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Quote: from silentbob1234 on 1:58 pm on Nov. 6, 2005
This is another case in which we know at some point someone is going to surrender to someone. Except this time it'll be Frenchmen surrendering to fellow Frenchmen this time.
Sacre bleu!

This may then go down as one of the greatest French military victories.....or one of the greatest French military defeats. Depends on your perspective, I guess.

Mr. Alan:

Many of us are not particularly happy with the bi-lingual schools approach. Many of us feel that if the immigrants (legal or illegal) are choosing to live in an English speaking country, they should speak English.

They can always go home where they can speak their native tongues to their little heart's content.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:07 am on Nov. 6, 2005
Could someone explain to me, please WTF are these kids rioting about?

I keep reading about riots, but not much is really being said over the WHY of why these people are burning cars, thrashing stores, etc...

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:39 am on Nov. 6, 2005
Half asleep but deserve to type a few notes about my beloved country


P4P in Paris,??don't talk about upsetting issues... check the WSG if U're interested in that despairing matter. Suburbs ablaze is much mure to the taste of your dedicated AmoresPerros

Besides the primary anti-french snipes on this threads it's quite obvious France has fought a suspicious fight to block itself from globalisation and anglo-saxon influence. There was indeed a catastrophic ban years ago on the use of english words in advertisement and meetings, even international ones !!It was called the "loi Toubon". But heard it's changed a bit and new policies are more towards opening up. Allgood!

About the number of cars burnt, read 100cars per night is the normal rate in France, so the suburbs troubles are nothing new. Dunno how it is across the channel or the ocean but we're talking about serious outcasts here. The guys stand out as much in french mainstream society as a SCB surin hooker in platform shoes in the Oriental lobby. *Very* hard to get a decent job. Not sure they want one though and "heard" the second or third generation north african immigrant are almost nowhere to be seen in the difficult construction industry where anyone willing can get a job and where their parents used to to work. It seems somehow we're talking about an extension of the overfed state sponsored french lower classes who got the same whims as their white counterparts but a total inability to show up in mainstream society.

It's gotta suck to have people call the police or close completely as soon as you get near but that's the shitty life they lead. Don't ask me for solution, I basically don't give a shit, took me a week and several phonecalls to check the news and see what was happening.


they're a very angry and agressive bunch, violence seems to be their favourite mean of expression, don't think they have much revendication. The places where they live have been considered urbanisation disasters for years of decades, and it doesn't look to get any better. They don't make the effort to adopt an obviously more acceptable outfit or language and break their own neighboroughs, they're a f***ing plague anytime they reach downtown and I wish a few skulls get broke and we can get rid of government and manage our districts with private militias - and private tax office

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:22 am on Nov. 6, 2005
But this doesn't speak well for the EU - aren't they all supposed to work together. Seems like there are any number of unemployed former east german border guards around...

Or maybe the IDF takes sub-contracts?

What is known for sure that, in 2 months, the people will be complaining about lack of public transportation (how many buses burnt), no stores to buy groceries, no company wants to invest in the area...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:08 am on Nov. 6, 2005

Quote: from expatchuck on 4:45 pm on Nov. 6, 2005

Quote: from silentbob1234 on 1:58 pm on Nov. 6, 2005

Mr. Alan:

Many of us are not particularly happy with the bi-lingual schools approach. Many of us feel that if the immigrants (legal or illegal) are choosing to live in an English speaking country, they should speak English.

They can always go home where they can speak their native tongues to their little heart's content.

It is actually more fundamental than that IMO.
A country that cannot agree on a single national language that everyone speaks (which does not preclude using other languages too) is headed for the fate of the Tower Of Babel.

Can you imagine the US in the early 1900's requiring schools to teach in 5 European languages to accomodate all the immigrants ?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:14 am on Nov. 6, 2005

Quote: from Mr Alan on 11:18 pm on Nov. 6, 2005

Quote: from dagul on 9:30 pm on Nov. 5, 2005
Oh I agree, as I think the analyst was trying to argue. The immigrants have to make the effort to adapt to their new society in which they have chosen to live in. Its not like they were brought over on slave ships or anything.
They "have to"? Is there some law that says they have to? Don’t the French don't have individual rights to do as they please?

Let me better rephrase it - By law they don't "have to" assimilate, but they better damn try if they are to be accepted by mainstream French society.

But then again, I don't think these immigrants could ever truly be accepted so their f*cked either way. If the immigrants choose to live in segregation (which I guess is their right), then discrimination, distrust, and bitterness is most likely to develop between the two sides. Human nature at its finest. I don't think there's going to be any middle ground with the two sets.

Ok, I personally don't know any French people other than who I've met on my 1 holiday to France and some bar owners on Soi Sea Dragon. But a lot of people appear to have this notion that French society have this "if your not French, then you're in the wrong" attitude. Kind of like "I hate Americans" yet many of them don't truly know any Americans other than what they've seen on TV or met on holiday. Like Guilani once said, "all you know is New York and Los Angeles... there's a lot of space in between those 2 places". The gov't is one thing, but if what outsiders say is true about the actual French citizens (like Mr. Alan's sweeping generalization that France is an intellectual backward country that does not respect the cultures of other countries) then the immigrants have no chance in hell.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:22 am on Nov. 6, 2005
Mr Alan

Quote: from dagul on 8:00 am on Nov. 6, 2005
Let me better rephrase it - By law they don't "have to" assimilate, but they better damn try if they are to be accepted by mainstream French society.

But then again, I don't think these immigrants could ever truly be accepted so their f*cked either way. If the immigrants choose to live in segregation (which I guess is their right), then discrimination, distrust, and bitterness is most likely to develop between the two sides. Human nature at its finest. I don't think there's going to be any middle ground with the two sets.

Ok, I personally don't know any French people other than who I've met on my 1 holiday to France and some bar owners on Soi Sea Dragon. But a lot of people appear to have this notion that French society have this "if your not French, then your in the wrong" attitude. Kind of like "I hate Americans" yet many of them don't truly know any Americans other than what they've seen on TV or met on holiday. Like Guilani once said, "all you know is New York and Los Angeles... there's a lot of space in between those 2 places". The gov't is one thing, but if what outsiders say is true about the actual French citizens (like Mr. Alan's sweeping generalization that France is an intellectual backward country that does not respect the cultures of other countries) then the immigrants have no chance in hell.
My comments were meant to be a bit sarcastic, because of course, many on the left consider France to be the most intellectually advanced country on the planet. This latest episode just shows what a complete hypocrisy that France society really is, one of the most racist and ethnocentric societies on the planet ("if your not French, then your in the wrong").

Many may wonder how it is that all these immigrants from Africa and the Middle East are now in France. It is because of the French colonialist and imperialist history in these regions that these people have migrated to France, which is now paying for its prior sins. So when people say that these immigrants “chose” to live in France, one should remember that these people did not choose to have French imperialists colonize their countries.

As we discussed in earlier threads, many of the world’s current problems are the result of this prior French imperialism in the Middle East, especially in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. We could also discuss the brutal French imperialism for over 100 years in Vietnam, or the French being responsible for World I and II, but why bother, since we all pretty much know the score by now.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:02 am on Nov. 6, 2005
The trouble with the French is that they have never been really happy since the chopped off old Louis' head. If they had a king/queen today they likely wouldn't have these dreadful riots.

Napoleon whipped them into line for a while but the Brits and Prussian allies eventually put an end to him.

Wonderful countryside and a country of great ideas, but poor implementation...except for the wine and cheese which are still second to none.

I actually lived in France many moons ago for a while but found the women too complex..TGs are a little easier to figure out.

Seriously, I'm really sorry to hear about the riots. It seems many European countries are having difficulty assimulating poor immigrants. Don't know what the answer is except perhaps to open up the economy to create more jobs.Right now its tough to operate a business in France...there are too many rules, taxes, and papers to fill in.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:34 am on Nov. 6, 2005

Quote: from 11bravo on 7:47 pm on Nov. 6, 2005
What is known for sure that, in 2 months, the people will be complaining about lack of public transportation (how many buses burnt), no stores to buy groceries, no company wants to invest in the area...

No company on the first place really wanted to invest in those areas, except for the tax exemptions tyhe government was offering to develop those shitholes...won't be enough for next few years i'm afraid...

About french and immigrants... don't make too big generalisations... african are doing horribly poorly but lots of lebanese, armenians and immigrants of formerly poor european countries are doing fine, many very well, asian don't suffer serious racism and chinese are getting stronger and stronger. Besides we have very few middle easterns here, the arabs are mostly coming from north african poor former french colonies... big difference from what I read with the muslim immigrants in the State where as a whole they seem to do fine financially.

Over 1000cars I heard on the BBC were burnt last night... we're out for a latino party... much nicer of a fire!!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:52 am on Nov. 6, 2005

Quote: from AmoresPerros on 6:01 pm on Nov. 6, 2005
they're a very angry and agressive bunch, violence seems to be their favourite mean of expression, don't think they have much revendication. The places where they live have been considered urbanisation disasters for years of decades, and it doesn't look to get any better. They don't make the effort to adopt an obviously more acceptable outfit or language and break their own neighboroughs, they're a f***ing plague anytime they reach downtown and I wish a few skulls get broke and we can get rid of government and manage our districts with private militias - and private tax office

So, this is a north african fringe group of immigrants, then? The media over here does not at all make that clean, white washing as they do with everything. It's always 'protesters' and 'youths' - finally, in last night's edition of CNN, they mentioned that the originating incident involved 'two teenagers (-both of african descent-) '

Thanks for explaining some of this - knowing who's involvd in this (and having lived in France myself for long stretches), it makes a lot more sense, now.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:37 pm on Nov. 6, 2005

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