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MainField Reports outside Thailand – Havana Field Report All Topics

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I wanted to find La Cantante bar/restaurant because I have
heard there is some real action there.

Underneath the Teatro Nacional.

I leave the Portuguese to find his love at the Plaza de Armas
and I head off for a ‘recce’ of Old Havana. I love to wander
about discovering new places. Instead of my usual route down
Obispo Street I take the parallel road called O’Reilly. Life of
Reilly or what? There is a strong emphasis on music and arts
in Havana and probably all Cuba. This suits a ‘luvvy’ culture
vulture like myself no end.

Then comes the first pitch. A ‘dude’ in shades and sunglasses
welcomes me into his shop. He shows me some traditional
Cuban instruments and how to play them and I am rather enjoying
the free lessons but wonder when the sales pitch will come along.
If you like the percussion instruments and maracas the prices are
very reasonable. Then Bongos ! Now I rather like the sound of
the Bongo. The ‘Dude’ then proceeds to instruct me with great
passion as to the basics. His wife turns up and he gives her a
flea in the ear to ‘take-care-O-business’. Funny sort of shop it
is more like the entrance of some ancient building. 30 Pesos
for some Bongos no charge for the lesson. I tell the ‘Dude’ that
I will think about it and the now proficient (?) Bongo player makes
his way further along O’Reilly to the Plazuela de Albear. A quick
left and right and I am in front of the splendid Capitolio building.
I vow to visit it one day as the inside is supposed to be spectacular.

Next door to the Capitolio is the Teatro Nacional. Believing this
is the building with ‘La Cantante’ underneath I consult my map.

Bad move. The archetypal ‘Mr Spiv’ has seen the lost tourist.
“Where are you looking for ?” ‘Café Cantante,’ I reply. Frowned
confusion. The ‘spiv’ runs down the stairs and asks around.
No Café Cantante, which is not surprising since the building I
should be looking for is relatively new and in the Plaza de Revolucion!

‘Well I am also looking for the ‘Casa de Music’. No problem the
‘spiv’ is into the hustle mode. “Follow me, but you must be three
metres behind, Police !”
I does as the ‘spiv’ says and wonder if the stories about Cubans not
being allowed to talk to tourists as being true. This does not square
with my previous experience. I follow the ‘spiv’ up this street and
along the next. Eventually we arrive outside what looks like a cinema
entrance. The ‘spiv’ hustles the man behind the grill for an entrance
charge of five Pesos. I don’t want to go inside it’s a nice sunny afternoon.
“But a great group is playing!” The ‘spiv’ looks upset. “Will you pay
for me?” He looks pleadingly. I shrug my shoulders and give him
the entrance fee which is about the price of a beer in London. “And
a beer?” I give him another couple of Pesos which in England would
perhaps buy you a half of some cheap beer.

He seems pleased but looks guilty for the hustle. ‘Can you get me a
bike back to Plaza de Armas?’ He runs off and convinces a bike driver.
These are like the ‘Samlor’ in Thailand or ‘Rickshaw’ in other places.
A couple of Pesos. Near the Museo de Revolucion the rider spots a
policeman. “Sorry sir cannot go any further – police!”

I get off and give him the two Pesos. Strange, never mind my destination
is only a short walk away.

Striding past the Museo de La Revolucion another freelance guide tries
to attach himself to me and keeps asking where I am going. He points the
short cut hoping to act as a street guide. I do the Arnie Schwarzenegger –
“Nice afternoon for a walk!” and stride off towards the harbour.

Back at the roof-top restaurant the band tell me that the Romantic Portuguese
has gone back to the Marina hotel. I look in my top pocket. I have the room
access key ! I have visions of my friend sleeping in the corridor. I need a phone.
The reception at the Ambros Mundos? After much persuasion and countless wrong phone numbers I get through and discover the maid had a key. Don’t need to
rush back he needs a sleep, but he hasn’t eaten and has run out of money. I wont
take too long. Early that morning ‘Mr Romantic’ had been to a Mass at the
Mercedes church. Quite an experience apparently. Beautiful church.

Now the only grumpy people I have met so far are the staff of the Ambros Mundos,
even so I go to their rooftop restaurant and take in some of the evening views.
Thoughts of Lisbon over a Mojito, another band strikes up. Cuba the land of
musicians. Wanting to hear the group in the Bar Monserrat again I leave the
Ambros Mundos and head along Obispo. An open entrance catches my eye and I
wander in. There are pictures and images from the Revolution covering the walls.
I have an easy chat about the display with a young lad at a desk. An old man in a
wheelchair joins us and tells me some of the history. He slaps his false legs, “I lost
my legs fighting the Americans!” I bet this old warrior knows a few stories but time
is short and I want to get to Bar Monserrat. I thank them for their help and walking
down the street realise I never asked them actually what the name of the place was?

Bar Monserrat and smiles and big hellos from the musicians. Chummy lot these Cubans. Listening to the music over a beer and a half of chicken I get talking to a
Californian of Latin descent. Apparently he was able to get to Cuba via a third
country. He was not best pleased with the present administration in the US for
banning visits to Cuba. ‘You mean to say you don’t like G W Bush ?’ He growled
an very non-complimentary reply. Opinion in the US seems split between the
West/East Coast and the chunk in the middle.

On my way out to find a taxi I meet up with two of the roof top band again. “Come
back with us we are not far from the Marina?” With what seems about eight others I
take a ride in a large old American ‘Limo’ – Amazing ! We arrive at some crossroads
on the edge of town. I could be anywhere. The band want me to go with them but I
have to get back. I buy them a beer and they arrange for another ‘Limo-taxi’ to take
me to the Marina. This one is pristine. Square and long instead of one of the older
models. The driver has his family and friends in the car. The two girls in the front
seat have to sit in the rear and off we go. Smiles, friendships and jokes all round.
The driver cannot enter the Marina because of security (not an official taxi) so he
drops me off outside. The previous night I had returned again on my own as lover-boy was with his singer the night before the Mass. That taxi driver gave me a dodgy note much to the annoyance of the lady in the exchange office at the Marina. I think she was angry as it reflected on the Cubans as the note was worthless.

A couple of meagre scams and some positive experiences. The average day for a
tourist perhaps? Back at the Marina I buy my friend his meal after all his exertions.
A Venezuelan in the Marina Restaurant tells us that he has brought his son to Cuba
and he is in the Hospital in Havana. The Venezuelan claims the Cuban medical
service is the best in the whole of Latin America.

Well educated, musical, artistic with a good medical service. But they are as poor as church mice!

The icons of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara are everywhere. How a Leper doctor became so Ruthless is obviously not spoken about?

From the idealistic medical student in the film Motorcycle Diaries (Highly recommended) to the tough Commander Guevara became the reasons may partly be explained Here.

News item:-
'Banning smoke in the land of Havanas'

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:59 am on Feb. 10, 2005
Havana !

Our last day and it’s back to the roof-top restaurant again for a Mojito.

Somebody has stole the singers mike so she is doing her best on a windy day
and getting a sore throat. I ask about the promised Bongos, the singer said
she had some good ones for 25 Pesos which is five less than the shop.

After lunch of some more of their excellent pork we bid our,”see ya later alligator” and head off for some last sightseeing.

Plaza de Armas has a small church surrounded by colonial style steel fences.
At the left corner entrance grows a special luck tree, walk around it three
times and make three wishes. We pay our one Peso entrance fee and the
lovely lady working there begins to tell us about the place. We have to make
a definite path around the tree to make our three wishes. Touch the tree-trunk
and drop three coins at the base. Afterwards we enter the small church which
inside does not really look like a church but an old art gallery with a stone
chest (coffin) and a large painting on the back wall with two smaller ones. One
has the tree outside (not the original) and some arawak Indians with Conquistadores. The larger one is of a historic event with Catholic priests.

We spend a long time chatting to this lady who keeps apologising for her
English which sounds pretty good to me. More tourists arrive and she shows
us out and we leave a tip. She is very keen on the Euro till we tell her how strong
the pound is.

Next stop the Ambros Mundos Hotel roof bar for a Mojito. On the way up we stop at Room 511, Hemingway’s favourite place to stay with views over the rooftops of Havana. There are copies of his books in a glass case. In another
glass case on a plinth is his typewriter. A study portable machine. I stare at
the thing thinking about all the words he has produced on it. Yet, I have still
to get ‘into’ Hemingway’s writing. The young Cuban girl who does the presentation has lived in America and speaks perfect English. Another interesting chat. I talk about Gloria Estafan and the fact that I have visited ‘Larios’ Gloria’s restaurant in South Beach Miami. Our guide did not think
that Gloria Estafan cared much about Cuba.
Time to write in the guest book. I look around and spy a Hemingway novel
in the bookcase entitled, ’To Have and Have Not’.
I write in the guest book:-
‘To Havana and Have Not?’
‘To Havana and Have Music’
‘To Havana and Have Simpatico!’

After a relaxing time on the roof taking photos and drinking Mojitos I show
my Portuguese friend Obispo and O’Reilly streets. Guess where we ended up?
-Back in Bar Monserrat! More beer, Cohibas and great music.

A quick last look at the Capitolo and a rickety Lada taxi back to the Marina.
We relax and get ready for the evening. The Portuguese cannot wait to meet
the singer again. I fall asleep.

Later that evening a little late we tear back to Plaza de Armas in a taxi.
My Portuguese friend is so keen to see his love that he doesn’t see a chain
on the ground and goes flying, literally! He is up to the rooftop restaurant
and back down again before I can get there! “She’s not there!” He frets.
Apparently she may have gone to the Bar Monserrat. The Portuguese strolls
with purpose to the Bar Monserrat and back before I can get halfway down
Obispo! Not there either.

We hail a cycle cab to her home, where she is most likely changing?
Halfway there the cycle cab gets hauled over by the police. Lots of looking
at permits etc. I show my laminated copy of my main passport page. Not
interested. In fact the police seems a little frightened at my presence.
Hands off the tourists ?

Just then the singer arrives by chance to the same spot on another tricycle
cab. Things get sorted out but the rider has to pay a fine. He and another
take us back to the singer’s flat. We give him a tip but I doubt whether it
covers the fine. He does not insist on anything extra, we had already agreed
the price. He is not allowed to take tourists. Only Cubans! Strange rule.

The singer quickly changes and we are off to the ‘Casa de Musica’ the House
of Music. The streets around seem dark and dangerous but I do not sense any
threat. Two girls try to convince me to take them in but the couple stroll into the club quickly and I follow. Women are available but where do you take them ?

The music is very funky. The inside is like a theatre without seats and just a
dance floor. The live group are fantastic. The tasty women do this amazing
sex dance. The whole body moves in the most sexy way. I have never seen this
dance before. One young black chica joins us claiming she has mistaken me
for a German she knows ? I buy her a drink but do not go with her on the
advice of the singer.

Back at the singer’s flat there is a tearful goodbye and I get my Bongos for
25 Pesos. Study looking set.

The next morning after yet another enormous and varied breakfast my friend
begins to take photos of some of the yachts. An American stands up and shouts
at security, “He’s taking pictures, stop him!”

A friendly young security Cuban in a shopping mall uniform explains they are
not supposed to be in Cuba and they get a bit insecure. We then have a laugh
and a joke with the young Cuban with the Americans looking on becoming
even more insecure.

A few hours to wait for the bus back to Havana airport and my Portuguese
friend is looking very sad. Will the relationship last? As with all relationships
time will only tell? She certainly is a nice lady. This is very different from the
Thai experience and is impossible to compare the two.

Will I go back to Cuba ? (This is an excellent link!)
I am certain I will. Some of the passengers on the aircraft home told of some
very interesting places they had visited outside Cuba. The people are even nicer
there. Cuba is a very big island with lots to see and do.

“Hasta la vista baby !”

“I’ll be back!”

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:05 am on Feb. 12, 2005
Two ata Time
Hey Hermie man !

You see any Ladyboy action in Old Havana ?

Or does Fidel not approve?

Don't be bashful man ?

Or aint yo no cummin back to LOS ?
I'll be following your postings just the same.
Or were you following Salome like the other guy says, you rascal Hermie !

Keep on runnin !

Johnny S

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:28 pm on Feb. 15, 2005
Johnny S,

I didn't see any Ladyboys. You might find a few gentle types at the National Ballet but generally it's a pretty 'macho' society.

If you need LB action I would suggest Rio de Janeiro in Brasil as they apparently have a large LB contingent.

Getting anybody back to the hotel room would appear impossible as there is so much security.

For your LB action you are probably better off in LOS !

Brother Wolf

P.S. It's not 'Hermie' it's 'Hermano' the Spanish word for brother !

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:31 am on Feb. 21, 2005
Brother Wolf,

Thanks much for your excellent eyewitness narrative. It provides much color, to accompany the fine smells of my box of Monticristos (well, I still have 7 left). I'm afraid for some of us, it is forbidden territory. Now, after reading your account, I'm prepared to light up and enjoy one of the finer pleasures in life. As Kipling said, "A woman is only a woman, but a cigar is a good smoke". I'll get to the women later this evening, in the meanwhile, the forbidden fruit tastes twice as sweet.

P.S. Please don't report me to the State Department, don't want Condi Rice on my ass.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:39 am on Feb. 21, 2005

Glad you liked the FR's.

It must be a very sensitive issue in the US judging by the reaction of the people on the US registered yachts when my friend tried to take a picture !

It seems a safe place to be, unlike Brasil !!!

I am told that the the people are even more friendlier outside Havana? It is a large island and I am sure there is much else to see. Surprisingly again from what I am told there is a form of Democracy there where even Fidel has to be voted back on some council or other?

With a little bit of money to help them out it could be a truly great place to visit? Just don't let in McDonald's Starbucks or KFC onto the scene. Being in Havana reminded me what the World was like before this homogenised junk invaded our consciousness !

Condo Rice ? = 'The Witch Queen of New Orleans' !

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:05 am on Feb. 21, 2005
New service !

Virgin Atlantic from London (Gatwick) to Havana.

From London (LGW) Departs 09:30 Sunday & Thursday
To Havana (HAV) Arrives 14:10
Flight No. VS063
Timetable valid from 7 Jul 2005

From Havana (HAV) Departs 17:10 Sunday & Thursday
To London (LGW) Arrives 06:45
Flight No. VS064
Flight arrives 1 day later.
Timetable valid from 7 Jul 2005

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:57 am on Feb. 25, 2005
And the Americans wonder why they are unpopular !

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:46 am on Feb. 26, 2005

Quote: from thaiaficionado on 6:33 pm on Feb. 21, 2005
Brother Wolf,
As Kipling said, "A woman is only a woman, but a cigar is a good smoke".

I think you'll find that was "........ a good cigar is a smoke."

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:09 pm on Feb. 26, 2005

Quote: from Hermanolobo on 7:51 pm on Feb. 25, 2005
New service !

Virgin Atlantic from London (Gatwick) to Havana.

Cubana de Aviacion had a flight from Gatwick to Habana (this is the one I took). Do they still have it?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:33 am on Feb. 27, 2005

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