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MainField Reports outside Thailand – Of Cultural Delights in Prague - Part 1 All Topics

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Wednesday 25th June - Finishing up on the last of the things that a best man must do to arrange a humdinger of a stag party.

Talked to all the guys, ground rules established - tickets issued - hotel booked - mini busses arranged - suitcase packed -

Decide to meet the guys early at the airport and take advantage of the FF lounge facilities and get well and truly oiled for the plane. But as they say - the best laid plans...

Finally get ready to leave the house after giving my 3 yr old daughter hugs for the week ahead and promises of many prezzies from the Czech Republic- Start down the road to airport, realise that I have things to do in the office.

Quick re route in order and I break at least 10 different trafic laws on my way in.  What should be a 40 minute run takes no more than 25.  Of course my secretary has already taken care of what i should have done, bar one thing, so the detour takes less than 35 mins. Back on the road and to the airport about 50 minutes late, leaving 30 mins for check in etc.

Arrive at the airport and meet with the now not quite sober contingent of the first attack wave.  The entire party would not be in Prague until Staurday, we were the advance party (5) being sent to scout out the area.  Actually if the truth be told we just wanted an extra day of the action.  

I use my Frequent Flyer card to get upgrades for the party so we start off well enough, knowing that at least now we have booze available on board.  I have three flight modes - Valuim induced sleep - Drink as much as I can in as short a time as possible - or the old finish the paperwork before getting home.

I used only have two till i discovered valuim - I think sleeping on a plane is somewhat like making a first impression - you get one shot at it - and if you f*** it up thats it, no way will it work a second time.  Not that that was even an option this time anyway.  So it was the "order two more drinks before you finish the first" mode.

So we start out on G&T's in a realtively civilised manner.  the Trolly Dolly is enjoying the craic also and decides to keep the gins coming.  After an hours or so what passes as food is dished out (I really think that Airline Food belongs in the same frame as Found Missing or Fighting for Peace).  the soakage does little to curtail the boys appitite for alcohol, so the debauchery continues.

We soon find out that there is another stag party on board (43 of them, from Cork), so then the craic starts and a new social class evolves - those who have drink, taking the piss out of those who dont (sometimes I really wonder about us Irish).

Eventually we land and reclaim bags.  Anoither few pints are called before we can leave the airport and we start into good Czech pilsners.

Outside the minibus is there and he drops us to the hotel.  Paddy (another of the party) is already there having taken an earlier flight and has scoped a few places out.  We quickly shave and shower and down a few more beers before calling for taxis to 'take us to the action'.  We run through a few of the 'must see pubs' in Prague, before finding what we all know we came for.

For those who have been to Prague and wax lyrical about the virtues of Goldfingers I have one word - Bollocks.  Goldfingers is a very upmarket lap dancing club that is to the true prague experience what McDonalds are to Gourmet Cuisine.

And no, I dont mean we went classier - we went seedy.  I haave very simple tastes in life - I only want the best - and to me, when you have a choice between upmarket titilation, and seedy as hell, but with everythng in, I know which i will pick.  We were lead down an alley to what was obviously a converted townhouse - the bar was where a kitched once was, the living and dinning room now a dancing area, and an ex study/den was a great chill out zone.  the bedrooms were left as they were.

This place was called Magic, and boy it was.

I quickly hooked up with a girl who we will call Nikita (this was not her real name, but one of the guys christened her that, and the name stuck).  Claimed to be working her second night - This actually was later established to be true.  I liked her.  She was a good person, good fun, and no starfish warnings in sight.

We went and had a private dance, and man, if that is dancing I dont ever want to sstop.  After our dance I knew I had found my partner for the evening.  

I sat in the chill out zone and talked and drank (lady drinks were expensive) and I just kept buying - I think I was getting the name as a walking ATM when the barmaid came up looking for drinks, and then other girls as well.  normally this would bug me, but i was too engrossed with Nikita.

After a while (close to 3am at this stage, one or two of the lads wandered off and we made some arrangements for the morning when Paul - the stag would be arriving.  I decided taht as it was nearly bright - i would push out till closing time (7 am) at this point Nikita told me to stop buying drinks, that she didnt want them, and to tell the waitresses to bugger off.  I dont know if I was being played or not, but i took this as a sign of integrity.  She also said that she wouldnt go upstairs with me, as she only danced here (By this point I had dropped the equivilent of the GDP of a small african nation on drinks and dances etc) and I really started to believe I was being played.  She told me to go to an allnight cafe around the corner and she would meet me there in 10 minutes.  Now I knew I had been set up from word go.

I decided not to make a scene (too drunk to care, but knowing that i was a fool) I said fine - see you around, and went to the cafe and had a coffe, knowing that she wasnt going to show.

8 minutes later she arrived and sat beside me and started to tell me that she liked me, but hated working where she did, taht she would take me to her place, but not for money and not for sex.

Now I dont know what to think - we have our coffee, and walk to her place, we sit and talk and touch and kiss and get very hot and heavy.  I am very horny now and know I want sex, she knows it too.  She is now naked and I am practically.

She kisses me deeply and starts massaging my cock and talking in Russian, very sensously and softly.

Then she sighes and hugs me and kisses me again.  I am now doing what I have never done on a first date with a BG.  Not caring if I have sex or not, just enjoying being there.

After a few hours of this I Know it is time to go. (almost 7.30am).  I leave, arranging to see her, not that noght, but the night after.  I leave feeling that I have really had a good time (but with a serious case of blue balls).  On the way to a taxi a street walker starts walking beside me 'I go your hotel and give you blow job' - well i am only Human.

We get into the taxi and I look at my new companion - i dont like what I see.  She is not pretty - might have been once - but its not that - its that she is a total merc, a hardblooded hard nosed pro - with no soft qualities whatsoever.  I feel a million miles removed from the exoperience I just shared with Nikita.

Then my lower head takes over and decides that it is a case of any port in a storm.  we get out at my hotel and walk to my room, the first breakfasters seemingly quite amused at the sight of a rather drunk guy in the company of an obvious street pro.

we get to my room and I lock the door, then The upperhead takes over and I look at her and think - my God, it hasnt come to this.  I just say How much, she tells me, I pay her and say thanks for the lift home, open the door and let her out.

I lie on my bed, and smile, thinking about nikita as i drift into a nice sleep.

It seems like 10 minutes later (really 3 hours) when loud knocks on my door awaken me.  Paul and the first wave of attack from that day have arrived.  One has a contact in Prague and has scored a dimebag of high quality weed which he duly rolls and trusts into my face.  10 minutes later I am cabbaged, totally and uterly cabbaged.

The guys from the night before join us all in my room and start singing Elton Johns Nikita.

I know that in a few minutes I will ned to make my way to the shower and then figure  out how to dress - but right now all i can do is giggle my ass off and wonder why the celing is so white....

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:21 am on July 4, 2003
This makes me dream abouth this fantastic city with all the stunning ladys and the best beer in Europe.
Did you try K5 ?
The best club in town.

I have a couple of phonenumbers to some porn-model freelancers if interested.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:52 am on July 4, 2003
Kev, I enjoy your storytelling style..I look forward to the next installment.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:23 pm on July 4, 2003

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