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I said 5 times they attempted or did rip me off.  They didn't rip me off all 5 times.  2 times I actually woke up and stopped them.  All 3 times I was ripped off were nights when I was drunk.   Girls ripped me off while I slept.  Whenever I go with African ladies now, I make sure I don't drink.  Then I can keep my guard up.   It's sad that I even need to keep my guard up.   I am more than willing to pay them a fair price for their services.

Sorry to hear you have been ripped off by Thai ladies.  You are the first one I have ever heard of who has been ripped off by a Thai.   I've never had a problem with any of them.  God knows they have had plenty of opportunity to rip me off.  Many a night in Bangkok I have passed out drunk with my wallet out in the open.  Not one of the hundreds of girls I have taken in Thailand have ever taken anything from me.  Indonesia is the same.   You do have to be careful in china though.  I've never been ripped off there, but I get the feeling from those girls that they are not as trustworthy as the Thai or Indos.   I admit that a few times I haven't felt comfortable with certain Thai girls.  But on those occasions, I did short times and sent them on their way.   There have only been 3 Thai girls I didn't feel comfortable trusting to let stay all night.  I can usually sense if a girl is not trustworthy.  Problem is that in Africa I get that feeling with pretty much all of them.  Can't throw them all out can you?

Name calling is not appropriate if you ask me.   I feel like I've had enough experience in my life to have an accurate view of the way things truly are.    There have been a couple of African women I trusted.  But I think if you go to Africa and decide to take a lady, you should do it completely sober.  Those sweeties in Thailand and Indonesia are nice girls and you can trust over 90% of them.  The African girls.... maybe 10% can be trusted not to try to rip you off at any opportunity.

Have you been to Africa and tried for yourself?  If so, what has your experience been?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:29 pm on May 19, 2003
Holy Saint
I didn't think that jktguy was racially bashing all blacks.  He seems to be saying that he has had problems with almost half of the working women he has taken in Africa.  I don't know if all women in Africa are black.  I thought there were white women and probably other ethnic groups there, and probably some turn tricks on occasion in Africa.

I'm considered a minority and this whole racial stuff is pretty much crap.  People really need to take a chill pill on the race, sex, age, and whatever else discrimination charges that are being freely made around the world.  Sometimes the truth hurts.  

I for one don't like to leave anything out that has value when taking a working woman in any country.  I will let my guard down with someone I've been with a few times who I know I can track down.  You have to remember that these women are sleeping with you because you have something that they want.  

If they tell you they love you and/or they think you are handsome, I'd say about .5% probably mean it.  That might be a little low, but the truth is, it ain't no where close to the other side of the spectrum.

Peace be with all you.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:28 am on May 20, 2003
Vancouver Jay
He's edited his post. What he originally said was, refering to Africans, "crime is in these people's blood". I hate the edit feature, because it enables weasels. There's a difference between having a change of heart and just taking out the nasty bits to save yourself grief.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:19 am on May 20, 2003
Which is exactly what this guy did.

He stated that anywhere you find black people you will find alot of crime. Doesn't this sound like a racial bash? A very very mean stereotype if you ask me.

I am white, bald headed, with a goatee (sp?), does this make me a skin head or a Nazi? No I don't think so.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:05 am on May 20, 2003
Holysaint, you wont find many whites in Africa.  Some light skinned blacks.   I have nothing against blacks.  I just have had bad experiences with almost every black prostitute I have taken.   There was one who was a sweetie.  But only one so far.   Maybe you guys have had other experiences, I haven't.   Although none of you seem to have had any experience in Africa at all.  So why are you responding to this?   Yes, to say that ALL blacks are criminals is wrong.  I am just saying that if you go to Africa, make sure to cover your ass.  Those girls will try to rip you off at any opportunity.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:24 am on May 20, 2003

No, I think skin head and goatee makes you an artiste! Of the punting kind, o' course  )

BTW, I have a good friend who lives in South Africa (citizen there now) and he does the P4P scene there all the time. Crime is rampant, and he is very careful about what he does in the P4P scene. The P4P ladies there run the gamut racially. He said the main issue with theft and murder there isn't race, it's poverty and lack of social structure.

- Balls

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:33 am on May 20, 2003
VJ & Kr,

Lighten up you guys.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:31 am on May 20, 2003
hey guys !
do you know what?

I have been in Miami only once... and it was freezing !
Shall we assume that Miami is a cold town ?
May be not all the time... lets say 80-90% of the time.... ???

Thats why I hate statistics and generalizations,
it doesn't matter how many women you f*ked, our personal experience will always be too miserable to generalise...

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:31 pm on May 28, 2003
That was an inappropriate analogy.  I have been to Africa many times.  Over 20.   Same experiences every time I go and everywhere I go in West and Central Africa.   I have fun in Africa.   It's a wild party place.  But the women will try to rip you off if they are given even the slightest chance.  You have to be on your guard at all times.   Even the expats who live there will tell you that if you ask them.   At least every one I have asked has always had that opinion.   And my personal experiences verified that for me.

Comparing my experiences in Africa to a single trip to Miami doesn't make sense.   If you guys have had different experiences in Africa, then voice them.  But I dont think it's appropriate to  defend the place if you've never been there by comparing apples to oranges.   It actually sounds to me like you have never been there, but you like to give an opinion anyway.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:50 pm on May 28, 2003

Maybe you are also a bad analogy.

Maybe there is something in you that makes them want to rip you off every time. Maybe is a very cosmopolitan smart look you have or something else. You lucky! because with me... they very seldomly try. I wonder what is it I do that makes them not even willing to give it a small try.

Maybe there are many many many more unlucky guys like me. Just like there are many many many warm hot days in Miami.

Thus, making a generalization from one observation like 3 cazzy does is wrong, just the same like making another generalization from only one observer -you- is also wrong.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:09 am on May 29, 2003

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