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MainElsewhere in Thailand – Consolidated Khon Kaen FR All Topics

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Khon Kaen was quite a learning experience, some good others bad...

Ok, first up for punters like ourselves, don’t get the disillusion that KK is cheap (sometimes free? yeah right) like we did. It is somewhat cheaper than BKK, but nothing to be over. Other than P4P though, everything else is relatively inexpensive.
We knew of Khon Kaen University so fantasies of schoolgirls rummaged in our head (s) in the days leading to departure.
So gitty happy we were to embark on this luv mission where no punter had boldly gone before, I think we overworked ourselves expecting girls to jump on us.

At least the airfare there is low (compared to Thai Airways) – all in all 1600 THB RT; about the same to get to PTY but in under 50 mins.
I was able to secure the Sofitel Raja Orchid KK for the both of us @ a crazy rate – 750 THB/night. We booked 3 nights.
AirAsia resembles the JetBlue of South East Asia, all fairly new 737-300 planes w/ plush leather seats and the mainly female cabin crew made for good eye candy (AsianMan, she never smiled @ u, pay up friend ).
Sofitel has free transfers from KKC to the hotel, an under 20 mins ride.
Check-in, this hotel can be rated as a 4* although it is considered the finest establishment there. My my, what tall receptionists you have
Our rooms were very fine and almost identical: king size beds, slightly larger than your typical room and with a very generously-spacious all-marble bathroom.
Night 1:
After a good late-afternoon nap, we were ready for some sanook.
I advise to head up No. 1 Bar first as I have read that is where many expats like to drink. We wander aimlessly for nearly an hour to no avail as no tuk tuk driver or even front desk staff seems to know of this place, mai pen rai as we can always hit it up tomorrow.
Note: nightlife here does not begin until 9-9:30 pm, not like we’re accustomed to 7-7:30 in BKK. We learned this the hard way like a pair of perverts going from place to place searching for ‘the scene’ in & around the hotel.
Unfortunately for us, the WOW discotheque on the underground floor was closed for renovation. That left the Studio 1 Karaoke & Cleo’s (all on same floor). There is also a small sushi bar & microbrewery on this floor but we didn’t try either. Studio 1 is quite plainly ~ karaoke. Cleo’s on the other hand, is a lounge & ‘un-advertised’ gentleman’s club. We, however, did not know this fact until the next evening.
AsianMan, not surprisingly , became fascinated w/ the assistant manager (Thai-Mary) there. She was indeed very suay & there was just something about her. He tried his play on her in hopes of possibly a date but she politely refused U gotta admit this guy was persistent (when it cums to girls).
Another attempt to locate No. 1 Bar fails (don’t laugh AM) & results in going to the Times Square area collection of bars.
Of the places along this strip, we are warmly greeted by the girls of Violin Karaoke. The mamasan reminds AM of Ning (I don’t see the resemblance).
8 girls line up once we selected our room.
AsianMan – Om, DragonMP – Ting... and of course mamasan (LikeNing).
Ting & LikeNing were cheerful but Om was like a starfish in disguise.
The maitré des boys kept entering/leaving the room to service our drinks which was very annoying
At least Ting & I made beautiful musik together ^_^
Karaoke was quite enjoyable but the bill that followed was not... I think 3000+, AM can provide the exact # since he took care of it
I liked Ting alot ~ ruk raek pop, she’s a fun, petite & very cute gal
To our disappointment, none of the girls @ Violin go w/ customers (so we’re told).
AsianMan was certain that LikeNing (yes, the mamasan!) was good to go and he was very tempted to do so but for some reason he didn’t proposition her (maybe reminisces of original Ning).

It was only 11:00 pm...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:32 pm on Mar. 27, 2004

How'd you get the Soffitel for only 750b per night? Would you care to share?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:30 am on Mar. 28, 2004
first of all, thanks for hooking me up with the low rate at Sofitel. I have to say, that room ranks at the top of my list, including the hotels in BKK. the bathroom was bigger than Majestics entire room

the air asia girl did smile at me. every time our eyes met, she would smile & quickly look away she was SUPER CUTE

i give this hotel 5*'s.

if I didn't drag you into Violin, we still be walking I could not handle the heat, my legs were giving out on me, & was badly dehydrated.

f*ck No. 1 bar, did you see the guys bringing in the girls from the beer bars ? I bet they were cheap tho. trying to find this place was like a scene out of a slap stick comedy movie.

i told you the action wouldn't start till 10:00pm but someone wouldn't listen haha !

just me or did you notice how hot the managers were in KK ? & young too. I only had about 3 minutes with her, if I had more time, she was mine

the bill was about 3800baht. cheap IMO, compare to BKK & considering what we had...lady drinks, bottle of Blk & many cokes, fruit plate ( that's where they get you ) & also there was charges for the girls them selves.

your girl was a cutie, she seems to be loads of fun. my girl ? don't go there

let's not make a big deal out of this Ning thing, she is just a GOOD/CASUAL friend of mine, that's all

yes, the manager was my type, chinese/thai from chiang mai but she could loose few pounds here & there;) she did ask me if she could spend the night but I gave her the long, tired, face look she understood. besides it wasn't even midnight yet & only our first stop on first night.

i'm impreesed, how you remember all the names, prices, etc.... I can't remember sh*t, except for the last girls name I hit

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:32 am on Mar. 28, 2004
ok, looks like dragon is MIA, so i'm going to finish this freakin FR since "punk ass" can't seem to

i've forgotten most of the trip already, so if something sounds out of the ordinary....will do my best.

dragon was only 11pm...

this night, not much happened. after "Violin", we went across next door to "721" "135"....some sh*t like that. was like poor mans "Orbit", crazy loud music, few girls dancing in cute outfit & could buy them Orbit. wanted to take one of the girls home but they were dancing so wild, I couldn't even get a good look at their face so.....dragon & his date from Violin kill the night there, as for me, I went back to talk to the kareoke manager but she was busy so called it a night.

day two..

we hit the near by mall ( 5 min. walk ) for some lunch. as we walk around the mall, I must say, I did feel like a celebrity. everyone's eyes were on us till we were out of their site even all the homo guys, they were checking out dragon
note: mall also had a movie theater & a bowling alley, saw few girls there with their customers.

bit of scanning the mall & we were out of there & into the hottestweatheri'veeverexperienced KK street. I was having trouble handling the heat & would dehydrate within minutes but dragon ( camel man ), rather seems to enjoy the heat.

"D" has to hit a bank for some cash so we do exactly that. once in the bank, we wait, wait, wait, & wait some more after waiting forever, D finds out he didn't even have to wait in line, he could have just went to a customer help desk & WALLA !
note: there were some very attractive professional ladies coming & going at this bank, I think the bank was called Thaiand or Bangkok Bank.

now D with pocket full of Baht, he suggests we hit Villa MP. after short tuk tuk ride & some more walking we find Villa. best way I could describe the location is that it's near the bus station, once there, just ask anyone where the Villa Hotel is. the MP is not in the same building but next to it.

inside ( 2pm ), there was the usual fishbowl ( 10 girls ? ) & a sideline couch but I believe the couch had 2 groups. I think sl & super.
fb=900baht / 2hrs.
from what I could remember. also papasan was cool.

we didn't even get our drinks yet but D has already proclaimed a gal, damn ! this guy is fast. so "fastcamelmanDragon" goes off to disneyland with his girl while I try to hydrate myself. i'm downing water like nobodies business & not feeling well

it was hard to sit in front of the fb with the ladies looking on as if they were going to be picked when I knew I wasn't going to, so moved away closer to the sl couch. didn't have many on the couch, & the few girls that were there didn't seem too perky ( i'm sensitive )

go for a walk & search of more thirst aid. with a lg. shaved ice in my hand ( with condensed milk ) I do some exploring. again, I notice some really beautiful ( non p4p ) girls just hanging out & chillin. another thing is that when the girls here smile at you, you feel it more in the heart area, as to between your legs ( BKK )

shave ice still in my hand ( it was a lg. ) I return to the MP. I enter but sh*t ! I see 3 rows of ladies ( 30+ ) all facing me age from 20 - 50. I had entered the building next door, don't know what the deal was but they had an outline pic of a guy doing a girl doggy style in the entrance way

back in Villa, no girls on the couch & slowly the regular local customers start to roll in. noticed lot of the locals spend quite a bit of time with the girls before they go upstairs, drinking, eating, etc...

D comes out, he seems happy, at this time all the sl & the supers are rolling in ( 4pm ).
note: was a kareoke place across from Villa MP, didn't check it out though.

on our way back we check our Cesars & Kosa MP ( more on it next day ) didn't take part but wanted to know the location & prices.

before we reach our hotel, D decides to get a hair cut. we enter a barber shop, looks like your average
D goes in the back to get his sh*t chopped ( 90baht ) i'm in the waiting couch with few middle aged & few fairly young women. they start to have fun at my expence, talking about me amongs them selves, teasing, of the gal gets behind me & starts to give me a massage ( noto bad ) after few minutes, she ask if I want a massage in the back room ( jokingly ) & evryone is laughing. the owner returns, she sees the girl teasing me & gets really pissed & yells at her. after she has her fun with me, one of the older ladies who really knew how to give a massage takes over & she amazingly takes this knot out, which I had on my back within 5 minutes felt great. D returns & a bizzare look on his face as I was getting some TLC I tip the 2 ladies & we're out of there.

fast foward....11-12pm ( I think ) we're at the hotel kareoke ( forgot name ) don't see the manager I so lubbed. we get a room, mamasan brings 6-7 girls in hmm...not my type, bit older than what I prefer but D grabs a nice looking player. fast foward....D bf's his girl & spends the night with her ( I think ) I tell my girl I have to decline & she is pissed. I go back to Violin to try to finish the bottle of blk.

place is busier than last night, all local business suit customers. I get a room, the Ning look alike ( forgot her name ) manager brings my bottle & a Uni girl ( fgh name ). she was not all that but spoke proper english as her major was business/english. though there were no sex allowed in the room, I liked the attention I got from all the girls & the manager made sure I had all the fun I could handle ( tipped her big the night before ). drank quite a bit tonight but feeling good. the girls invites me to an after hour place called "party house" they wanted me to wait till they were done with other customers & clean up but was too tired so told them to call me. 4 am the manager calls but i'm to f*cked up to get back up she wants to spend that afternoon with me before I leave, tell her ok & out like a light. tomorrow I have the best day of all my Los days, to be continued.....

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:57 pm on April 11, 2004
dirty guru
Been there done that< but good report. Why didnt you night club at the ajoining hotels disco? Thats pickings of students? Also try opposite side of the countries north fo better paler types. Pm me for towns and haunts, your kaen khon experience sounds abit pricey, but still alot of fun.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:12 pm on April 11, 2004
You got me! Waiting for the next part. Good report Asian man!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:16 pm on April 11, 2004
the hotel disco was under construction.

dragon had almost identical schedule as mine & he was able to get a bargain deals on flights & hotels so decided to take a side trip, totally unprepared but don't regret it at all, will return in near future.

i agree, was a bit pricy, ask dragon how much he spent ?

hey CalEden,

to bad I missed you on this trip, still owe you a drink

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:48 am on April 12, 2004
day 3....

i'm awaken by the phone, it's manager from Violin, she wants to hang out, she saids she is free till 7pm but tell her to get some sleep & will visit her at work, yeah right !

we get some food at one of the hotel's restaurant, I think it was lunch. dragon can eat, he was downing those sushi like mad man. I also had some sushi & this will come back to hunt us

fast foward...we enter Cesars MP ( spelling ? ) the papasan is cool here ( first shift ) very funny guy.

fb=1100baht/90 mins. ( I think )
platboy=1400baht ( I think )
super model= ???

we grab a seat & right away a girl moves in on dragon. he seems tired & not interested, but she pushes dragon to take her upstairs. at this point I thought he was going to fall asleep on the couch the girls starts to flow in. one cute girl is cruising around us, dragon insist she sits next to be ( thx dude ) she was real cute but I can see few other cute girls in the back room putting on there make up. this girl seems ready to get it on so off we go, looks like dragon will take a nap on the couch.

the rooms are ok size, bigger than Baron's, better furnishing.

this girl ( 20 ) more like 18, was "bubble gum" cute, like a japanese cartoon girl. her outfit was so cute, I insist I take her cloth off & on she was so small & tiny but huge tits ( real ) after bath, she gives my "big toe" a BJ, this was my first & I could see why ppl get off on this 5hit after she gave me a BBBJ & rest of the seesion was awesome. as I dressed her, I was ready to go again but no time : (

when I return down stairs, dragon is almost streched out on the couch. I see a real cutie in the fb ( why is she in the bowl ? ) will do her next time for sure.

Fast foward....we are in Kosa MP.

sl=1500baht/90 mins.

we see one model & she is I knew dragon really liked this girl so I get out of my seat & tell her to sit next to dragon. she is very quiet but super hot.

dragon wants me to take a girl ( his treat ) I just had a session so I wasn't sure....but get a second wind.

i asked papasan for 2 girls but he said that is a no no : ( I tell dragon to go on & i'll just chill but he insist & on his way to sl couch to pick a girl for me. I tell him, if you're going to pick, the 2nd one from the right ! this was one crowded sl couch.

we both head up stairs. the rooms are spacious & clean, nice size tubs, tv, etc...

kind of hard to go into details but simply put, she was the best I have ever had in all catagories dragon seemed to had an awesome session too.

fast foward....dragon calls me to come down to the kareoke place in the same hotel. at this point i'm really feeling sick. I had the shakes, head ache, weak knees, etc...but decide to go down to the kareoke & try to put some food in my stomach.

once there, dragon, his girl & her so called sister was enjoying them selves. I eat half plate of noodles but not helping. now i'm really cold & shivering, to make matters worse, the manager I liked is not there.

we all hop into the girls "fastandfurious" honda & off to the disco in Kosa Hotel ( name ? ) this place is your typical thai disco, loud, light works, ppl on yaba....the bass was so thick, made my stomach turn, had to leave.

on my wat back to the hotel, I completely forgot about the Violin manager ho well...i was too sick to....a

back in my room I rush to the restroom & " drop all the kids off at the pool " felt like I just lost 15 lbs. turn the a/c off & was in " la la " land.

next morning, before we leave dragon starts to feel sick, should have seen the look on his face grabs his stomach & tells me he don't feel good LOL ! he runs around the lobby looking for cure pill but no luck.

before we depart for BKK he pops in to the boys room he was in there so long, I thought he had passed out on the toilet he finally comes out with a big smile as if he also had lost 15 lbs.

i'm sure I left out lots of little things here & there but that is the outline of the trip to KK.

hey dragon ! if you are alive, drop us a line

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:26 am on April 13, 2004
dirty guru
lol, sounds like you guys are having a great time!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:06 pm on April 13, 2004
would have been a better FR if dragon had finished it, he remembers everything.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:07 am on April 14, 2004

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