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MainElsewhere in Thailand – Isan update: Khon Kaen, Udon, Ubon, Nong Khai, Mukdahan, Sis All Topics

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Thanks thaiaficionado!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:13 am on Nov. 26, 2009
Understand this post is in the wrong forum, but figured if I put it in the right forum no body would read it!!!

Charity Golf Tournament in Udon, Sri Thani Golf Course. Tournament sponsored by the Aussie Bar and benefits local orphans. 1000 baht entry fee, this includes green fees / caddie fees (not tip) /food after the round at the Aussie Bar.
Not sure about the format, but again it's for charity and will give expat golfers in Udon a chance to get together.
Sign-up at the Aussie Bar, not sure if you can just show-up.
Date: 30 Nov 09, 0900 tee off at Sri Thani Golf Course.
Sri Thani is a 9 hole course (par 36), pretty decent course!!!

So, if you are in Udon and would like to play a round of golf and benefit some local orphans sign-up!!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:46 am on Nov. 26, 2009
I have a question please.

In my experience I have come across many Isan girls. They mostly (sorry for stereotyping) seem to be of a lower caliber and are untrustworthy. Of course there are probably exceptions; but am I far off base here? It also seems that many of the "club girls" I encountered came from this area.

Is Isan a sort of "minor leagues" of the big time (Bangkok) ? Or have I just met the wrong girls???

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:43 am on Nov. 26, 2009

Quote: from Pegasus1 on 4:43 pm on Nov. 26, 2009

Where did you meet them? Read my report as to why I'm asking this question, or put simply, my experience is quite the opposite.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:05 pm on Nov. 26, 2009
My 2 cents worth on Issan ladies, in general or from my experiences.

Limited education, parents don't push the kids to attend school. Even if they went to school everyday, classes wouldn't even come close to being 10% of a stateside education.
They seem to accept an education won't get them anywhere, they'll either be working the rice field (with the grandmother watching the two kids), or married to a financial provider.

Culture / parents allow them to drink, go out with older men (can't tell you how many high school girls in the villiage go out with older men who have decent jobs and some money) all while having a high school boyfriend.

They see family and friends screw each other over for a few baht with limited, if any flack.

They accept (generally, there are a few incidents with the wife kicking the husband out of the house), dad having a GIK (most don't have the $$$ for a Mia Noi).

They see ladies showing up in the villiage with a different farang every other month w/ the farang paying for a new roof-motorbike-truck etc. Best one was this hottie, 2 Thai weddings (different sucker) in the villiage this year and each time got the dowary and a couple of baht in gold and I understand there have been a couple more local weddings with her being the bride. Now that's a business women and business is good!!!!

Note: Of the few (maybe 10) ladies I know in the villiage that are married or have a sponsor w/ the husband or sponsor still working in their respective country........only 2 are honestly good girls ie. no gik, no gambling, no drinking, no smoking and just sitting and waiting for their significant other to return. Both have small shops that occupy their time.

It's not the ladies fault, it's the culture they grow-up in. So, here's my advice (for what it's worth, take it or leave it) on Thai ladies that works for me, "they are trainable, you just need to be firm and make them suffer when they piss you off and reward them when they do things right or intelligently."
Key being they won't change without a little pain, not talking about physical pain by the way!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:44 pm on Nov. 26, 2009

Boy, did you ever answer the question>>>

I guess to truly understand these people you have to understand the environment they grow up in. So hats off to you, and thanks for clarifying WHY they act the way they do.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:23 pm on Nov. 26, 2009
I half agree with mozzie

Firstly if you meet any Thai lady in a BAR be CAREFULL!

Bangkok girls most of them can't even cook,and Most just want a free ride.

If you really want to find Miss right than don't look in a Bar.

Don't be Fooled by the Sex and all the other Bullshit which Many Guys Fall for Every Time

Than they wonder why there been ripped off.

Thailand Full of Non Bar workers that just want an Honest man, But this is the Problem Most can't stay with one bird for life.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:54 pm on Nov. 26, 2009
Jingo's right, most of my experiences have been with Issan bar girls.

Of the limited experience of hanging out with a few fairly well off Thais most educationed Issan ladies with decent jobs (single of course) are readily available, not in the bar girl sense....if they like you or see you as funding a night out or some clothing/shoes or even a long term husband prospect...they are available.

Have to say they get this from funding their college education (mid-class Thai ladies), they'll entertain and be some older richer Thai guys GIK for some extra baht and that carries over to graduation and the work force.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:39 pm on Nov. 26, 2009

Quote: from mosquito2002 on 11:44 am on Nov. 27, 2009
They see ladies showing up in the villiage with a different farang every other month w/ the farang paying for a new roof-motorbike-truck etc. Best one was this hottie, 2 Thai weddings (different sucker) in the villiage this year and each time got the dowary and a couple of baht in gold and I understand there have been a couple more local weddings with her being the bride. Now that's a business women and business is good!!!!

Unfortunately marrying a farang in some parts of Isan has become a cottage industry. The girls talk/observe other girls and the wealth it brings with very little consequence. It's a win win for the Isan girl and the family. It's not only the bar girls doing this!

mosquito2002, great post!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:12 pm on Nov. 26, 2009
You marry a native girl... you marry her family !.... and that includes her village idiot cousins !

... no matter where you live in God's green Earth... you befriend or involve yourself with poorer desperate folks your gonna pay for it someway !... Im not knockin the hard working honest poor here... but the welfare gold diggers that will extort every red cent and time n energy you can provide them ! while they sit on their butts not lifting a hand with scammin bs ideas for more money to suck in ! known as trailer trash !

lots in infidelities in Thailand !... make sure you always have the backway out of the plan ! keep one eye open when extortion occurs! and a full tank of gas in the old bessy Honda motorbike !... cause she'll throw ya out when you run out of patience and baht ! or have strayed off to another woman !

remember the music lyrics to American Woman !
and you will never lose your pride to a psycho f'd up woman again !... just walk away fast; disappear and never look or phone em back again !... find another that your happy to be around LT !... you won't find em working the bars !... plenty of Thai ladies in shops and at recreational events to meet up with !...Thailand's a has a freer social environment vs uptight western world where many limit themselves
.... the bars are where the fallen have to work their way out of poverty debt !.... its not a place for love ! but a ST party and sex action !

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:38 pm on Nov. 27, 2009

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