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MainField Reports outside Thailand – Bimmher does Vietnam........Why? All Topics

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Well here is my Vietnam adventure for better or worse. Some sex, some informative information, take it for what it is. It starts off in BKK

For ColoradoGuy's version of the start of this story read
CG - 2 nights in Pattaya - Part 2

Head off to Pizza Hut to meet up with ColoradoGuy and his girl for a bite in BKK. Get there and his girl BaronGirl is looking at me with a very odd look and ColoradoGuy has a smirk on his face and can’t stop laughing? Something is up?

OK while laughing he tells me he told her I was gay . He tells her he just joking but she keeps looking at me a bit odd. Of course she has to head off to work in about 15 minutes and ColoradGuy has called me to meet up with him. Of course I am sure the reason was she was starting to doubt ColoradoGuy’s sexual orientation Hot girl and very nice with fairly good English. Make mental note of her name and were she works just kidding!

BaronGirl asked to see my thumb and puts both ColoradGuy's and my thumb together. Then says we same size?

We start talking and I mention I am going to Vietnam. Barongirl looks me straight in the eyes and with a complete poker face says just one word..


ColoradoGuy looks at me and I look at him at the same time, we both have the same thought at the same time. Why the hell am I going to Vietnam?

BaronGirl says Vietnam bad. You go out on the street you get shot and die. Vietnam everyone gets shot on the street. Better to stay in BKK. Ok maybe she isn’t the brightest bulb on the tree. On the other hand maybe there is some truth to the question "Why"

BaronGirl has a new phone costing 14000 baht and is playing with it. She wants to shows it off to me, how nice of her. She shows me the phone and how good the camera is. She shows me a photo. I take a look, what? That looks like a cock I think. Hard to tell for sure as it was so small - I mean the screen on the phone So much for the thumb theory Well really could not tell.

ColoradoGuy just says

"Why" "Why you do that?"

Maybe cause you told her I was gay I get a peek at a few shots of her in the nude on his camera as a bit of revenge on his part but she doesn’t care, just keeps eating her fries. Eats about one piece of pizza then says she is full

Later she has to head and ColoradoGuy and I hit the town for some fun. Head off to Soi Cowboy and into Suzy Wongs. This girl comes over and is all over me in no time, seems a bit drunk but also like she would be good in bed.

RTB and ManuelBKK show up and sit on the other side of ColoradoGuy who leans over to inform me the girl all over me is LY's SWG I decide to pass not having met LY yet. She does look like she would be a good screw but not the type I want this night. I think she is too drunk. ColoradoGuy BF's one of the girls who does the lesbo show and we head off to Black and White.

In Black and White I find a rather lively girl who I will call EnergizerBunny and I BF her. We head out grab some food and play pool then back to the hotel room

EnergizerBunny is very good in bed but starts having sex at about 100 miles per hour to try and get you off as fast as she can She even mentions that she has told guys in the bar she can make them cum in less then 5 minutes and when they don't believe her she says she will prove it, then they BF ST and well that is what she does. Once less then one minute she said.

Of course all this does is create a challenge for me so I slow her down to about 80 miles per hour and take control from her. I screw her in every position I can think of and for a good long time. Was a little drunk so her trick kind of backfired on her this time. I am just to tired to bother wanting to continue so decide to finish.

Head off to Vietnam and arrive late around 6 pm at my guest house/hotel the Red Sun. Head out about 8 pm after getting cleaned up and walk around for a while.

I remember what BaronGirl said so am very care full and always looking out incase someone is about to shoot me but to my surprise no one is getting shot in the streets. Some motto guy stops who drags me to some odd bar. Looks almost like there is no bar there at all as the windows are blacked out doors closed.

As soon as I walk in I am blown away by this total babe. It’s love at first site I have to screw this girl. Of course she has blonde hair. All the girls are dressed in nice red long dresses except her. About 12 in total. Will call her ShyHanoi. She is dressed in just jeans and a nice top.

God I love Vietnam

Drink awhile and play some pool with a couple of the girls. Some guy is sitting and talking to ShyHanoi and tries to take her but ends up going with another girl instead. OK lets find out why. He has really bad taste or something is up with this girl?

Get ShyHanoi over and spend about 15 minutes talking to her plus buy her a couple LD’s. I find out she just started working in the bar and came down from Hanoi less then a month ago with her mother. She says she is 19.

She keeps saying she is shy, OK I don’t mind shy kind of a challenge. I ask if she will go with me another night when I haven’t had so much to drink. She just keeps saying she is shy and just started working, never gone with foreign guy or had a boyfriend. OK, now sounds like a good time to start and with me I might add.

Finally the mammason comes over and tries to explain but still no luck. Dont' forget I have had a few beers at this point. So far all I know is she speaks little English, is very shy and I have a primitive urge to mate with this babe but am getting nowhere fast. The mama son tries to explain again saying she is very shy.

OK, I keep saying I am shy too so good match. I be nice and take her LT, not rush things and won’t make her do anything she doesn’t want to do. Still no luck so the mammason walks off to get a pad of paper and writes on it and brings it over.

I look at the paper motherf***ing shit it says virgin! Well it could be the truth or not but ShyHanoi was a no go and price was not the issue she just wouldn’t go. OK, guess the pervert I am I scope out the only virgin in the place that will not go with customers.

I was told that maybe if I stayed in Vietnam for a year, got to know her and married her then she would go with me. I jokingly ask one of the girls who spoke fairly good English just how fast can you get married in Vietnam? Like could it be done in 24 hours? She looks confused but then gets the joke. She tells the other girls what I just said and a good laugh is had by all. Anyhow ShyHanoi was a no go unless I wanted to stay for a year so I leave after closing the place down around 4 AM and am pissed both from drink and finding out no for ShyHanoi

Shit I hate Vietnam : (

Next night end up being dragged to more bars all the same like the one ShyHanoi was in. Hostess bars mainly for the tourist. I hit the same one with ShyHanoi but she seems to ignore me this time so decide to leave. I would have bought her a LD just so I could feel her up a bit more but oh well.

After hitting several bars give up and tell motto to take me to find a girl. Ok 5 minutes later pull into to some place (and I mean right into the building) and a nice cute looking girl comes down the stairs to meet me. The guy there says if I don’t like her he will get another one but she is cute. That was as fast as finding a drive through McDonalds back home and ordering a Big Mac.

God I like Vietnam

The place was a short time place. I am sure I am getting ripped off and a cut is going to my moto also. Call the girl CuteNoEnglish, yes she turns out to be a nice girl but get the knock on the door plus I am not really into short time rooms like this so not to happy. Plus forgot to bring condoms so my little guy is dying stuck in one of these little Vietnam condoms. I think he looks like one of those glass egg timers you turn upside down with sand inside. Make note don’t go out without your own condoms. Finish up, girl was ok and nice but the rest of the experience - well I could pass on it.

Shit I hate Vietnam : (

Next night meet up with Buai from BTF who lives in Saigon. Have a few beers then he takes me to Cau Lac Bo So1 Bar Cafe4 located at So 1 Le Thanh Ton Q 1 (the web site seems not to work) a good local disco with few tourist. A bit loud but I like the waitress behind the bar Buai goes to the washroom when he gets back I am talking to the waitress using a pen and paper as it is to loud to hear one another. She is not a stunner but I kind of think she is cute in her own way. Buai and I decide to pay so I ask for the bill. Buai says ask for her number but before I even do she brings a pen and paper over and writes her name and number down to give it to me.

God I love Vietnam

Buai says I have to check out a place so we head off to the Cat Walk. This is a must stop (for only one beer), IMHO just for the show if nothing else. Sorry don’t know the address. Lots of nice girls all in hot long dresses that stand around. Main floor has tables and a dance floor and upstairs karaoke rooms. Every time a group of Japanese men come in who have booked a room upstairs all the girls walk over to one corner of the place and up a set of stairs to the top. Few minutes later they all walk down another set of stairs kitty corner to the ones they went up but a couple girls missing this time. Sit back and watch this happen a few times for a beer then we decide to move on. Tried to find out the price but couldn’t find the mama son but would guess very much the high end for this town. We guess around $100 but are not sure Shit a few hotties in the bunch.

Shit I hate Vietnam : (

Buai says he is going to take me from one extreme to the next so off we head to a somewhat scummy little bar called as stated on the card U2 Bar Linda’s Pub before 10 Mac Thi Buoi St., Ben Nghe Ward. Dist 1 HCM city

Few cute girls in this place and we have a beer and sit for a while. It is a small bar with a pool table and a few tables and chairs. We sit at the bar. Buai heads to the washroom and by the time he comes back I have LittleEnglishCutie sitting in my lap facing me while grinding her pelvis into mine and me grabbing her tits.

Smart girl knows just enough English but not to much and a hot tight little body to die for. I have to have this girl plus I am getting fairly drunk and want to get a girl before I get to wasted and useless.

I ask how much LT she says $50. I point to my watch and she shows she will leave at 4 am. Buai suggest I try to get a better price. I try to renegotiate and counter at $35 but now she is NoEnglishCutie and I get no where. OK if you can’t get a better price then try to get better terms I figure, plus it is that time of night I don’t want to waste anymore time. I like this girl. I try to show on my watch 10 am but end up getting nowhere again. The mamason comes over and she straightens it out so OK she will go LT and stay till the morning. I agree and leave. Wonder if she really will go LT or just come up with an excuse to leave early - will have to wait and see.

Buai gives me a ride back to my hotel with my girl while I notice more closely just how hot her body is.

God I love Vietnam

Head back to my hotel the Red Sun Guest house that I don’t like much as they gave me attitude in the morning going on about how late I came back and how did I feel blah blah blah. Non of their F-ing biz how late I stay out. Plus they told me I have to rent another room if I bring a girl back and she stays past 10 pm. Turns out LittleEnglishCutie is really FakeIDCutie and the hotel catches this and won’t let her in.

Shit I hate Vietnam : (

No problem FakeIDCutie grabs me in my drunken state and in two seconds we are in a cab off to a new hotel. Get out look up and see Luc Phuc hotel and start to laugh my ass off at the name. All I can think of is the Lucky f*** hotel. Rooms are just fair but what can you expect when you check in and the lady opens a huge box of a couple hundred condoms to give you two. I of course almost yell NO in a painful tone, my poor little guy will kill me if I use another Vietnam condom, I have my own thanks.

Not the ideal situation to be in. Stuck in a poor hotel with no security, a girl with no ID but some how I have a feeling I don't need to worry about this one.

Girl turns out to be a real nice one with a super hot body and fairly good in bed. Didn’t leave early or give me any problems and a nice round in the morning to finish things off. Only thing was she was cold with the AC on so the nice guy I am I turned it off. Guess these girls are not used to AC. Make mental note to leave AC on full blast so the girl curls up to you all night to stay warm.

God I love Vietnam

First thing I do that morning is spend an hour hitting 5 hotels with my half decent daytime motto driver till I find a new hotel I like. I can't stand that crap Red Sun Guest house anymore. Find one finally couple blocks farther away but well worth it. Each hotel my moto took me to he would go in and ask about girls. Look across the street from this new hotel and just down from it is the Luc Phuc hotel I just left a few hours ago.

Next night end up checking out Apocalypse Now after a frustrating time trying to get a motto to take me there. All the mottos just kept telling me they didn't know were it was, of course this was crap they just wanted to take me to more hostess bars that give them a kick back. Nice disco with many foreigners there, A few hotties in the place also. I stay awhile but decide to leave. Get a motto and tell him to take me to a bar like the U2 bar or even back to the U2 bar.

MotherF-ing moto says U2 bar bad, police, police I take you to good bar he says. What the f***!!! This guy is impossible. I am yelling at him and he just ignores me and takes me to another bar out in the middle of f***ing nowhere. Motherf*** I want to kill this ass whole. The motto’s suck in this town and only will take you to places they get a kick back from.

In fact I met one guy in a hostess bar that said he told his motto to go to a bar as he had to meet his friends there. He said he had gone to about 10 bars so far and still had yet to go to the bar he asked to go to. By this time he was shit faced and didn’t care if he found his friends anymore.

Shit I hate Vietnam : (

End up back at ShyHanoi’s bar. Tell motto I will look inside and stay for one drink if a certain girl is there. Walk in and a guy says please sit down do you want a drink. I stand there and in a loud voice point straight to ShyHanoi and say the only girl I am interested in is her or I leave now! In 2 seconds I am sitting beside ShyHanoi. OK can't have her but can still enjoy the dream while having a beer and feeling her up a bit.

Turns out it is her birthday so I get to have her feed me her birthday cake. Motherf***er the one night I don’t take my camera and I have this babe feeding me cake - oh well live and learn. Talk to another girl who speaks very good English and find out that the girls don’t get any money from a LD and it is expected to give them a tip for their time. Shit and all this time I just thought they were greedy. Now I feel bad and also think the girls are getting the short end of the stick in this racket. Give ShyHanoi a tip and leave as I know she is a no go but hell it sure was fun having her feed me cake just wish I had a picture of it.

God I love Vietnam

Hit another hostess bar I already went to but stay as this cute blonde I saw before is there. She does agree to $50 for ST but I ask for LT. $70 for LT but have to pay another $20 for their hotel. What the f***? I have already dumped the Red Sun guesthouse a piece of shit it was and spent an hour going to 5 hotels to find a good one why pay another $20 for their hotel? I say no - my hotel or forget it. So the deal is off. All over a f***ing hotel!! (well I am sure they also make some money off of that hotel they make you rent).

Shit I hate Vietnam : (

The hotel I finally found is very good. Thinh Vuong Hotel 79 KY CON St. 1 Ho CHI Minh CIYT VIET NAM TEL 8211122 8213402. They only charge $5 if the girl stays overnight and they call you before they will let her go (my kind of hotel). They also take the girls ID. They lock the front door and a guy sleeps right in front of the door so very safe and no attitude about what you do. I think breakfast might be included but never bothered trying it. If you need a good hotel I highly recommend it plus it has an elevator. They also don't look down on your girl in anyway.

Drive off with my stupid motto and tell him I want a girl. I hate this guy but I want a girl and it is rather late. He makes a quick call and stops at the side of the street at 3:30 am in the morning. Why are we waiting in the middle of the street? Think he must be waiting for a call back or something. Less then 5 minutes later a motto pulls up with 5MinuteCutie on the back. Mutherf*** was that fast!!! You can’t even get a pizza delivered that fast back home!!!. Wonder if there is some rule like if they don't deliver the girl in under 5 minutes she is free sort of like that pizza company used to do? She is a total babe and it is late so I decide to take her.

God I love Vietnam

Get into an argument about paying but give in and pay in advance. Yes I know never do that but it was late and I was drunk and horny what can I say.

Back to my hotel she turns out to be a total waste of time. No can do this, no can do that blah blah blah. My LT turns into ST she is a total babe and a total starfish. Wish I was with FakeIDCutie instead.

Make mental note no more dealing with shitty pimps they are the worst.

Shit I hate Vietnam : (

Next night my one half decent daytime motto I have found takes me to a karaoke bar that night as it is xmass eve. Walk up some dark stairs and into a room with a TV and a couple of sofa's. My motto and I are there then two girls show up. I have read about this routine and no what is going to happen but decide what the f*** might as well try it once.

Soon the beer comes all 24 bottles!!! Who the f*** is going to drink all that beer? Oh yah the guy downstairs at the door pops in once in a while to kill a beer or two the mammason pops in to kill a few here and there. The girls can drink like fish.

There is a small dish of some packages of nuts, crackers, chips, gum and a dish of peanuts.

Girl eats one piece of gum wonder how much my bill just went up? Girl feeds me a couple nuts same thought. Couple hours later decide time to leave. I now have one girl on each side of me.

I like the one I first picked on my right NoEnglishKaraoke but the one on my left BigBoobsKaraoke wants me to take them both and she has big boobs plus good (well fair) English. When she leaves to go to the toilet the one I like tells my motto she will meet me after work and go LT for $40 but only her not with the other girl.

I am not so sure as she has downed a few beer and looks a bit drunk. Wonder if this is going to be a waste of time but Oh well. OK it is a deal price $40 LT. Time to go before this friggin bill gets any higher. Damage for the couple hours after tips $55 (still don’t know how we went through 18 beers). My moto only had one beer.

Head off and I wait and have an ice coffee while my motto goes back and waits to get my girl. He brings back my girl who to my surprise is as sober as could be ? So off to the hotel. Have a great session with this girl but she speaks not a word of English.

After our session she tries to tell me something by pointing to me and herself and the window. Shit my LT wants me to pay her and to turn it into ST. Couple more minutes later Opps! wrong my girl is hungry. Ok lets go eat. No, not correct? Ok after about 15 minutes I have figured it out and have her on the phone - she is ordering food for both of us to the room. Food comes and we eat soup together and although she speaks no English this stands out as a very special memory of Vietnam for me. Here I was thinking my girl wanted to turn my LT into ST and the poor thing was just hungry.

Got I love Vietnam

Girl now recharged as such so back to bed where to my surprise she wants to go another round, OK. No English but a super nice girl.

Another round in the morning and I leave the hotel with her. My moto is there and I tell him to take her home but not to charge her. He comes back and says she wants to see me again tonight. Tell him maybe will see later.

I decide I have to leave this place it is driving me nuts so later that night book a flight to Cambodia. I get off my moto and head to the travel agent. Walk past a bar with a cute girl who calls me in wearing a white and black striped dress so call her Zebra. Go over and tell Zebra I will come back. When she says, very very soon I say. Go get ticket and hit ATM then back to pick up ticket. Total time till I am back in her bar 20 minutes.

Back to her bar the name I forgot but right beside the Sahara bar. Never made it into the Sahara bar but do go as it is a good bar along with the one with Zebra that is about 4 doors away towards the alley entrance to the Red Sun Guest house. I guess I was to stupid and kept walking the wrong way and missing them the first few days. Both these bars are very good and I should have stuck to them from the beginning. They don't pay a kick back to the motos - who by the way get about 10,000 Dong 25% for every beer you drink. Also they don't take a cut of the girls money but they also don't pay her anything ie they are FL.

Talk to her for awhile and play some pool. She warms up to me fast and I decide to take her LT. I meet a guy who has traveled to the city many times and knows all the girls in the bar. He says she is a nice honest girl, good in bed and to take her or both her and her friend if I have the money. She wants ST and says she will leave at 1am time to renegotiate the terms again. I go for LT she agrees to 2 am and at the end she agrees to stay all night. She is a bit worried about the hotel and I show her the cared. I promise her it is fine so off we head. She really was worried about the hotel and not just giving me some crap so hotels can be a problem in this country. We head, it is just before midnight.

I pay the bill about 125,000 dong for three beers and two strong whiskey and coke for her. Compared to maybe 250,000 dong for three beers and three LD at the rip off hostess bars (my numbers might be a bit off but much cheaper at these bars)

Hot body and very good english. Back at the hotel Zebra wants to call her friend Cutehair who was also in the bar and of course had cute hair. Says they will both do me together and how we can take picture of the whole thing, cool!! I do consider it as it is Christmas night and it would start a tradition as I had two girls last year but decide she is too much of a GFE to want to mix her with another girl.

Have a great long session with her. Including a good long time DATY until she begs me to stop and says don't make me cum we cum together. OK? Not sure I understand the logic in that but anyhow whatever turns her on. Screw her for a long time where she ends up cumming before me and then later cums again. After she looks at the time it is 2:30 by now. She is surprised, I just say that's why I said LT and not 2AM. 2AM to short not enough time.

She says why you not married? You make girl very happy, you number1 f***, You good f***er, I go back to bar and tell my friend about you. You come back and take both of us and we take pictures

Morning comes and she rewords my last nights screw with a great long session in a 69 position. She was having a little trouble concentrating so I slowed down my pace. Nice CIM and then laying in bed awhile. Have another round of sex while my moto phones to tell me it is 9AM and he is waiting. 10AM you f***ing idiot I tell him.

In the morning I have planned a two day trip out of Saigon to Mekon City but Zebra won’t go with me because her sister lives their and she doesn’t want to take the chance of getting caught with me. She will go anywhere else in the country with me if I want. She is 28 but very hot, has traveled much of the country and speaks great English. She said she had a child who was eight but as hard as I tried I couldn't find a stretch mark on her.

Motherf***er and I have booked a ticket to Cambodia in two days and a two day trip out of the city to the one place she will not go. To top it all off out of all the girls I have taken I could count the ones I would actually like to spend more then a night with on one hand and she is on that hand.

Looking back now I should have said screw the two day trip or changed or even forgotten about the money for the plane ticket and spent a while traveling around with this girl. I know there is no way in hell I will ever travel around Vietnam in the future unless I have a girl with me for the whole trip and I could have actually kept this one for a while. That is saying a lot from a guy like me. In my books it is rare to even make it to the short list of a possible repeat.

I have a couple pics of her and me. Maybe I can send a pic to Buai and send him in to her bar to try and get her email address or give her mine and plan a future trip with her. I think I might like the country if I had her as a guide. Shit what a mistake oh well Maybe still some hope? Hey Buai help a fellow friend in need out?

Shit I hate Vietnam : (

Take trip to Mekon city and out to an island - do a bunch of tourist crap but wish I was back with Zebra. Take picture of turtle walking across the table, take picture of eating turtle 30 minutes later. Staying on some little crappy island out in the middle of nowhere with no hot water. While eating my turtle a super cute girl comes over with a bowl of rice and starts feeding me some rice. I am in the middle of nowhere and out of nowhere I have this cute babe feeding me rice Ok!

God I love Vietnam

After dinner my motto says more karaoke and points to a single standing building and the girl and me as if time to go to the room (why can’t we just skip this shit and go straight back to my room). Well off we go to the karaoke room. This one building in the middle of no where. She speaks no English and I get almost no where with her but do get her name Fuong and number and she gets mine.

Find out she is not allowed to go back to my room with me. She points to where the boss is and shakes her head meaning can’t do.

What the f***? Doesn't my motto know me better then to drag me to a f***ing island with hot babes feeding me rice that I can't sleep with? This is for sure a cut in his pay for making me survive this hell hole with no sex. What the f*** am I doing here again, I forgot? I think BaronGirl is the brightest bulb on the tree.

I am still trying to get her to go with me. Trying to explain that she come to my room later. I keep trying to give her my room key. She is No can do - boss say no. After a while she gets her hands down my pants, she is for sure a no go now as she raises her four arm and grabs it with her other hand and says CANADA and then makes a sign for small and points to herself and says Vietnam. Guess that means we don’t match. Oh well time for bed even if alone.

God I hate Vietnam : (

Before I wake up I have been called three times from Fuong and she has sent me a sms message - you sleep well last night? Well not as good as I could have if she was in my bed. My money in my phone is gone so I can't reply shit!

Get up, go sit outside with my motto driver and a girl in a hammock while I have a late morning coffee. Super good coffee in Vietnam by the way.

Fuong shows up and sits beside me. She starts talking to the girl in the hammock and my motto driver for a while. I am drinking my coffee not understanding a word but think they are talking about me. She thrusts up her right forearm and grabs it with her left wrist and says CANADA. Motherf*** - I am sitting having my morning coffee and now my motto is cracking up and this girl just told him and the other girl some rather personal info. She did have very small wrists. Must say the girl in the hammock looked at me with a glint of interest after that.

That day more tourist crap then dinner and more Karaoke. New girl this time not sure why. My moto changed girls on me. What the f*** am I doing here? Would rather be back in Saigon with Zebra and NiceHair doing them both and taking pics or even just with Zebra.

This time end up with a crappy hand job and would have much rather spent a couple hours with Fuong getting nothing to be honest. Leave the Karaoke room after that and pay my bill. My phone rings. Who the f*** knows my number? I look over and on the sofa is Fuong. She has called me with her phone in her pocket. I feel like shit as I would have rather gotten nothing and spent two hours with her then a hand job from the girl I was with. Oh well live and learn don't let your moto pick your girl!!!

God I hate Vietnam : (

Next morning head back to Saigon to catch my plane to Cambodia. Wishing I had cancelled my trip to Mekog city and spent the time with Zebra or changed my flight and traveled the country with her.

If you want to see an interesting country go. If you want girls skip it and stay in Thailand (they are hot though in Vietnam). If you want both follow some of my advice and good luck.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:31 am on Jan. 29, 2005
Ronnie Raygun
Fantastic report Bimmher! Wish I had as much fun as you did in HCMC. The women are beautiful, especially in those form-fitting ao dais.

I have a feeling you've had an easier time mongering in Cambodia. Looking forward to that FR.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:11 am on Jan. 29, 2005
Mark Pressure
wow, great report!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:52 am on Jan. 29, 2005
For anyone thinking about going to the NAM. I would reccomend never dealing with any motorbike drivers. They are all a royal pain in the ass. Real taxis are cheap...take one.

It is not at all like a motorbike taxi in BKK. In the Nam, If you have a motorbike guy take you somewhere, he will be stuck like glue to you for the rest of the f***ing night. You can pay him for the initial ride, and when you come back out of your bar, his ass will have been waiting for you. Now he will follow you around, demanding money for waiting around for you. Even though you told him to get lost.

Hard to enjoy yourself out on the piss, when you have some wanker harassing you when you step out the door. Many times I wish I could could have taken some of them out.. Nam flashback style.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:00 pm on Jan. 29, 2005
Ronnie Raygun
Bimmher -- Is this the disco Buai took you to?

And the Cat Walk, is that the one in the New World Hotel?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:07 pm on Jan. 29, 2005
Best field report ive read in ages.have fun in cambodia,and looking forward to that report.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:26 pm on Jan. 29, 2005
great report, bimmher. What better thing to do in a cold, wet winter day in farangland than to read a funny, smart, bitter, sweet report like that ?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:31 pm on Jan. 29, 2005
Excellent report!!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:28 pm on Jan. 29, 2005
Thanks for the great report and glad to hear that is not only me that has been refused entry to my Hotel with a Vgf in tow! Great Girls, places sucks!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:23 pm on Jan. 29, 2005

Quote: from Ronnie Raygun on 4:01 am on Jan. 30, 2005
Bimmher -- Is this the disco Buai took you to?

And the Cat Walk, is that the one in the New World Hotel?

Fairly sure that is the catwalk but not sure about the disco or not. Will check when I get back to work and look at the Biz Card I got form them, it was all in Vietnamese so kind of hard to read


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:04 am on Jan. 30, 2005

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