We have 2 couches in the family room. She took one couch and removed the the back coushins so she could lay down all the time. She is even too lazy ti sit on a couch.
She changed her hair color again. This take splace every few months. Now it is black again. In another month I am sure she will put highlights on her hair again.
She focuses on three things. 1) food. 2) money. 3) sleep.
Sorry, make that 4. Sex.
Let's ad in another issue.... shopping. How many pairs of shoes is enough? Yesterday I told her to clean out the closet, there are more clothes, shoes and generally useless shit that I had her throw out.
How's this for a revelation.... she tells me the other day she is tired of her family asking for money every month. I told her I have been tired of them asking for money since I met her.
Then the next day she tells me about some more land for sale next to the land I already bought. So I ask her if she really believes we are going to move to the village. She says no we aren't. So I asked then why buy land? She looks at me in her special way and does not seem to be able to answer.
She eats in a strange way. She will cook a pound of bacon and eat all of it at one sitting.
There is an Asian market we go to. Lots of Thai food there, in fact as she says "all my Isaan food here". Sure, you sit in the house and smell that stuff all the time. I can't do it. So now she only cooks it when I am gone.