally illogical in how it sets about on things.

You state that Sydney is totally f***ed up, so I take it that you’re either Australian or have lived and travelled around the country for a while. You also mention tollway and highway; I guess you are referring to Thailand but for the benefits of people who have never driven in Australia we should tell them that motorways and toll fares here are confusing and hard to read too, different charges for different motorways for the same length of journey. Roads that converge into one, changing names and then carry on with the original name. Side streets names signposted on the other side of the road, streets with identical name in the space of few hundred meters etc…. this ain’t Thailand.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:29 am on Feb. 14, 2007
Just remember to always have the 200 baht tucked in the dashboard for the obligatory "you drive very fast" police stop just after you past the big lake on the No 2 towards Khorat. Always get that. Dont mind the 200baht stop but got hit for 1000 on the elevated tollway just past Don Muang a few weeks ago. Cop wouldnt budge on the amount. Says I can pay 1000 now or take me to the cop shop and pay 1000 baht there. Been stopped loads of times and this wanker was being a right arsehole. Now I use the regular road under the tollway. 1000 baht is almost as much gas as my truck uses for a return run to Bangkok.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:40 pm on April 10, 2007

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