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MainField Reports outside Thailand – Black Cats in Macau All Topics

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black cats

Chapter 1 - the coffee discovery

After a very sound sleep I woke up at around 10 AM. I showered, dressed etc and decided on a cup of coffee. This trip introduced me to two inventions I didn't even know existed. One was the electric kettle. I grew up under a rock, or the US. Regardless of the appellation you choose, tea drinking takes a major back seat to automatic drip coffee. Instant coffee is shunned as cheap. One thing I dislike about hotels which give free coffee is there's always too few packets of sugar and the dreaded non dairy creamer. Now I was looking for any packets of sugar and creamer. Just instant coffee. Oh well, black coffee it is. I filled the kettle with two coffee cups full of water and plugged it into the bathroom outlet. I walked across the room to look at the harbor and across to the mountains of China. I've barely started to look and I can already hear the water boiling! Electric kettles are amazingly fast, I've just learned. I opened up the instant coffee envelope and the granules look much lighter colored than I'm used to. I thought to myself, I wonder as I combined them with hot water. Sure enough, there's good news coffee addicts. Maxwell House now makes instant coffee with cream and sugar included! After 2 cups, I walked down the hall to Mali Mike's room and the new fangled coffee is the first thing he comments on. He already knows about the kettles as he has one at his house in England.

Chapter 2 - exploring the neighborhood

We've already realized that the Hotel Lisboa was 5 minutes driving in a cab including the weaving through side streets. So we decided to walk around Macau since everything is a stone's throw from wherever you stay. The first task is to find the somewhat famous East Asia hotel to get a price on a cheaper room for the next time around and then to investigate other girlie hotels. Macau is an interesting little Chinese city, but it was a Portuguese colony for some time and the influence is apparent. Many Chinese letter banners hanging from buildings are red and green, an unmistakable throw back to Portugal. All the streets have Portuguese names and almost every sign is written in Chinese and Portuguese. This can help if you know another Romance language as Portuguese is somewhat similar to French and some words are identical to Spanish.

Anyhow on our way to the East Asia, I spotted a cutie looking down the street as she was stepping into a building. I tried to snap a picture with my piece of shit mini digital camera. As we got closer I noticed she was stepping into the Forsun hotel a girlie hotel like the London (see Macau day 1). We crossed the main drag on the West side of Macau which has a long Portuguese name but the locals call it San Ma Lo, so I will too. We found the East Asia and learned that rooms are $298 HK or $40 US per night. Ok, will keep it in mind for next time as this trip's hotel is paid for. Now we started looking for the Ruby hotel another girlie hotel. Looking at our map, we walked about 2 blocks away and weren't sure we were headed the right way. We saw a building we thought might be it and the letters on the building said Pensao Rub. Was there a Y that had fallen off? What does Pensao mean? Just as we walked past it we heard a loud banging sound on the tinted window and I could just about see a Chinese girl with dyed red hair. It happened right as Mali Mike walked by it and he jumped. Yup, this is the place. We'll be back later.

We continued on down San Ma Lo to Leal Senado Square. This is a Portuguese style square with bright colored buildings a fountain in the middle and wave like patterns of black and white in the cobblestone. Great for photos so I took a bunch. Further into the square the outposts of American colonization were present. You guessed it McDonalds and Starbucks. McDonalds I could let slide, but with a Portuguese café every where you look in any country with Portuguese influence I cringed to see Starbucks. In Thailand this doesn't bother me; they don't have a coffee heritage like the Portuguese. Currently I live in the Azores and there are no McDonalds, so Mali Mike and I used the opportunity to eat there.

After this we walked the streets of Macau taking tons of pictures of everything until we wound up at the Lisboa. A brief stop to the internet café near where the FLs hang out at night some Chinese food and then in a cab and back to the hotel.

At this point I'm starting to itch so I visited the London while Mali Mike took a nap. I walked up the steps and took the biggest chested girl I could find. I don't remember her name. $300 HKD and 20 minutes later I was finished. She wasn't looking quite as good as when I started so I passed on asking for a picture.

Went back to the hotel for another cup of instant coffee. Mali Mike and I decided to check out the Portuguese café near the Lisboa and Holiday Inn for dinner. I had the pork chops, he had the mixed grill plate and through a little bit of a language mix up the large Carlsberg I ordered ending up being a whole pitcher. Mali Mike was too much of a skirt to help me drink it so I was about bombed by the time we left.

The Holiday Inn has the only Western style bar that we hung out at called Oskar's. Pints of Carlsberg draft were $15 HKD of $2 US. There are a few tables outside and more across the walking street and Russian FLs sit on either side. Some of the chicks were stunners but they all go for $1000 HKD and weren’t very friendly. Mali Mike was determined to try one but none of them would come over and talk which is a pretty bad sign.

Chapter 3 - Hot Spot Sauna

After our beers we decided to go back to the Sun Sun and compare the info we got from the internet to the free maps in the hotel lobby and find the Hot Spot sauna. Its address is Bairro Iao Hon Rua 2 (dois in Portuguese). We scanned the map for some time and found Barrio Iao Hon Rua dois but not Rua seis, the cross street. Well we circled it, jumped in a cab and hoped the cabbie could find it as it was on the North side of town near the border of China. Macau is a small city, we were there in 10 minutes. It dawned on me how I think I would prefer to visit Macau more often than Bangkok as the traffic is never bad, food choices are good, dumb ass westerners are absent, and everything is close by. Living there could get old, but a 4 or 5 day trip would be a great break for you ex pats in BKK who seem so disgruntled.

In the doorway there was an elevator and inside a Hot Spot label was next to the button for the appropriate floor. Up we went and stepped into a really classy MP lobby. A rather tall Chinese man looked a little taken aback at seeing Westerners but he shook it off and was very friendly and spoke good English. He led us down a maze of corridors in to one of the rooms. The room was nice with a huge bath tub a king sized bed with handle bars mounted in the ceiling above the bed…interesting.

He asked us if we wanted a Chinese girl and who could say no, so we said yes. He yelled something down the hall way and then it happened. We heard the thunder of dozens of high heel shoes stampeding down the marble floored hallway. About five girls in see through negligees entered. Not one was unattractive. I'm talking 8's and 9's. Then five more. Then about ten more, and Mali Mike and I had to back up almost to the bed so they could fit. We looked at each other in amazement and then 10 more came in and more after that and now there were at least 50 gorgeous light skinned Chinese hotties creating a fire hazard in this room.

I was stupefied. I've been to BKK 7 times and have seen my fair share of fishbowls, but this blew them all out of the water. I was INSIDE the fishbowl, experiencing indecisiveness in a way that most men will never know. I guess just to find something to differentiate one of these hotties I picked a taller girl from the back with dyed red hair. Mali Mike picked his and the rest of the girls left. The sound of all those high heels is a blissful memory that will stay with me forever. One of those things where you think about how remarkable it is that the sum of all my good and bad choices in life equaled me being in that room and if one thing were different in my past I might not have experienced this.

Price tag was $400 HKD to the papasan. Dong Dong, my girl showered me down, soaped me up and massaged my cock, which was throbbing by this point, with her tits. After this we had a fairly decent session. CBJ, her on top and then missionary. In Macau missionary was my position of choice most often so I could make the titties bounce. On average these girls had bigger tits than Thai girls and I just loved nuzzling my face and chest in them while doing the deed. When the session was done, and it went a little too quick thanks to me, I asked Dong Dong for pictures.

Guys if you're going here get a small digital camera or a cell phone with one built in. Do your homework and find one with a flash if possible. The cell phone I had mail ordered hadn't come in yet before I left for the trip and I resorted to buying a little crappy digital camera that needs lots of light, which you don't get at MPs. I even had the dimmer fully turned up. But Chinese girls, the ones I encountered anyway were pretty open to having their pictures taken. Just like Lily did at the London, Dong Dong took me over to the mirror so we could take pictures of ourselves. I obliged then asked for a few without me and had her pose it up a little. She led me down the hall to the lobby where as a nice touch they have a transparent container with Marlboro and Marlboro lights. I don't smoke but thought "when in Rome", because I was definitely in a fantasy land at that point. I was choking on Marlboro smoke (I remembered why I don't smoke now, getting used to that, you might as well get used to eating your own shit) when the papasan came into the lobby and offered me a Coke. About 15 minutes later Mali Mike came back with two thumbs up and a shit eating grin on his face.

We had to roam around outside for a little while before we found a cab as this place is outside the tourist area, but still we found one in about 5 minutes. Macau does have plenty of taxis and most trips are the equivalent of $1-$2 US. This one was $30 HKD or $4. Mali Mike wanted to call it a night but I actually wanted to head back. I was like a kid who gets off the roller coaster and tries to get his Dad to let him get right back on the line.

Well since Macau is much more of a 24 hour town than BKK, I decided to take a nap and see if I still needed more or if my surrogate parent, Mali Mike's voice of reason would prevail. 45 minutes later and I was up watching football on TV pondering where I was heading to at halftime….but I'm tired of typing now and since that's technically part of day 3 I'll post it in that FR.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:07 am on April 23, 2005
Tubby 1
Black Cat - bloody brilliant FR...
Cant wait till pt 3!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:01 am on April 24, 2005
Yes, this is a great report, another great report actually. I have my tourest map of Macau out and just follow your travels, this is great. Except for the McDonalds part.

I've never been in a sauna over there, but man, even the women standing in front of hotels if all put together would in a fishbowl would beat any I've seen in BKK. But then I've always been partial to the lighter skin shades.

I look forward to the next part.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:12 pm on April 24, 2005
black cats
Thanks for the kind words guys. I'll start day 3 tonight.
Bob - I do have better taste than McDonald's but I live on an island where there isn't one, so when I travel every 6 months or so, I hit one up.

I guess I'll start off day 3 before this gets too out of date. I may speed through it a little more though.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:53 pm on April 26, 2005
Black Cats: VERY NICE FR's; I can appreciate the time they take to write. Enjoyable reading; makes one want to sample (really liked the image of the thundering high heeled shoes down the corridor).

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:08 pm on April 26, 2005
black cats
11 bravo thanks, do yourself a favor and get there while flights are cheap and before Macau becomes fully incorporated into China. Who knows if places like this will still be around or not.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:44 pm on April 26, 2005

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