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Going to Trad I realised that Chantaburi is actually worth a stopover.

I just had a feeling that there must be plenty of p4p in this gem city that attracts traders from all over the region

Coming in with the bus from Bangkok just 5 minutes before you reach the busstation there is a row of karaokee style shacks. Maybe 15 of them on the main right on the right handside.

Checked into a hotel and backtracked with a motocike driver who didnt really know the game. Neither did I. Some places I asked if girls are for take away. Answer was no but friendly atmosphere.

Came to the last one and girls were for sale. I was quoted 2000 ST and 4000 LT for a girl who looked really good but also looked like she was 16.

Mamasan ws very eager to hook me up with this young girl but I explained that normally I only paid 500 shorttime even if I never went there before.

Anyway she was too young and I saw another young girl little short but with the biggest boobs I have probably a very long time. Almost too big but I tried to hook up with her but she didnt want to go. Offered 1000 for 3 hours but she never went with a farang before. They actually seemed shy. Next time if I go Im quite sure I will succed....lets see.

Went back to eastern Hotel where I stayed. Nice place. Lots of bars and some MPs around. Seem local didnt see foreigners. Some locals called it little Pat Pong.

Sat a the bar closest to the hotel but couldnt make out what it was all about. Nice and good looking girls. One or two of them at least but pub style like where it seemed everybody somehow knew each other so I stayed out of the party.

All together about 10-12 entertainment places in this area.

After having had a few pints jumped on a motocike and told the driver to take me to places where girls cost 500 Baht.. Didnt expect more but behind the 7/11 at eastern and maybe a 10 m. walk up the road there were four establisments with all together around 50-60 girls. Price 500 bath. Relaxed an friendly...had a pint and picked a girl 19 years old. Maybe a 8 for her. The rest 3 or 4. Very poor talent actually. Went up to her small hot apartment. Nothing special but worth it since she was good looking...

Went on with the driver who took me to 3 more places nearby. 2 karaokee joints where I sensed I had to be careful. Again bad quality but picked a girl for 520 baht which was very good looking. 19 years and perfect body. Felt pressured to tip the owner a 100 baht to make him happy. Would gladly come back though.

The room like in all these places. NOT very nice but didnt feel like taking them back to the hotel.

After hit the sack but I guess there are more gems hidden in this city.

Strangely all girls I talked to were from places like Krabi, Satun, Saraburi which is a bit unusual. Didnt meet any girls from Issan

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:51 pm on Dec. 22, 2006
Been longing to hit their carnival ever since I read a guys' account of his experience at one, on the Internet.

Quote: "I noticed a booth, with four young girls standing inside. As I watched, four young men went into the booth with the girls. A curtain came down. Only 30 seconds later, the curtain went back up. The four young men had a satisfied look on their faces. They came out, and four other young men went into the booth. The curtain came down again."

Read the rest here: My Visit to Chantaburi

Hopefully Purachai's morality crusade never made it that far eastward....

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:31 am on Dec. 23, 2006
"After hit the sack but I guess there are more gems hidden in this city. "

Don't dream too much... Chantaburi is far behind BKK when it comes to entertainment. You can try your luck in Diamond or Orbit,which are the most popular clubs there with girls kinda approachable but they are still shitholes IMO, the MPs are not realy dirty and rather cheap 1300 to 1500 bht for 1,5hour but not a large selection. Service decent though.

You can pick up most of the girls from little Patpong Karaokes without even spending drinks on them beforehand but again not a great selection. Several of the girls I've seen for several years - and they weren't that young when I first went there. Some of the waitresses are available also it seems in that area, even in the small bars.

Several pimps will send girls to your hotel if you call them but it's bit of a hit and miss.

Then you have a bunch of pubs near that area where you can try your luck, and a large club that opened recently which I never checked but don't expect to look like Thong Lor inside.

Really nothing to dream of in that city besides gems...

Was in private party there last night BTW and it was very funny... one of the family members is an army officer and they had servicemen in uniform act as parking attendant and waiters...better off there pouring us whiskies than trekking the burmese border I guess... cool country, as that friend told me when I asked him about the soldiers it told me: "The good thing in Thailand is that with money you can do everything"

Yep, amazing Thailand, I sure know why I like it !

PS: Skip, if by carnival you mean Songran, yes it's pretty wild there, had a blast a few years back fighting all day on a pick up, lots of slim wet girls all over the place!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:57 pm on Dec. 23, 2006
Chanburi cant be compared to Bkk or Pattaya for sure which is an important point.

But compared to many provincial cities the scene is actually good if you dont expect a Nana or a walking street. I saw at least 4 good looking girls at places where I didnt expect it. It made my day.

For a newcomer who has just seen Nana or Pat Pong I would say never go hunting in Chantaburi but for those who have seen it all or seen most I think its worth checking out if you have time for a stopover anyway.

Again for some : The chase is better than the catch.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:39 pm on Dec. 26, 2006

Quote: from Skip on 3:55 pm on Dec. 23, 2006

Been longing to hit their carnival ever since I read a guys' account of his experience at one, on the Internet.
Sam Sloan, eh?

Quite the loser, in multiple dimensions, if you read up a bit more on that character.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:50 pm on Dec. 26, 2006

Quote: from KAKUKA on 3:03 am on Dec. 27, 2006
but for those who have seen it all or seen most I think its worth checking out if you have time for a stopover anyway

You have a point here. Besides to me Chantaburi is one of the most meaningful cities I got to visit, but for other reasons than nightlife. Otherwise, if one is looking for a kinky thrill on the cheap side, KoKong and its chicken farm is only 1hour and a half further east. I haven't been there for a couple of years but that was some worn out border town with lots of girls...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:55 pm on Dec. 26, 2006
I live in Chanthaburi, it's quite a nice town, except that it rains too much during the summer. It's about 2 1/2 hours from Pattaya by car, and about an hour from Koh Chang. By far the most affluent part of the Kingdom, because of the gem trade, which gives the town a cosmopolitan feel, despite a lack of tourism. Most of the sapphires and rubies in jewelry changed hands in the market here at one time.

The big success story in town is Thai Gems, run by a 30 year old American, who now sells on Gems TV in the US and in Europe. I sometimes see him driving around town in his Hummer, Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc. These automobiles are quite conspicuous in Chanthaburi.

Don't know about the carnival tents, but girls in the Body Massage downtown are 1500 baht for 2 shots. The girls are quite attractive, but speak very little English.

Not many farang here, some English teachers and a few others selling gems on eBay. When I have some time off, I usually head for Pattaya or Bangkok, or do a day trip to one of the local beaches on my motorcycle.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:35 am on Dec. 27, 2006
Frank La Rue
So, what kind of car do you drive??

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:36 am on Dec. 27, 2006
None of those, that's for sure. Acutally, I'm a former Porsche owner, but import duty into Thailand is a bit steep, so now I drive a Honda

To update latenight, Orbit Disco closed earlier this year, Diamond Disco changed names, and a new place just opened up next door.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:31 pm on Dec. 27, 2006
Frank La Rue

Quote: from thaiaficionado on 10:55 am on Dec. 28, 2006


could not resist pulling your leg on this one, reading your post there looked like beeing 5+ farangs in town, and either working as English teaches or selling gem stones. the latter with nice cars.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:26 am on Dec. 28, 2006

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