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DG, next time you're in BKK, do check out Mixx. Who knows, you might find your hottie there again. She will most likely be in the smoking section.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:08 am on Oct. 2, 2017
Hey guys.. I met a girl on TF, normal girl.. Just hurt by some guy who said he loved her, sent her gifts and stuff by mail, she is not looking for a sponsor, she seems like a normal girl. late 20s. then the guy disappears suddenly, she is smart,ends up finding an address from a name and the reply was from his wife, she couldn't believe it. so she got hurt. feel bad for her. but she is willing to eat with me, but she says, eat, only eat, that's it, nothing more! hahaa, she seems knows exactly what I want, and our conversation is good. I don't want to hurt the girl nor do I want to pressure her for anything, but she is cute.. I don't want to be a bad guy, but I would love to get her back to my hotel. Any suggestions? or should I just leave this one alone? Just maybe have dinner and next time persue her more? I don't want to be a bad guy, I can see a lot of genuine girls do end up getting hurt by foreign guys making promises....

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:58 am on Oct. 5, 2017
Sounds like you are trying to do the same thing to her the last guy did. Did you tell her you are married?

Tell her you are married then see where it goes. Do not lie to her, or fail to tell her that important detail.

There are enough cute girls on TF just looking for a gik that you do not need to mess her head up anymore.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:42 am on Oct. 5, 2017
KB, I agree... although I don't think I am doing the same thing as the other guy as I already told her I was not interested in a long term relationship. I had planned to tell her the truth. And then see what happens. I guess a meal will still be ok, but that will be it, and it's ok. I might just let it be.

And I definitely do not want to mess with her head. I see countless girls on TF that have been severely hurt, it boggles the mind...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:00 am on Oct. 5, 2017
If you're just going to have a meal, why not make use of that opportunity to invite a couple of her friends? Who knows, perhaps one of her friends may want to play.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:05 am on Oct. 6, 2017
This is very good point you have mentioned BK. I had a similar incident, and the girl said she is engaged with aguy,so she cant proceed with me. Immdiately told her "You come with your boy friend, or any other friends... doesn't matter to me...." She ended up bringing 3 of her friends ( who knows, if they were friends or not) we had a good time, made 2 of them drunk. And the First girl,whom I was trying to hook, was feeling jealous.... See the girlie nature.....

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:22 am on Oct. 11, 2017
I was once with two TGs, we went out partying, and somehow ended up in my apartment. The one I knew well, didn't want to do anything, she just wanted to be "friends", but her friend whom I had just met, well, she was game. Though we slept on the same bed, we still managed to f***, very quietly. In fact, my friend didn't know that I f***ed her friend, until her friend told her.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:49 am on Oct. 11, 2017
dirty guru
Its a scam
One of hundreds

Next will be you got me pregnant ( even though you wore condom)

Married guys are mail ( I need money kill baby you make)

Even if she was for real she tracks thanks.

She sounds complicated.
An evil scout.

Punters not seasoned walk into a thousand traps.
Fake love
Urgent help required.
Being played into a situation that Thais set up.
Even death sometimes

Harmless side and stress free mongering requires a set of simple rules

Practice this one in mirror ten times before going out.

Say "" f*** that NO!!!""

And another....."" Not into mind games"'

So the well rehearsed "i good girl speech "" followed by her sad life account of bad men hurting her.....followed by you Jai Dee...( good heart) speech
Then sex....( if you appear stupid enough to bait)

Doesn't cut.

f*** her off and go whoring.

If you want to fish on Thai Friendly sure
But any stories about other men is a red flag

Its primarily a filter she knows works

Experienced punters won't go near bitches who sprout grievances or pretend your some hopeful last chance at love.
She knows newbies buy this bullshit so its prefect for her sting.

She most likely has a business going of starry eyed men, sending money for love or a nefarious reason,

While you can experiment and date using sites like this don't for a moment think hardened players are not at work.

Never meet dates at isolated spots like a park or quiet soi

And don't let her drill into your life even if she seems real enough.

Personally, I couldn't be bothered with drama queens

Remember by her own account the last guy stopped communication

Hurt my ass

He knew she was a f***ing nut job
Its alarming she took the next step
And he got busted.....did she know he was married?

She says no
But she tracked the poor dude down.

If she did that to me she would get pushed onto a road
Or some cops would lock her up for drug procession.

Facebook accounts
Instagram etc
Email addresses
Profiles on date sites

All can create a situation where drama queens fawn victim hood
And if your not into their money "" help"" demands
Other people will find out your "" bad man""

Usually two mongrel looking guys posing as brothers show outside hotel
If your foolish enough to f*** her....but don't wanna loan her 7000 for
grandmother visit who is going to Buddha

And beat you up or Frog March you to ATM.

How can you pick these girls?
One trait.

"Other men bad....hope you not same?"" Routine.

And they say they love you on either first date or second night at dinner
Ask you if you feel same.

Trigger them if they try that stunt by telling them you dated a blind woman
Or mute.
And you were going to marry her
But she went to the verandha and jumped to her death
After saying "" I can't let you waste life on me darling""

And its taken you ten years to get over it.

She will leave quickly.

In the mutes case ( a note)

If that doesn't work tell her dog meat is surprisingly good
And your recent trip to dog festival in China confirmed as such

Let's see how it goes
My money is on a scam

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:47 pm on Oct. 14, 2017
Well, after hunting on TF for awhile it seems I might have actually found someone normal. She works in the government as well as does some other jobs, none related to the sex trade, no money issues, no men issues, never married, no sad story issues, no men treated her bad stories, single, in her early 30s. Not asking for money or gifts or a boyfriend. Although she has loaned friends money before and seems has had issues getting it back from them or they stop talking her... she more cares about the friendships then the money. She actually feels pissed when money issues are brought up. Not the most beautiful of girls, but seems decent enough. No conversation about sex from me until a few days after talking with her, when I told her basically what I was looking for, she was thankful for my honesty. After talking more I asked her if she would be ok to meet and maybe stay over night, after awhile she said ok. She feels comfortable talking to me and so far agrees to spend the night. She is aware of the wife issues, she feels a bit bad about that, but trying not to think too much, we'll see if she actually shows up and if she does what will actually happen in the room. She knows very clearly no love involved. And she has spent quite a bit of time talking with me on Line. However, I still have my guard up. Though she has not been on TF for long. She has been much more direct then most Thai women I have met. Direct meaning she appreciates someone being honest and telling what they want. In addition she has shared photos of family, etc.

I don't know, is she legit guys?

She has referenced on numerous occasions though that guys offering her money and she feels pissed off, or guys who assume she is a whore based on a few very conservative photos. She has her own work and doesn't money. I have found many girls on TF complaining about guys looking for fun and how they approach them about it. So this part seems normal. Most of them are looking for relationships. And the ones who are not make it clear in their responses they are looking for customers. This girl just wants to talk and be friends with people. I suppose if she finds the right guy for a relationship she will go for it. The Other men bad issues... She didn't say that directly, but she does feel a lot of guys on TF don't respect Thai women... Does that count?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:31 pm on Oct. 14, 2017
dirty guru
THIS IS TURNING INTO COMEDY...honestly reflect

How the hell do you know what she wants?.....because she says so?
Or if she is genuine ?

Or if she is just a player?....

Things are not always as they appear.

Remember that phrase.

Because their feed back sounds right -""does not make it so"

And how the f*** do you know about the break down of Thai friendly?
What a PC bitch full of garbage.

Most girls ?
You know diddly swat?

Because they say or sound right?

You equate their plights with reality?

f***....roll up roll up.

I know many hookers as in dozens - that can easily be found on that site posing as straight girls - for precisely the reason you outline.

Gooses who believe them

Most girls?


Maybe 60% wildly guessing are remotely straight

I dont mind conversing or disagreeing with people of faith.

But in Thailand's case its important some intervention on total crap is offered.
Thai woman are not attracted to western men.
Mostly its financial

Happy balances are possible
But remind yourself its East meets west.

And stats show its a horror bath of death
EG highest death rate for Aussies abroad (nation )

Long term you can fish and find
But only people who know the place
Example like KB

Can filter the shit
lucky folks yes

Me ?

But only after 20 years of knowing

To say a newbie can discern a Thai woman playing Farangs on some site is silly.

truth is you have no f***ing idea until shit goes down.
Because she claims or says means nothing

Do you even speak Thai?
Know the drills?

The most in danger guys are ones that have no wall
No experience
And believe

But go for it buddy - enjoy the ride

If there really is one happening?

I suspect this must be a wind up it so f***ing stupid

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:58 pm on Oct. 14, 2017

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