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MainElsewhere in Thailand – Driving In Isaan All Topics

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If you are on the Don Muang tollway and they are hitting you up for the 'fine' then just challenge them to take you to the station. I have done this on 3 different occasions and they always back down and wave me through.

I refuse to pay any bribes and only pay the official fine, eg. at police station with receipt.

I've been stopped a couple of times around Khon Kaen heading towards Udon and you are usually stopped outside the police station to pay the fines inside. Pretty stupid to be speeding past a police station but nevermind..

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:13 pm on April 16, 2007
Shredded Wheat
Just back from a break in LOS and was travelling from the village to Pattaya in a car driven by one of the village Thais.

We were stopped on the DM tollway. The nice policeman was wearing a black balaclava or scarf to cover his face from the strong sun - the sun must have been very strong that day as his colleagues along the same stretch of road wore similar face coverings.

My driver slipped the nice policeman a THB20 note and we were waved on our way as the policeman then realised the paperwork was all correct and we must have been stopped by mistake.

The driver thought it was funny that he had got away with a THB20 "fine" as he is normally asked for THB100/200. He put it down to having a falang in the car & that the nice policeman probably did not expect to find a falang in the front passenger seat and would have been surprised when the window came down.

The Thais get stopped all the time all over the country and get hammered for "fines". I guess if farangs do not get stopped and fined as often it is just another example of dual pricing.

Mrs Shreddie (in the back seat), gave me a telling off for not challenging the nice officer and asking him what the problem was, why our car had been stopped, and for his name.

We were stopped about 1km or so before a toll booth so when we reached the toll booth I suggested that we tell the person at the booth that we had already paid our toll and she could collect it from the police later. None of the Thais found that remotely funny.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:01 pm on May 12, 2007
Shredded Wheat

Quote: from Sarge on 11:19 pm on Feb. 4, 2007

Have you ever been in Isaan? Have you ever driven a car in the province or Thailand for that matter?

..... There are more petrol stations with farang eateries than you can shake a stick at.

Sarge - finally just had my first experience of driving in Thailand. I can also confirm there are no fancy eateries or swanky petrol stations on road number 2037 (Nong Bua Daeng to Phu Khiao) and 2359 (Nong Bua Daeng to Phakdi Chumpon).

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:08 pm on May 12, 2007
How much would it cost to get a driver w/ car per month?

Have done the 2 week bit for 4K baht, friend of a friend. Driver on call, scheduled runs via cell phone, mid-size Japanese car, tolls and gas were extra.
Saved some money in the long run on the Pattaya to airport run, which normally cost 1500-1800 baht one-way.

Older driver, so it wasn't the girls boyfriend or I don't think it was!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:35 pm on May 12, 2007

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