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MainElsewhere in Thailand – 3 days on Koh Samed All Topics

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NanaHottie shows up in the morning, late of course, and we get in the car to go to Ban Phe (just over 2 hrs away) to take the boat to Koh Samed (Koh Samet).  She is looking fabulously cute.  In the car, she says “you know the way?”.  I say “maybe”.  Worried look on her beautiful face.  I assure her we’ll be fine, how hard is it to get onto an expressway and drive out of BKK??

Well, I miss the freeway entrance and then spend 20 minutes in traffic trying to do basic things like make a right turn from Sukhumvit.  NanaHottie starts looking at the map, and I literally have to turn it 90 degrees in her hands for it to be right.  This is the stuff that is only in movies.  OK, on the way, once on the road, I offer her some of the rest of the margaritas that Nam and I didn’t drink... she declines, then falls asleep.  Well, I guess I will have a margarita!

NanaHottie spends most of the trip to Ban Phe sleeping, only to wake up and tell me to turn off at the Rayong exit.  I say “Mai Dai”, she goes back to sleep.  She is actually holding my hand... I’m so excited!

Pick up some water and buy the tickets for boat to Koh Samed.  We have to wait 20 minutes for at least 20 people to show up, but it is only 50 baht per person.  Gives us a change to buy some snacks, which she promptly devours.  Arrival at the pier, onto the back of a pickup truck for a 3 minute ride.  There is an "entrance fee" for the island, 200 baht for non-Thais and 20 baht for Thais.

We go to Saikeiw Beach Resort.  1500B per night, beautiful bungalow, AC, TV, etc.  NanaHottie is impressed, asks how much I pay.  I tell her I own the place... she doesn’t get the joke.

Saikeiw Beach on Koh Samed is the quintessential beach paradise.  White sand, crystal clear water, just unbelievably perfect.

What to do now?  Well if NanaHottie is:

1) awake, and
2) not naked

that means she must be, you guessed it, hungry!  We go down to the beach barefoot and walk along looking at all the small restaurants and beach bars.  Pick one out, food good, very cheap, fresh.  This is paradise.  By the way, we did not put on shoes once for almost 3 days.

OK, food good, I haven’t had sex with her yet, so back to the room.  Very satisfying sex. Probably because I have not screwed for more than 24 hours.

Back down to the water, walk along the beach, she wants to hold my hand (yippie!).  Stop at a beach bar for a beer and margarita.  She asks if there are any beach bars in Chicago?  I had promised that it would not rain so, of course, it starts raining.  “Why you break promise?”  555  Rain the rest of the day and the night.  We get cleaned up, go to a dinner of fresh fish, prawns, and pork (her choice).  Then, we go to the Bob Marley Pub and Karaoke Bar (that’s the name, I’m not kidding).  About 10 people in the place, all Thais.  NanaHottie and this other guy take turns on the stage singing Thai songs.  The other guy is doing fast numbers and my little sweetie is singing love songs.  

Guys, it does not get any better than this.

After each song, NanaHottie comes back and tells me in great detail, in "NanaHottieSpeak", what the song was all about.  nanaHottieSpeak is what I affectionately call her English.  After one song, the tells me:

“girl she like man, but man she think want friend.  girl friend she she like man same.  Him car but never mind girl she not same girl like man, him think change girl but girl no like, already have new, only friend never mind, already he know, you understand?”  

Well, it appears that there is a love triangle in this song.  The man is friends with girl1 and lovers with girl2.  Girl1 and girl2 are friends.  The guy owns a car (not sure why that is in the song).  Girl1 wants to be more than friends with the guy and he wants to be more than friends with girl1, but neither of them knows about the others love for them.  He just finds out girl1 loves him.  Meanwhile girl2 has another lover and drops the guy.  

I don’t know how the song ends because I was piecing together the first sequence of words when NanaHottie started the barrage of words that explained the end of the song.  If I find out how it ends, I'll let you know.

The other guy who is singing is wearing a yellow shirt.  NanaHottie notices this and starts to explain to me about yellow.  I tell her “yeah, I remember, you don’t like yellow”.  Well, she corrects me.  She LIKES yellow, but it is not “chok dee” (good luck) for her.  Seems if she is wearing anything yellow, bad things happen.  We have a very interesting discussion about “luck”.  The concept that when bad things happen to you, it is usually unrelated to the color of clothing you are wearing is unfathomable to her.  

Back to the room, ready for bed, we’re both tired but I am treated to “tongue calisthenics”.  OK guys, put away the baby oil and tissues for now because it is not what you think.  She has the ability to turn her tongue upside-down in either direction, curl it, inverse curl, almost a 360 turn (I’d say about 325), and the popular “tongue stack” (she makes her tongue like a road with two speed bumps).  I take lots of pictures of her tongue in these different positions.  A great end to the evening.  

Wake up next morning, another great sex session.  NanaHottie is getting a little more passionate.  I think she likes being at the beach!

The only time NanaHottie was at a beach before was in Phuket when some Japanese guy took her to Patong.  Their daily routine was... wake up, have sex lasting about 20 seconds, order food, sleep, he walks to a Japanese bar alone, drinks, goes back to room, sleep, wake up, go to Japanese restaurant with his friends so they can see NanaHottie with him, drinks, go back to room, have sex lasting about 30 seconds, give her 5000 baht for the day, sleep.

Some random thoughts on the 3 days together...

Our days are a little different from the last time she was at the beach.  We sleep late everyday, we take a very long walk past about four other beaches, have lunch and walk back.  NanaHottie seems very, very happy to be here, there are so many new and different things that she is experiencing.  She has an incredibly patient attention span.  For an hour, she can sit on the beach and just look at the sand running through her hands and examine how each small sea shell looks.  For an hour, she can stand in the waist-deep water and jump and laugh when each small wave crashes into her.  For an hour, she can watch a small crab try to walk up the rocks while the water crashes up.  At 4:00pm, we climb out over the rocks to the edge of a bluff overlooking the water and just sit and watch... sometimes talking.  I ask how long she wants to stay, she says “the rest of the day”.  We sit for 2 hours doing, well, nothing.

One day, at lunch on a “barge” off the beach, NanaHottie sees an older guy (maybe the cook or the owner) fishing off the side with line wrapped around an empty beer bottle.  She goes over and he brings out another “reel” and she fishes with him for 45 minutes without talking, not seeming to care that there might be no fish in the water.  I watch her for 45 minutes.  Why am I not bored?

This is so unlike my other life of a daily grind of 9-5 working in an office every day.  

Every day, NanaHottie would go down to the kitchen by the beach and bring back food for “our cat”, a likeable creature who had taken up residence on our porch.  She was worried who was going to feed the cat when we left.

When walking along the beach, there were some small pieces of seaweed.  NanaHottie inquires about this.  I explain it is seaweed, she knows that seaweed is living, and she insists on throwing it back into the water so it will not die.  Repeated dozens of times during the trip while walking on the beach.  Very cute.

I took about 100 digital pictures of her during this trip.  Some are very, very cute and I will treasure them.  I always worry that she will forget about me so I always print them and get them to her ASAP.

NanaHottie’s phone ringing has been a problem in the past.  She gets calls all the time from sisters, cousins, one customer, etc.  During this trip, I said nothing to her about it but after she got to Samed, she NEVER took her phone out of the room, and maybe had 20 minutes of conversation with others during the trip.  This was very nice to see.

At night, walking back along the beach, she notices that the water is about 100 feet further out than it was this afternoon.  Why?  I explain tide to her.  I explain it again.  She thinks I am making this sh_t up.  The moon affecting the water on Koh Samed beach?  A bit far-fetched, I’ll admit.

On the other hand, her knowledge of science is not non-existent.  We sat at the Buddy Bar on mats and looked up at the stars.  I know nothing about stars.  She told me about many of the stars.  Upcountry on her farm, she can see the stars at night and when she was a little girl, her uncle gave her a book and she appears to have memorized the entire sky pattern.  She was so thrilled to see the stars, something that does not happen in Bangkok.

We went snorkeling one day.  Out on a speedboat to a snorkeling spot in the morning, and lunch at the “floating restaurant” and more snorkeling in the afternoon.  NanaHottie, along with two other people, pukes over the side of the boat while we are at anchor in the afternoon.   I feel bad for her.  Back to the beach, another long walk, more sitting and doing nothing, more snacks for her, and a great dinner at Jep’s Beach.  NanaHottie has never had Indian food, so she orders vindaloo along with a couple of other things.  She eats every bite.  Back to the Bob Marley Bar for karaoke.  I sing her a song for a change.  Back to the hotel at 11:00pm  

It is our last night together, and I want to talk to her about a few things.  We stay up until 1:00am talking, then a fabulous goodbye-for-now sex session.  She pulls out all the stops.  Morning comes, breakfast, catch the 10:00am ferry and stop to shop for a few items for her mother and sister.  

Drive back to Bangkok.  See the previous field report on Nam and hand gestures for directions, and you’ll pretty much understand how the drive went when we got to Bangkok.  Back to the hotel for a quick goodbye.  She kisses me (I’m so excited).  She’s staying in BKK for about 4 days, then she is flying back up-country. Someone else paid for her plane ticket to and from Bangkok.

I know that she could be with someone else and make more money, but she chose to be with me. It makes me feel good for some reason.

At this point, all is very, very well with ColoradoGuy.  She likes me more than she did before, but I am still very sure that I like her more than she likes me.  But, I promise that you will all be invited to the wedding upcountry.   DrLove has agreed to be the best man.

As to the point of taking a BG out of Bangkok, for Nam it ended in disaster, for NanaHottie it was pure bliss!

FRs from this trip

Arrival Night in BKK - CG, Nam

Day 1 in ChaAm - CG, Nam, Tyler, Angel

Day 2 in ChaAm - CG, Nam, Tyler, Angel, STGirl

Transition night in BKK - CG, DrLove, NanaHottie, Noi, DrunkCutie

3 days on Koh Samed with NanaHottie

Night 1 Back in BKK

Night 2 - fun, fun, fun with Yurune and Padawan in Soi Cowboy

Night 2.5 - BKKTonight members storm Nam and Noi’s bar

Night 3 - Sept Roundtable night

Night 4 - NanaHottie returns (unexciting)

Night 5 - Final night

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:24 am on Sep. 19, 2003
Great FR again CG.
Koh Samed is awesome, I love it.

Just wanted to say I've enjoyed reading every one of your FR's.. Keep 'em coming!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:03 am on Sep. 19, 2003
Cool report, reminds me of my trip to Saikeow beach.  I miss those days of doing nothing... Hey, I sang at the Bob Marley bar too!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:12 am on Sep. 19, 2003
Quote from CG
"The only time NanaHottie was at a beach was in Phuket when some Japanese guy took her to Patong.  Their daily routine was ... wake up, have sex lasting about 20 seconds, order food, sleep, he walks to a Japanese bar alone, drinks, goes back to room, sleep, wake up, go to Japanese restaurant with his friends so they can see NanaHottie with him, drinks, go back to room, have sex lasting about 30 seconds, give her 5000 baht for the day, sleep.

Now let's see at that rate she actually worked 1 minute ( I give the guy an extra 10 seconds ) which equates to $7,317 USD per hour. Now you know why the BG's love the Japanese. ...Cum Pie

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:27 am on Sep. 19, 2003
Whoa. Methinks the multi-talented NanaHottie is getting quite seriously under some Chicago person's skin.

Oh well, wtf. What's life for anyway? My cunning plan (not exactly voluntary) in these circs is to throw caution to the winds and just go with it. Despite all the dire warnings, nothing very terrible happens. Quite the reverse. So long as they don't require you to be faithful...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:55 am on Sep. 19, 2003
Arc, don't worry about me 5555  I know I have a pretty good perspective on this whole thing and a very realistic view of how things might and will progress.   Expectations are very, very low.  But I know that a little bit of fun at key moments in any person's life can be a very good thing.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:27 am on Sep. 19, 2003

Yeah, that has to be the key - keep expectations low so that everything extra in this department is a delightful bonus. The mistake is to let low expectations curdle into self-fulfilling cynicism.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:39 am on Sep. 19, 2003
Nice reports, lets hope DG does not start writing them that long.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:51 am on Sep. 19, 2003

Great report, you and Nanahottie are made for each other!!!!! enjoy..........

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:56 pm on Sep. 19, 2003

nice report , i like your style of writing.
koh samed is actuallly mz preferred island in los, and verz close to bkk.
did you drive a car out of bkk yourself? i admire you for that. i would never have the guts.  


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:19 pm on Sep. 19, 2003

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