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MainField Reports outside Thailand – BattleBods - Brazil vs. Thailand All Topics

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Mr Bill
You guys are the greatest! I will definitely try to head to Rio before my time in the Americas is done. Now that we got the Latin and Thai girls about Korean MGs. I have Korean friends in NYC who swore that a trip to Korea is a must too...I must admit I do have a weakness for Korean girls with their surgically enhanced looks...they must've all gone to the same plastic surgeon. Anyone with experiences in Korea? As you can tell, we're pretty hard-up in NYC...NYC is sweaky clean after Giuliani...can't even get a quick bj in the car these days after's a bitch here.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:24 pm on Dec. 16, 2002
Good suggestions from JJUSHI. You better forget about the idea of a "solo" adventure and stick with a local friend. If a local is NOT availbale then try the travel agency to arrange tours and others. Take taxi all the time and put your valuables in the hotel's safe. Have fun!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:06 am on Dec. 17, 2002
Well, of course we can't generalize for all girls here... but they (let's say many or at least more than some)certainly do use stage names and personalities (perhaps in the same way the WE do so on this board).    A lot of Thais (and for sure Thai working girls) use 2-3 different nicknames (and then a real nickname for their real friends... and perhaps another for just their boyfriend and family...).     A lot of these girls are mothers (and they don't all have stretch marks either.... especially with the high quality and low price of plastic surgery in Thailand).   It DOES, IMO,  take ability to go into character from mother to prostitute.  I think prostitution in any country has to have some degree of acting.    That's not to say that feelings aren't genuine or don't exist of course, but it's foolish to believe that a girl's life "started" when she met you.  A lot of 'these relationships' work in cycles.   And by the time we get here...  it's already the 480th lap of the Indy 500.  

Just IMO, of course.


Quote: from Smegma on 2:23 pm on Dec. 16, 2002
Pinga, ...hmmmm.... I agree somehow, however..... I think it depends how we define "acting". I think that LOS it is not so much "acting" in genral, but from the point of what we would like to think as to how "truthful" is in the long term what the girl is expressing -of course she is acting, but she somehow mentally gets into the role and believes it, if only for 2 hours.

I think here they behave when they are with you closer to the way they really are when they are on their own. They will "act" with you, in a way closer to the way they will act with a non-paying boyfriend.  Whereas over there, the professional you have sex with is a complete different person from the one her friends know -I mean personality.  For starters, here they do not have a "stage" name different for work from the one they have when with their friends.

I refer also to acting while in bed. The Latin girl will act an moan as if she had been blessed with the honor of having the real B1 to herself -they are good for the ego, we know they are lying, but hey!! who cares? -Dont you like it when they say "ayhh! si, si, asi papito asi" ?  

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:24 am on Dec. 17, 2002
PR, I am not sure if we are agreeing more or disagreeing. I think we agree more,  though we state things differently

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:05 am on Dec. 17, 2002
^ oh... I'm not one of those MY WAY MY WAY posters, Smeg, and I know you're not either.

That's why I throw in a couple of IMOs here and there for good measure.  


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:11 am on Dec. 17, 2002
 I think that sometimes we (I mean we all), get sometimes a bit confused because of the use of the word "but" a few times here and there.

I attended once a lecture by one so called "expert" on human dinamics at the office and the whole thing was about how to play politics right in the work environment.  The only thing that stuck from that lecture was a suggestion on trying to avoid using the word "but", as for some reason it is susbconciously ingrained in our minds as a word often use in verbal confrontations. This guy suggested to replace "but" for  "however" or "nevertheless". It doesnt change the ultimate message and somehow softens the sentence. I am not sure if this guy was right or not.  However, when I remember, I try if I can to follow his advice, just in case.

Posting this reminds me how sensitive Thais are someitmes to the use of the right words  -even when speaking a language different from Thai. I remember once being warned not to call a person in Thailand "bad", but instead to say "no good"  ;)

Thanks for your comments PR

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:32 am on Dec. 17, 2002
Did a search for Brazil and this FR came up, almost a year old but still very useful.
I will be going to LOS in January but after seeing some gorgeous Brazilian girls removing thier clothes in London, I now have Rio at the back of my mind for Jan 2005.
Can any bros add anything from Brazil which they have discovered this year?
In LOS a TG will hook up with you for say a week, does this happen in Brazil or is it just ST?
For a first time visitor is Rio the best place or are some of the other cities better for sex?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:40 am on Nov. 30, 2003
Gus, for sheer beauty of women and kinky sex, Brazil can't be beat IMHO. But if you are looking for more of a GFE I would say that LOS is the better place. I personally prefer the curvier latino look and GFE's are to be found in Rio but not as often as in LOS. For a newbie to Rio the best thing is to stay in the tourist area at night and catch a cab to and fro your hotel. Personally, Brazil is #1 for me with LOS a close second, but remember that Rio is one of the most voilent cities in the world.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:50 pm on Nov. 30, 2003
Thanks for the info, I have done a bit of searching and found out about the Termas scene and The Discos etc.
Still a long way off yet, the Brazilian girls are really beautiful, but it seems that you really need your wits about you.
Rgds Gus

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:29 pm on Nov. 30, 2003
if you are looking for lt experiences in brazil better head to places like recife and fortalezza instead rio. rio is nice but is pricy and for sure more competitive than the aforementioned two!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:02 am on Dec. 1, 2003

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