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MainField Reports outside Thailand – A Girl In Need All Topics

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Editor's Note: Fair warning, this is a non-P$P FR from last night. No Sex. No money changing hands. If you still care to keep reading, don't blame me.

She is standing in line ahead of me at the security check at LaGuardia. There are twenty people or more between us in the curving line, but she leaps into view in her three-inch stiletto suede boots. Her brown beige patterned dress hugs her body, which is voluptuous, not full. The dress comes down to mid-thigh, and her off-white nylons make her legs glow. She has shoulder length natural blond hair and dreamy eyes, reminiscent of Mira Sorvino, only better looking. Mid-twenties I'm guessing.

I am so caught up watching her remove her boots to walk through the x-ray screener in her barefoot nylons that I don't notice the line has moved on until the teenager behind me makes a noise. Of course she is gone by the time I am through to the other side.

I go in search of water to wash down some cold medicine, as whatever started that morning is only getting worse. And I pick up a copy of the latest issue of entertainment weekly, figuring that's about all my mind is able to ingest. I rub my chin and realize I haven't shaved for three days. It's starting to itch.

As I approach Gate D21, I see her again. She is standing there, just standing there looking stunning. Waiting to board my plane. Alone. No ring on her finger. And her black purse looks expensive. Come to think of it, everything about her looks top quality. Put together, well matched. Like she is about to walk into a film premier, not board a plane. Who travels like that?

I may have imagined it, but did she smile a little when she noticed me staring? I was trying to read the writing on her passport, which is foreign. I look away as they announce group 1 is now boarding the rear of the plane, but I glance back just long enough to note that she has still not moved as they scan my ticket. Too bad, I was faintly hoping against probabilities she might have the inside seat from me.

I settle into the aisle seat next to an elderly couple that have that smell that old people have. Now I am hoping that the cold medicine will just knock me out for the ride as I read about the new George Clooney movie, Up In The Air. And then suddenly her white thighs are right next to my face, and I catch a whiff of her perfume as she is forced to pause while others struggle to push their luggage into the overhead. She sits down in the seat across the aisle from me, but down one, such that all I can see are her legs and boots without turning too obviously in my seat.

But turn I do, shamelessly studying her as she curls up like a cat and falls asleep. The line of her neck is beautiful as her head tilts back and towards the window. Her presence so close, yet so far, makes it hard for me to sleep. I have to resist turning my head again, and again. I am soon done with the magazine, which I could only skim. After that all I could do was wait. To land. My head feels thick and my ears smart with pain as we descend not once but twice.

As soon as the relieved applause ends she is on her cell phone talking to what I assume is her Russian or Bulgarian sugar daddy, smiling and announcing her arrival. Not that I speak a word of Cyrillic.

I am able to maneuver her just ahead of me in the aisle as we start to exit, and the plane is not nearly long enough as I watch her ass move in that perfect dress. Incredible. You could bottle and sell that stuff. Just before the Captain says his goodbyes, I manage in my eagerness to accidentally catch her long heel and she greets my pathetic “sorry” with a smile that could knock you flat. At this point I am ready to flee; this woman’s allure is too powerful for someone in my condition.

Entering the hall she heads the wrong way, and then pauses. I pause too. Seeing me, she approaches and with that same deadly cute smile asks, “Luggage?” The other way, I point, and watch her walk away, the black purse dangling from the crook in her arm. And that ass, swish swish swish. Damn, what a lucky guy is waiting for that one, I think. Time to go home.

We seem to have landed at the farthest point from the main hall, and I am passing endless shops and bars and for a moment think about stopping for a whisky to knock back my cold, but realize that’s a dangerously alcoholic thought, and forge onward. There she is again, and I catch up with and pass her on the far side. But she must have seen me and now I become aware that she is behind me. She is following me. But I have carry-on, so that strikes me as odd. I watch in the side reflection of passing windows as she hangs right on my tail through one turn after another.

We finally arrive at the elevators that go down to the luggage arrival area and up to the parking garage. She is standing next to me on the phone looking confused, so I volunteer that she needs to go downstairs and move to get on the elevator going up. But she hands me the phone and says, “Please, talk to my sister!”

Her sister speaks good English and explains that her sister is new to the city and can I tell her where the baggage arrival area is and she will translate for her sister... I interrupt her and say, “It’s okay, I will take her there,” and hand the phone back. In the elevator I ask her if her sister is picking her up or if she is taking a taxi. She says no, a “train”. We don’t have trains, and I know I should point that out, but she doesn’t speak English and I am feeling hot and clammy.

I lead her over to carrousel 24 with a gesture, and she smiles big and continues to talk to her sister, who hasn’t left her ear the whole time. She is now watching the bags come out. And I stand there for a second hesitating, knowing that I should ask for the phone back and explain to her sister that I will give this gorgeous girl next to me a ride wherever she wants to go.

But I am feeling sick as a dog and my balls must be all shriveled up, tucked deep inside my groin, as this time my mind misfires, and I turn and walk back to the elevator without looking back.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:54 pm on Dec. 8, 2009
too bad you chickened out... nice read anyway...

I guess all of us can say: been there, done that... in one way or another...

I remember one long gone day in the late 70ies when I was driving from Hamburg to Berlin taking the former "Transit" route wich was one of the 3 legal land passages to Berlin, the tunnels through the iron curtain so to speak. The way was going through about 300 Km of small roads and villages of East Germany and you could get lost easily before they built a motorway...

After a while I realize that a certain car is constantly behind me and it is nothing less than a Jaguar Type E which is already at that time a 'living legend'. The western cars always built up chains of cars on that route to ease the way-finding at least for the followers... So I proudly lead my Jaguar follower through the wilderness of East Germany and found this quite appropriate since I drove a cool Volvo vintage limousine myself at that time...

In the last daylight I finally found out that it was a stunning young blonde who was driving that Jaguar and my fantasy ran wild imagining what this was all about... A hi-so chick? A high class ho? After like one hour it was pretty obvious that she was definitely following *me* and only me, assuming I was going to Berlin which was the only way I could go anyway in a western car on that "Transit" route...

Young stud that I was I almost got a hard on imagining that I was driving "together" with a stunning hi-so hooker or whatever... By that time I've never come across any good looking hookers or been to bars or such places... (Uni-days... LOL, things have changed since then so much I can say...) I tried to make eye contact with my blonde Jaguar but the simple bumpy road didn't allow any approriate maneuvers and there was no clear response from her...

In the end when we reached the Berlin city limits I felt I deserve at least a tiny bit of gratefullness from her and that was indeed a thrilling idea. When we entered the motorways of West Berlin I tried again to make eye contact but without any success... she just rushed through the Berlin night and now I was me to follow her to find out where she's going to... In my fantasy I was thinking of a night bar or something wher I could also stop and just say "Hi, did you enjoy the ride"...

Well, she rode a Jaguar and I a vintage Volvo... so I had no real chance in that race... and to be honest, I think I gave up too early and followed my own path... I've never been much of a brave man in that department...

Chances we miss always make lifelong memories...

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:18 am on Dec. 9, 2009
I hope so QQ, I hope so too. Trust me, that was partly why I kept my distance.

Nice one MTK. And yes, it only goes to prove that these kinds of random encounters, or mis-encounters, happen even outside of LOS. I have of course experienced both kinds throughout the world, some that ended happily, some, like this one, that did not.

But the thing about this one is that it was particularly frustrating, as she was unusually compelling, of near goddess quality, and it was literally handed to me... no, thrust upon me, as if the fates had made up their mind that this was one encounter I was not going to miss out on... And yet I was in no shape to play anything, let alone the hero to her damsel in distress. But you're right, she will be added to a collection of bitter sweet near-encounters that I will long remember. Sigh.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:15 pm on Dec. 9, 2009

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